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2055: Louise has just clocked that the shutters are down which normally doesn't happen on eviction night. Oooh, the housmates are puzzled.




 Bit on the Side 

RT : Tonight's  is on at the earlier time of 10pm this evening on 5*. Gonna be a fab show!
Shhhhhh we're doing a rehearsal for  in the  Garden. Have to be very quiet so the housemates don't twig. join us at 10pm on 5*
Shhhh having to be very quiet, setting up for  in the Garden. See you at 10pm on 5*

Big Brother Live

0007: Louise is telling Aaron to do a fart. Tom is telling him it's 'natural'.
Big Brother Live
2352: Aaron is trying to suss out who is going to be evicted and why?
Big Brother Live
2338: Alex on tonight's from the garden - "I love watching best bits of things"
Big Brother Live
Emma is the presenter of Big brother's Bit on the Side. The show was live from the garden tonight.
Big Brother Live
Jay talking about BB eviction twist:"they know how to wind you up, dont they?"
Big Brother Live
Emma has just told the house that there will be an eviction tomorrow night. They are shocked.....
Big Brother Live
2246: Housemates are really excited after watching the best bits compilations
Big Brother Live
2240: Housemates giggling at wearing Jay's undies on his head.
Big Brother Live
Housemates are staring out the living room windows......
Big Brother Live
2203:Housemates are still in shock at the guests in the garden!

0007: Louise is telling Aaron to do a fart. Tom is telling him it's 'natural'


0030: Jalou are getting to snuggle in bed


0054: Tom and Alex are showing Aaron how they pretend kiss sometimes in bed


0119: Tom & Alex are now in bed cuddling.


0135: Tom and Alex are still canoodling in bed.


Jay has just got up to use the toilet.


0156: Tom and Alex have separated, with Alex going back to her own bed.


Aaron's telling Tom he could hear stuff




Eviction twist - fallout

8 hours ago


It’s out there now. The housemates and the public all know that there will be a Live Eviction the night before the finale Eviction. We’ve heard online what you think of the shocking twist, but what were the housemates saying?


When Big Brother’s Bit on the Side’s Emma Willis announced the twist to the house there was an initial period of shock, with the housemates reeling at the though of  landlord BB calling their name out tomorrow. However, the shock subsided pretty sharp-ish, with the housemates finding BB’s Bit on the Sides worst clips moment too fascinating. Other talking points of the night included, phone calls from friends and the news clip of Jay telling Louise she hasn’t showered in 2 days. Urghâ€Ķgross.


Anyway, the housemates seem little concerned with the impending Eviction tomorrow, but are they all a little giddy from the lights and action of BB Bit on the Side? Will they be as dreamy tomorrow, waiting for one of their names to be called?  




I have posted 2 clips about the housemates and the BBOTS show in this thread


Last edited by MrsH

Hi everyone Aaron mum and step dad here. Just wanted to let you know how the family feel about Aaron and Faye. We do believe Aaron has deep feelings for faye and do not believe for 1 minute that Aaron would have taken it this far if he didn't. We asked Aaron if he had a game plan before he went in and he said no he was just going to be himself, which is what we have seen warts and all. If anyone saw the speech Aaron done yesterday you will see he has said so himself. We have not had chance to talk to Richard yet so do not know quite what happened last night.

Thank you for all your support and messages they are wonderful to see and have got us through some bad days. Aaron for the win!

wasnt sure about the above but has vvvvv  as a friend ??






D.I. Aaron investigates

1 hour ago


It’s the penultimate morning, and the housemates have awoken to a reminder that they only have one day left until the final. Sitting the in living room, Jay exclaimed to the group “1 day on the board kid!” referring to the display on the wall. Aaron wistfully replied “Seems ages ago, when it first went up it was 14 days” They have continued to spend the morning talking about past housemates and experiences in the House, as they prepare themselves for tomorrow’s finale.


However, there was a break in the reminiscing talk, as Aaron brought up more recent shenanigans. Cornering Alex as she bumbled around the House, inspector Aaron posed the tactful question “Did you get up to smooching last night?” Alex was quick to deny any involvement in said snogging, insisting that she could be placed in the living during the alleged smooch. He then proceeded to interview his next suspect, Tom, by posing the same question “Did you get up to much smooching last night?”, to which he replied a stern “No”.


D.I. Aaron has concluded that even though their stories both match up, he can smell a rat. The investigation continuesâ€Ķ 


 The turkey mince incident

23 mins ago


The housemates are in a somewhat subdued mood today, which we’re speculating may be due to the impending eviction this evening.


Louise has spent most of the day trying to catch up on her forty winks, however her attempts have been hastily thwarted by Big Brother and the dreaded alarm. Tom has kept himself entertained by trying to pry information out of Aaron regarding what he got up to under the sheets with Faye, speculating that more had gone on then he had let on. Self-confessed lothario Aaron has been denied any “rumpy pumpy” as he described it, saying that the furthest he got was a cheeky squeeze of her bottom. Not that Tom seemed too convinced with his answer!


Alex has wiled the hours away between bumbling around the House and sporadically telling Tom off for asking rude questions, whilst Jay has spoken about making spaghetti bolognese and then made said dishâ€ĶWith turkey mince, which was quite controversial.


It’s fair to say that it’s not exactly a riot at present, but with tonight’s eviction looming that is all set to changeâ€Ķ


Originally Posted by MrsH:

1450: The housemates are eating Jay's home-made spaghetti bolognese


1515: Louise, Tom and Jay are discussing Aaron's toilet habits


1531: Jay is accusing Louise of not wearing her own skirt... Alas, she is.


1548: Tom is folding his clothes in preparation for this packing mission


1604: Aaron is kicking a balloon


they really are sad barstewards if this is all they can find to discuss 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

1450: The housemates are eating Jay's home-made spaghetti bolognese


1515: Louise, Tom and Jay are discussing Aaron's toilet habits


1531: Jay is accusing Louise of not wearing her own skirt... Alas, she is.


1548: Tom is folding his clothes in preparation for this packing mission


1604: Aaron is kicking a balloon


they really are sad barstewards if this is all they can find to discuss 

they should never have told them about tonight and given them a task today 


the producers this year have no idea and couldnt organise a p**s up in a brewery 


secret evictions in the fast were good to watch 


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