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1913: Aaron's opted to wear his classic eviction outfit: a t-shirt with a picture of Mark naked on it


1940: The fake tan is being plastered on in the bedroom now. Aaron and Jay are ready, and having a chat in the living room 


1954: Aaron's talking about his dancing. He's feeling a little self-conscious after he was laughed at for it on  last night 


Day 62: Who will you save?

1 hour ago


Tonight’s eviction is looming, but there’s still time for you to save your favourite housemate. Which housemate has entertained you enough to warrant your vote, though?


Aaron has certainly had a turbulent time in the house: unfortunately for him, the dramatic nature of his stay seems to have stayed right up until his final days. He’s had his ups and downs, but within them he’s produced some classic Big Brother moments. His singing, dancing and sensitive nature have all made him a housemate that will be remembered: but does he deserve to be saved tonight?


Alex has managed to steer clear of the drama that Aaron hasn’t seemed to be able to shake since his entry. Her stay has arguably been a happier one, and she’s shared some heart-warming friendships with some of the other housemates, particularly Tom. Her four rounds of fake-tanning in the ‘Yes’ task have proved to be a hugely memorable moment, which she was fully able to laugh at. In fact, Alex has managed to see the bright side in almost every situation she’s been faced with in the House.


Jay has been popular from day one, commanding a great deal of respect from most of the other housemates. His laddish antics with the wolfpack gang provided a lot of laughs earlier on, but Jay seems to have matured as a housemate over time, too. His relationship with Louise has been charming to watch, and he has commanded respect from even those who haven’t been his biggest fans over time, such as Aaron. Will the Geordie be your favourite housemate tonight?


His sweetheart Louise has proved to be a truthful housemate from the very beginning, too. The ‘normal girl’ fromManchesterhas proved that there’s more to her than just good looks: she’s grown very close to a lot of the housemates, obviously including Jay. Her down-to-Earth nature has been hugely endearing, and she’s proved this week that she’s prepared to stand up for her beliefs, too.


Tom is the last housemate facing the vote tonight. While he’s not been shy of an argument through his time, he’s proved overall to be a fun-loving housemate. His previously mentioned friendship with Alex has been brilliant to watch, and his sharp sense of humour has never failed to make his fellow housemates laugh. He’s been popular with his housemates, having never faced the public vote: is he one of your favourites, though?


You still have a few hours left to vote before tonight’s eviction. Be quick, though! Join us on Channel 5 at 9pm for find out who goes. 






Big Brother Live

2303: Housemates are VERY excited about their party food snacks, in particular the scotch eggs... "SCOTCH EGGS!"
Big Brother Live
2251: The housemates are in for a surprise when they leave the diary room... champagne and  snacks await them in the living room
Big Brother Live
2240: All of the housemates have been called into the diary room for a chat

2311: Alex is drowning her sorrows in fizzy pop and nibbles 


2322: Louise and Alex are saying they can't believe they're still there and in the final


2333: Louise to Aaron: "You are strange Aaron, but you're not a bad person!"


2347: Aaron says he's got a little secret but won't tell the others! They're trying to get it out of him 


( maybe I`m getting paaronoid but look at exclamation marks)

Originally Posted by Scotty:

2311: Alex is drowning her sorrows in fizzy pop and nibbles 


2322: Louise and Alex are saying they can't believe they're still there and in the final


2333: Louise to Aaron: "You are strange Aaron, but you're not a bad person!"


2347: Aaron says he's got a little secret but won't tell the others! They're trying to get it out of him 


( maybe I`m getting paaronoid but look at exclamation marks)

Oh dear God! whats coming next?.This cant be over quick enough now.


0047: Jay's just jumped into the pool: unfortunately, no-one seems to want to follow him in there 


0111: Aaron: 'I feel like Tom and Harry were supposed to be here tonight' 

0131: Louise is saying goodbye to the bathroom, while Aaron and Jay have a chat in the garden


0141: The housemates are all tucked up in bed, and Big Brother has just wished them goodnight for the final time!




The eviction fallout

11 hours ago


Tom’s eviction tonight left his closest friend Alex visibly distraught: the thought of going without him for a full day was clearly a distressing one for her. She wasn’t the only one who felt shocked by the surprise evictionâ€Ķ


‘I can’t believe it’ remarked Louise instantly, adding that tonight's result was a ‘huge shock’. After Tom left, the new finalists had a group hug to both commiserate and congratulate each other on Tom’s eviction and on reaching the final respectively. Their efforts to cheer up Alex were quite varied, ranging from a girly hug from Louise to something rather more bizarre from Aaron: ‘Do you want some water Alex? Do you want a custard cream? Do you want me to put pasta in my hair? Shall I just shut up now?’ We thought that taking the last option would be advisable.


Louise was a little more sensible with her advice, reassuring Alex that she would see her favourite Brummie tomorrow. ‘He’s hilarious, a massive character’ she gushed, adding that ‘Tom is just, he’sâ€Ķ amazing’.


The conversation then turned to the audience’s reaction to Tom. Jay thought that he got a ‘great reception’, and that it was probably better than Harry’s, who was a huge success with our crowd.


The group are clearly apprehensive of their own impending receptions tomorrow: they’ll find out exactly what the public think of them in 24 short hours. You can still vote for them here, but you’ll need to be quick about it! The end is very nearâ€Ķ 






Disco infernos

8 hours ago


Tonight, Big Brother decided to play some super-phat tunes into the house to help the housemates celebrate their last full evening in the house. The finalists had a good old boogie, pulling all the shapes out and shaking the stresses of Big Brother life away. 





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