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Originally Posted by erinp:
JAY McKray’s mum is desperately trying to muster up a Toon Army to help him win Big Brother.
She has been bombarding famous Geordies with messages on Twitter, begging them to support her son in his bid to be crowned champion.
Sue, 27, has Tweeted singer Cheryl Cole, 28, telly stars Ant and Dec, 35 and 36, Geordie Shore hunk Greg Lake, 26, and former BB winner Anthony Hutton, 29, pleading for their support.
In her message to Cheryl, she asked: β€œOne geordie girl to another... any chance of a public support to my little lad on BBrother?”

speechless - she is obviously very proud of her son 


Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning MrH and  all  


Where did your Alex dare clip go?  




  I did that bliddy thread twice - first one all 12 clips in one post and realised a lot looked the same - thought it was my mistake so re did it and find although there are 12 clips a lot of them are the same 


dont have time to go through it again at the moment  but did stop long enough to watch the Aaron snog and strip 








Happy Birthday Alex and Tom

10 mins ago


What’s better than one birthday? Two! Today is a very special day, as it is none other that Alex’s 19th birthday. And it’s her besties Tom tomorrow too. So, Big Brother has got into the birthday fever and is preparing to give them a joint birthday party to remember. But Big Brother never makes it that easy does it?


The housemates awoke to the sound of the nineties dance anthem Macerena, a song that Alex and Tom have lovingly embraced since being in the House. Tom was very excited to find a small stage in the living room, which the housemates speculate may have something to do with a special birthday task. Maybe the Macerena is a cheeky hint from Big Brother as to what shenanigans will unfold later today?


We’re expecting lots of dancing, cake and an overload of pink. Stay with us as the task unfolds… 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning MrH and  all  


Where did your Alex dare clip go?  




  I did that bliddy thread twice - first one all 12 clips in one post and realised a lot looked the same - thought it was my mistake so re did it and find although there are 12 clips a lot of them are the same 


dont have time to go through it again at the moment  but did stop long enough to watch the Aaron snog and strip 




Okely dokely...I think.  


I`ve not seen any of them yet. I`ll go have a look on the tubey and see what this is all about.  







Task - Marathon Macerena

40 mins ago


As part of today’s birthday task, Tom and Alex have been set the challenge to dance to their favourite song, the Macerena. Each time Big Brother plays the chart topping single, Alex and Tom must get to the small stage in the living room within 30 seconds, and dance until the music stops. If they manage to dance along to the carefully choreographed song within the allocated time, they will win music for a party this evening. Having previously shown in the diary room that they’re a dab hand at endurance dancing, we have high hopes for the duo! 




this was the post BB chose to publish about the *onion* comment 


BBBOTS chose to show and edit differently 




Jay and Louise – the love chat

11 hours ago


β€œYou smell like a little onion” is not a line you’d usually associate with a loving couple, but it’s just the β€˜Jay-Lou’ way…


After a tense day of prize money twists and a dare task, the two settled into bed for some pillow talk – Jay and Louise style:


Jay: What’s on my nose?

Louise: Nothing, just a bit of…

Jay: A bit of what?

Louise: Just a bit of grease.


 β€¦a nice start to the conversation set the mood between the two lovebirds.


Louise: You’re amazing.

Jay: You’re amazing.

Louise: You are, you are.


Just as things we’re getting serious…


: Mind your hands. Onion hands.

J: That’s the last time I make you scran. (food)

L: You smell like a little onion.


It must be love…


J: I love you.

L: I love you too. You know that?

J: I think so.


L: I adore you. I don’t think you adore me.

J: I spend hours and hours making you s**t.


Jay must be referring to his foil and cling film art work. Which must be doing the trick…


L: I would marry you. 

J: (laughs)

L: I would, I want a vicar.


And some final words from Louise…


L: Jay McKray, I’ve got the biggest heart you’ll ever find in anyone. Don’t question my soul, right?


Should we all be buying our wedding hats now, or shall we watch this space?









Five days to go

44 mins ago


Five at Five


There are only five more fun-filled nights of Big Brother left for the remaining fantastic five.


A little earlier Alex, Tom and Louise were in the living room discussing the little time they had left in the House. Louise commented, β€œWe did well to get this far didn’t we?” Tom and Alex both agreed and Alex pondered, β€œRemember when we came in and we walked down the stairs?” Louise reminisced about when they first met and also recalled how she was last to enter the House and there was no alcohol left.  Louise then scoffed, β€œI remember when I first met Tom and I thought, here we go, one of them.” The trio burst into a fit of laughter and giggles.


Alex then asked the model her first impressions of her. Initially, Louise seemed to hesitate and they both laughed - AWKWARD. Louise admitted, β€œI didn’t think you were a typical blonde. You know you say you’re a typical blonde. You were quiet; you didn’t seem very friendly. I didn’t know what to think. In the first few days, I just didn’t speak to you much.” Again they all laughed as they discussed their first thoughts of each other. Alex joked that Louise β€˜skipped into the house’. But Louise didn’t agree and giggled, β€œI did not. I was proper calm.” Tom joined in by telling the two, β€œI wasn’t calm but I was up for it. Like, want some cham-pag-ney?”


