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Day 62: Task - the housemates' housemate

11 mins ago


Today’s Task will see the final five housemates pleading their cases as to why they should win the title of ‘The Housemate’s Housemate’, the only chance for those in the House to vote who THEY think should win Big Brotherâ€Ķ


The housemates will have one hour to work on their ‘electoral campaign speech’ and will be supplied with topics to include in their speeches.


They must come up with a five minute presentation on why they deserve to win Big Brother. Each presentation must abide by Big Brother’s set criteria and must answer the following:

  • What they have brought to the House
  • What they have learnt during their time in the House
  • What winning would mean to them/why they should win


Once the speeches are prepared, they will get suited and booted (complete with a ‘vote for me’ rosette in their individual campaign colours), approach the lectern, and take it in turns to present their speech to the rest of the House.


After each presentation Big Brother will allow a ‘questions from the audience’ section where the other housemates are allowed to ask the speaker about anything they like, and when we say anything, we mean ANYTHING.


At the end of the presentations the housemates will have two minutes to decide which housemate made the most convincing plea.  They must cast their votes in the Big Brother ballot box – but cannot vote for themselves! 


One housemate will bring the ballot box to the Diary Room so that Big Brother can tally up the votes and declare who has been voted as the ‘Housemate’s housemate’!  


The winner will receive a ‘The Housemate’s housemate’ sash and a bottle of champagne to celebrate.



 But remember, when it comes to the real deal only YOU can decide who wins Big Brother 2011, so get voting for the public’s housemate and who you want to SAVE.


Originally Posted by Scotty:

1613: Aaron has not got dressed for the task yet, and doesn't seem too enthusiastic about taking part...



( I had a feeling Aaron wouldn`t like this task -don`t blame him)

I dont like it either   always find the last couple of days a bit ......   


[ couldnt think of an appropriate word there lol]



I used to like the last day when you saw them cleaning and packing away the house and then getting ready [ can see Alex Sibley now scrubbing the cooker trays  ]


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1613: Aaron has not got dressed for the task yet, and doesn't seem too enthusiastic about taking part...



( I had a feeling Aaron wouldn`t like this task -don`t blame him)

I dont like it either   always find the last couple of days a bit ......   


[ couldnt think of an appropriate word there lol]



I used to like the last day when you saw them cleaning and packing away the house and then getting ready [ can see Alex Sibley now scrubbing the cooker trays  ]



This task is like a popularity contest with them pitching as to why they should win. Cringe. 


1643: Tom is giving his speech to the other housemates. He's looking nervous, but has given a professional presentation 


1716: Louise and Jay are now done, and it's Alex's turn on the lectern. She seems to have a fairly unique pitching style


1738: The speeches are now over, and the housemates are voting for their favourites. Who's going to come out on top? 

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1536: Jay has been doing the robot dance in in his task suit. He's now attempting ballroom dancing with Louise


1537: Louise is looking sharp...  

She reminds me of Shabby.

Yes she does and a bit like Claudia  off strictly


in another picture her fringe seems to make her teeth stand out more as well - more promenant

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1536: Jay has been doing the robot dance in in his task suit. He's now attempting ballroom dancing with Louise


1537: Louise is looking sharp...  

She reminds me of Shabby.

Yes she does and a bit like Claudia  off strictly


in another picture her fringe seems to make her teeth stand out more as well - more promenant

And she needs that like a hole in the head.

Mrs H can you be tempted to get an Aaron avvie for the duration .


1850: Tom and Alex are having a snuggle in the bedroom. Louise is debating whether to have a cupcake or not


1905: Louise is making a start on tidying her corner of the bedroom


1920: Louise is having a shower, whilst Alex ponders bed, with her eyes close.


1933: Tom, Jay and Aaron are all snoozing while Alex chats to Louise



1952: Louise and Alex are having some girlie time with all the boys napping. Alex is attempting to pop her first champagne cork 


1956:Tom is awake! He must have heard the champagne popping!


1957:Housemates have just been told the garden is out of bounds but what they dont know is  is setting up camp as we speak! 




[ they will get paronoid as they think/thought there would be a wednesday eviction  ]


what a shock for them at 10 when the motley crew let rip  




 Aaron wears his hair up

13 mins ago


We are fast approaching the Big Finale Night, and the housemates are just as aware of the impending date as we are on the outside. One of the main concerns of the housemates for the final Eviction Night is ‘the look’, as the housemates spend increasingly more time inventing far fetched looks for their exit walks.


Tonight, Alex turned her hand to styling Aaron’s new barnet, with the two blitzing all the good work done in yesterday’s styling. Alex went into the hair, thinking ‘structure and hold’, these thoughts however were taken quite literally with ‘hairdresser barb’â€Ķ The hairstyle was supported by an intricate network ofâ€Ķwait for itâ€Ķ Yes that’s right, spaghetti. Hard, uncooked spaghetti. All Aaron had to say on the new subtle style was “I look like a human kaplunk.”


Well there’s definitely a place for this look maybe Aaron will hold back on giving the look a grand unveiling this week. What do you think of Alex’s artistic flair? 




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