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Day 60: Breadjudice

1 hour ago


It’s the morning after the night of Tom and Alex’s surprise birthday party, and the housemates are taking it easy after a night of dancing, food and sulks. Aaron was first out of bed when the alarm sounded and headed for the kitchen, making himself and the other housemates a cup of tea. After he delivered the tea to the snoozing group, he returned to the living room and spent a good while staring blankly at the housemate profile board and the prize money.


Tom joined him soon enough and sparked up a deep conversation about Aaron lacking lower eyelid lashes. Aaron let Tom carry on his bizarre one sided morning conversation for a bit, before offering to make the birthday boy a sumptuous bacon sarnie. Tom said that the bread would have to be toasted. Off Aaron whizzed, announcing that there was only wholemeal bread. Tom didn’t take this news too well saying “who buys wholemeal bread?” to which Aaron replied “I do, but mainly the seeded loafs.”


A little later on, Jay, Louise and Alex joined the party and the debate on wholemeal vs. white bread. Alex cemented her views on the whole malarkey by plain passing up the bacon sarnie if it wasn’t going to be on white bread.


Seems like the brown bread hasn’t made the cut this time and has failed to rise to the occasion...R.I.P brown bread. 




1300: Tom, Jay, Alex and Louise are in the living room talking about waxing.


1316: Aaron has gone to the Diary room. The rest of the HMs are in the living, competing to see who can stay still the longest.


1348: Big Brother is playing an alarm into the House to wake everyone up


1352: Housemates have been called to collect their attire for today's Task - they've not yet been informed what it is


Day 60: Task Reveal – Pop goes the housemate

6 mins ago


After a night of partying for Alex and Tom’s birthdays, the energy in the House has been flailing. So Big Brother is giving them a kick up the backsides, with a Task that will have them popping back into action before they know it…

For today’s Task Housemates will be competing as a group in an obstacle course, but as with everything in the Big Brother House – this obstacle course will have a prickly twist… 

In alphabetical order, housemates will be making their way through an obstacle course, as set up by Big Brother, wearing different coloured suits made of balloons. 

Inside the balloons are prizes, and therefore housemates must avoid getting their balloons pricked during the course. If a balloon does pop, then housemates will lose that prize.

Housemates will be participating in the following obstacles:

  1. Holly Bush of Horror - housemates must walk through a short prickly bush maze.
  2. Timber of Terror - housemates must quickly walk along a log to the end, while two evil clowns will be protecting their territory throwing small cacti at the HM’s balloons.
  3. Wrecking Balls of Ruin - housemates must carefully walk through two rows of spiky wrecking balls.
  4. Monkey Bars of Mayhem - housemates must swing across monkey bars, trying to avoid the gorilla armed with a sharp banana, trying to pop their balloons.
  5. Cargo Net of Carnage - housemates must lift and cautiously crawl underneath a net scattered with rose thorns.
  6. No Strings Attached - At the end of the course housemates must unwrap their personalised balloon, to signify they have finished the course. No other balloon must be unwrapped.

Penalties will be added onto the housemates completion time, if they do not complete obstacles properly.

At the end of the course, housemates will receive the prizes that remain in their inflated balloons. In addition, if housemates also complete the course within a certain time frame, they will win a communal prize.

In preparation for the Task, housemates have been given all-white under garment suits to adorn, and have been instructed to stay in the bedroom until further notice…

Will they manage to protect their prizes, or will they be left defeated and deflated?  Keep it here to find out…


1527: Aaron has won a face mask, slippers, mini champagne, underwear, and luxury biscuits


1531: Alex has won - A slave for 1 hour, knickers, socks, lipstick, toothbrush, mascara, a dress and fairy wings

Originally Posted by Scotty:

1527: Aaron has won a face mask, slippers, mini champagne, underwear, and luxury biscuits


1531: Alex has won - A slave for 1 hour, knickers, socks, lipstick, toothbrush, mascara, a dress and fairy wings

What a surprise Alex got a dress 


1555: The HMs are all in the bathroom washing the the powder off, that had been put in to the balloons. 


1607: Jay's making 2nd lunch... or 3rd bacon sandwich. This one is with mushrooms. 


1630: Jay is giving Alex advice on dying her hair without ruining it.


1650: Aaron is moving from place to place, having a little lay down in each


Good afternoon Scotty and longcat  



Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1527: Aaron has won a face mask, slippers, mini champagne, underwear, and luxury biscuits


1531: Alex has won - A slave for 1 hour, knickers, socks, lipstick, toothbrush, mascara, a dress and fairy wings

What a surprise Alex got a dress 

Probably her winning outfit!

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder if Jay has spoke to Aaron yet  i bet Jay cracks before Aaron does

sounds like louise is trying to stir it up, telling the others shes not getting on with aaron, perhaps aaron has sussed her out and she knows it.

Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder if Jay has spoke to Aaron yet  i bet Jay cracks before Aaron does

sounds like louise is trying to stir it up, telling the others shes not getting on with aaron, perhaps aaron has sussed her out and she knows it.

He has by the look of it, can't remember where it was shown, where he was saying something about everyone 

Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder if Jay has spoke to Aaron yet  i bet Jay cracks before Aaron does

sounds like louise is trying to stir it up, telling the others shes not getting on with aaron, perhaps aaron has sussed her out and she knows it.

I'd go along with that justa  



1835: Tom is rubbing hair with a balloon


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder if Jay has spoke to Aaron yet  i bet Jay cracks before Aaron does

sounds like louise is trying to stir it up, telling the others shes not getting on with aaron, perhaps aaron has sussed her out and she knows it.

He has by the look of it, can't remember where it was shown, where he was saying something about everyone 

it could have been when him and tom were talking about who they thought would win, aaron didnt sound keen on louise then

Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

He has by the look of it, can't remember where it was shown, where he was saying something about everyone 

it could have been when him and tom were talking about who they thought would win, aaron didnt sound keen on louise then

Evening all  



I thought it was the DR chat he had after Faye left shown on highlights last night when he said he had nothing to say to them and went through each one as to why 



we get the bliddy party and shoe and watch saga tonight dont we 


Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

He has by the look of it, can't remember where it was shown, where he was saying something about everyone 

it could have been when him and tom were talking about who they thought would win, aaron didnt sound keen on louise then

Evening all  



I thought it was the DR chat he had after Faye left shown on highlights last night when he said he had nothing to say to them and went through each one as to why 



we get the bliddy party and shoe and watch saga tonight dont we 


oh yep thats it Mrs H im dreading watching tonight


Only 4 DAYS to go until the final! Here's 1 of our favourite moments from week 1 - Naked pool party! 



2009: Aaron seems to be in higher spirits and is chatting to Alex


2020: Alex just warned Aaron she was going to yawn so Aaron put his hand over her mouth for her




Evening all  


2023: Aaron is being Alex's slave as part of one of her Task rewards. He is currently feeding her chocolate.


2038: The housemates are tucking in to a tasty take-away 


2049: Aaron is feeding Alex her food



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