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Day 55: High hopes for high notes

18 mins ago


This morning the housemates had a seriously pop-tastic wake up call, with all of the housemates except Jay, hopping out of bed and dropping some serious moves. Aaron took centre stage, showing the group his impressive moves with a melee of jutting arms and failing legs.  



A short while after, the housemates imaginations began to run wild when they received their white outfits for today’s Task. The gang loosely connected the dots between the morning alarm and the sharp get-ups, and began to assume that today’s Task was all about boy bands. Tom went as far as to rename all of the housemates with cool new boy and girl band names. He named Aaron – “Carlo” and Jay – “Danny”. The girls also got their profiles updated with Faye becoming “Sue Elise”, Alex became “Ebony Rose” and lucky Louise got to be the hip and happening “Barbara.”


Even after Kim Woodburn had authoritatively explained the Task to the housemates, the group couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pull together a wee dance break in front of the bedroom window. Tom led the choreography, with the housemates instinctively falling into two staggered lines. Aaron sat out and watched from the bed whilst the group giggled through Tom’s tight choreography, which pulled some key moves from some of the greats of pop band dance routines.


The housemates managed to keep the dance moves clean, but will they manage to keep their attire fresh?





Day 55: Task Update - Bottoms up

1 hour ago


For the first part of today’s ‘It’ll be all White’ Task. Big Brother asked for a housemate to go to the diary room. Alex was the first out of the blocks, eager to get her involvement in the task out of the way first. Alex entered the diary room and was greeted with an exquisitely presented tray of tomato juices/virgin mary’s. Big Brother explained to Alex that she would have too transport the tomato juices back to the House without spilling the tray, whilst navigating the paint covered hurdles in the hallway back to the House.


It was all going fine until Alex attempted to pick up the tray and take it back to the Houseâ€Ķ Let’s just say it was the most epic of fails and you’re going to enjoy watching it back in the show.


Big Brother took pity and gave Alex another shot at getting the glasses and tray back to the house. This time Alex made it to the second hurdle before she lost one of the glasses but managed to get the rest of them back to the housemates.


Once Alex got back to the House, she instructed the housemates that they had too finish their tomato juices. Of course, nothing is ever easy in the Big Brother House and a chorus of moans were heard from the housemates at the thought of drinking such a healthy treat. Most of the housemates pinched their noses and said bottom’s up but Aaron took it that bit further, prolonging the drama for an hour in the bathroom.


Alex managed to dodge having to drink her tomato juice with her spilling one in the hallway, and has come away from the task speckled with paint and tomato juice. Will she pass Kim’s inspection?





Comments from a poster on C5 site:


Emma Stewart

26 minutes ago

1217: Alex is attempting to get from the Diary room with a tray of tomato juice, over painted obstacles. Cue second attempt. and 1230: Alex managed to complete the task with 5 Bloddy Marys. Housemates were told to drink them and everyone has except... Aaron #BBUKLive Still not an hour.. BY FAR!


Emma Stewart

29 minutes ago

1243: Aaron is still building himself up to drink his tomato juice/virgin mary. #BBUKLive 1248: *Round of applause* Aaron has finished his tomato juice! Faye has also finished, minus the tears Aaron provided. IS THAT AN HOUR!!??!?!? dont think so BB NICE TRY!



Last edited by Scotty

Day 55: 'We like cleaning dishes'

1 hour ago


Something magical happened this morning when Kim Woodburn entered the Big Brother House. The queen of all things clean seems to have had a major effect on some of the housemates, with some of the grimy grubsters completely reforming their ‘filthy’ ways.


Alex and Tom spent the best part of the afternoon scrubbing up in the kitchen, getting through a back log of dishes that may date back to Tashie’s fish fingers. The duo popped on some rubber gloves and began with a tune, but the tune soon evolved into a full blown musical number, with the two calling Aaron over to view the song & dance. Aaron watched on amazed as Tom and Alex skipped around, scrubbing and drying and general being cheery folk, and it seemed that there was a glimpse of ‘wanting-to-join-in’ in his eye.


Elsewhere in the diary room, Jay completed his Task but failed to keep all of his suit clean, getting splats of dye up one of his legs and shoulders.


Well, the House maybe clean enough for Kim but will the housemates be?



1730: The housemates are in full-on cleaning mode, but will the house be up to Kim's super-high standards for when she arrives? 


1800: The housemates have been asked to go into the diary room, but have found an obstacle in their way...  


1805: The wires are coated in paint, so Aaron and Alex might have a hard time keeping clean with them... 




1818: Aaron and Alex have returned, but have unfortunately picked up a bit of red paint along the way. What will Kim think?


1840: Louise and Faye are stepping under the shower fully clothed in an attempt to warm up: they're feeling cold in their dresses 


1900: The housemates are thinking that they might not have made their food budget this week: they'll soon find out...


Big Brother Live

2333: Aaron and Tom are having a deep and meaningful in the garden, Tom is still annoyed with Aaron for nominating him.
Big Brother Live
2328: The music is over for the time being and Faye is tucking into some left over Chinese takeaway. Classic post-dance food.
Big Brother Live
2318: The housemates are still in dance-off mode and some serious shapes are being thrown in the living room, by all.
Big Brother Live
2310: BOOM! Big Brother has treated housemates to some party tunes and disco lighting! Aaron's hip sway is epic.
Big Brother Live
2305: Aaron has just told Faye he can't wait to see her outside the house to take her for romantic meals and out dancing. Ah!
Big Brother Live
2300: After impressing each other with their dance moves the house is back to couples-ville. Compliments are flying!
Big Brother Live
2253: The boys are up now. None of them appear to be wearing trousers, and Tom's shirt has come off already
Big Brother Live
2246: The girls are up first. Tom's taunting them while they dance... they're working it though
Big Brother Live
2242: Thanks for your suggestions! The two groups are waiting in the garden for their dance-off. Both groups seem apprehensive...
Originally Posted by erinp:


video: Day 55: Who's been nominating who?         

yep they are talking about past noms and Jay tells Tom he nommed him for being jealous of him eating beans on toast and tried to Nom Alex once to throw the votes - came up with stupid reasons and BB said No Jay i dont think so .....

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:


video: Day 55: Who's been nominating who?         

yep they are talking about past noms and Jay tells Tom he nommed him for being jealous of him eating beans on toast and tried to Nom Alex once to throw the votes - came up with stupid reasons and BB said No Jay i dont think so .....

Cheers for that.


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