The gang then discussed what they thought of their other housemates, Tom reckoned upon first meeting Harry he thought he was β€œa bit pompous.” Louise revealed, β€œI thought everybody was too giddy. Extremely hyper and Anton andAdenjust kept going on about my eyes.” Tom and Louise were in stitches laughing as Alex said, β€œAnd there was me and you, Tom, rolling around people 

were like…”


Louise then vacantly added, β€œI can’t remember much of the first six weeks apart from Jay, Anton andAdenrapping non-stop. They used to look and the mirror and everything.”


The House has been a rollercoaster of first impressions, play fighting, and rapping battles for our housemates but one thing is for sure the final five seem to be getting along well but only one can be crowned the winner and their time in the Brother house is quickly coming to an end…




1156: Alex, Tom and Louise are talking about their favourite shopping haunts


1203:Jay is in the bedroom creating some artwork out of a frosted flake box. Another gift for Louise perhaps?


1216: Louise, Alex and Tom are talking about their first impressions of the other housemates


1226: Its Macarena time again for Tom, Alex and Louise!


1240: Alex is asking Aaron if she acts like an only child 


1308:Aaron is doing a well needed clean up in the kitchen.


1328: Jay has made a birthday card for Tom and Alex for their birthdays from old frosted flake boxes


1343: Alex and Tom are wrestling in the bedroom


1402: Jay is tucking into some salad while Aaron continues to clean the kitchen


1420: Alex and Tom have been momentarily silenced by pizza



Borrowed but thought was worth a post 



The Case For Aaron To Win Bb

Hi. I wish to explain why I believe Aaron should win BB. I will be as concise as possible.

- I think Aaron has been the most entertaining housemate. Aaron has been at the heart of the BB narrative this year. The love square with him, Maisie, Tom and Faye, and his subsequent rollercoaster relationship with Faye have provided drama, emotion and intrigue. His one liners are legendary and very funny as the thread on 'Aaron's zingers' demonstrates - even when he has had a bad show in many instances he has still had the funniest moment by a single hilarious one liner. The way in which Aaron single handedly destroyed the Wolfpack through intelligence alone was admirable and fascinating television - in the end he reduced Anton's claims for house domination to dust leaving Anton wimpering 'I've lost my mind'. Without Aaron the Wolfpack would have won and Anton would have been in the final so for this alone Aaron deserves great credit. 

- Aaron has had to overcome the most obstacles and suffer great hate towards him. In the house Aaron has, I believe, been the target of a lot of abuse from the other housemates and has often had to deal with this abuse alone. The wolfpack targeted him, Jemma targeted him, and even his friends like Tom and Harry have targeted him (particularly Harry outside of the house). Even BB itself seems to have targeted Aaron for abuse and hate. By design or by coincidence every single twist and component in BB has left Aaron exposed and despised. The crypt twist, for example, was geared towards protecting the Wolfpack, particularly Anton, and allow Anton and Jay to leave the crypt and spread lies about what Aaron had said behind people's backs. It was also obvious that the family and friend nominations would target Aaron and Aaron alone. The editing of the highlights very rarely show Aaron in a positive light - many of the clips I watch on the internet showing Aaron in a postive light are omitted from the highlights. Finally, the companion programme to BB (BOTS) is openly hostile to just Aaron. On every show it is only Aaron who is called the worst possible names. For surviving and beating every single one of these obtacles Aaron deserves to win BB more than any other housemate. 

- The Anti-Aaron fraternity argue that Aaron must not win for three reasons. First they say he is a cry baby wimp, but according to Jamie East on BBOTS this Saturday Aaron is the only housemate in this BB to ever hold his ground against Jamie - Aaron is a formidable mind and has only cried a few times, other people have cried like Harry and Anton and they were never called a wimp. The second argument against Aaron is that he is a gameplayer. I disagree because a gameplayer would never do things that make him unpopular such as the nominations fiasco, the reaction to the burps etc, and a gameplayer would never refuse to be friends with people he didn't like. Even if Aaron has a gameplan so what? BB is a game; any intelligent person should have some kind of gameplan. The third argment against Aaron is that he has used Faye and has no feelings for her. This is complete rubbish. It is extremely insulting to Faye to suggest that Aaron could not possibly have feelings for her. Why is it so difficult to believe that a moderately handsome man (Aaron) could love a gorgeous, extremely fit, and very funny girl(Faye)? She's not an ogre after all. The possibility that Aaron has a gameplan which involved Faye does not preclude him from having feelings for her. I can completely understand why a person would love Faye. Moreover having rewatched past clips of aaron and Faye I am convinced of his sincerity and affection for her. 

- Finally it is said that Aaron should not win because there are better characters, namely Alex. What makes me laugh about this argument is that many people hate Aaron for no reason other than they SUSPECT him of wrongdoing yet as a matter of FACT we know that Alex has done bad things such as stolen money from a blind woman. It is therefore wrong to say Aaron should not win BB because we suspect that he is not a nice person, but that Alex should win because she is a nicer person. Aaron has been more entertaining than Alex and has had to overcome so much more than Alex. For once in BB history a thoughtful intelligent person could actually win, a man who has stood up against all the odds, but instead of rewarding intelligence, in crowning Alex winner of BB once again the public would rather reward stupidity and inane behaviour. 

I'm sorry this OP is quite long but I wished to state clearly the case for Aaron to win. Thanks to those who do read it.



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