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1206: Louise thinks her hair isn't looking 'normal' enough. She wants to push the boat out and dye it… wait for it… dark brown 


1222: Faye and Aaron are in bed.. but not together


1236: Jay is tucking into a massive fry-up: he's looking very happy to finally be off the frosted flake/banana diet




Louise confesses that she knew full well that she, like Aaron, was going against the plan;


Louise and Aaron break the tension

1 hour ago

After a tense morning. Louise talks to a slightly isolated Aaron about last night's face-to-face nominations.

The Big Brother swear-jar

1 hour ago


Always ones to be pro-active, the housemates this morning decided to set themselves a task. Most of our wholesome bunch (apart from Alex and Aaron who were in bed) decided this morning that they would try and clean up their act by punishing themselves for swearing.  


Faye was the one to come up with the idea: she was clearly unimpressed by her own foul language up until recently. She suggested that each time a housemate swore, they should be given an appropriate punishment for doing so. The housemates clearly weren’t clear enough on the rules of their new task though, as we could swear that we counted a few loose curses being uttered before the first forfeit was handed out…


The first punishment was handed out to Jay, who was ordered to pretend that he was a magical pixie temporarily. He looked as if he was enjoying himself – clearly this task was a great idea to lift the group’s spirits! After this, Faye handed herself two forfeits for her own potty-mouth. The group are clearly intent on raising morale in the house after the drama of last night’s nominations. But will Aaron be getting involved? He’s been fairly quiet this morning…






Jay McKray Aged 27Β½

51 mins ago


Resident artist Jay Mckray has broken out the finger paints again but has forgotten to lay a bed sheet down to protect the carpet… The big fella got to work on his latest masterpiece in the bedroom, using Harry’s surplus food dyes and a make up pen he found in a shoe.


The work pulled influences from renaissance, pop art and the outsider art movement, and is quite clearly his strongest work yet. The card featured an elegantly drawn vast yet calming landscape, with powerful and imposing mountains that might have signified the artist’s up hill struggle so far in the house. The centre point features male and female stick figures standing hand in hand, both featuring extremely complimentative appendages. The stick figure's clearly take on multiple connotations, but Big B is hoping to convey the visualisation of the effects of the frosted flake and banana diet.


Elsewhere in the artist’s cacophony of colour, you can almost feel licks of heat from the radiant sun that beats down on the happy couple… it really is a surprise that the sun’s shades haven’t melted off. On completion of the work, the artist stole away into the overcast Big Brother morning leaving the card for his muse, propped on her pillow and a murky cup of paint water for his other housemates.


Upon discovery of her artistic treat Louise's delight was palpable, beaming she was overheard cooing β€œahh, he’s so sweet.” Alex added, β€œIt’s like the cutest picture… like ever!”


Well, work that touches the heart and unveils such heady emotions is great work. And this work has certainly had the desired effect on his lady.


1505: Aaron's having a chat with Big Brother in the diary room... might he be talking about last night's events?


1536: The housemates are trying to have a nap time in the bedroom but Tom and Faye are singing... badly 


1601: Louise is the only housemate awake. She is using the time alone, too thoroughly inspect her hands. 


1606: The housemates are sitting in the bedroom, unaware that a task has been set out for them in the living room


1615: It's time for a cracking task!



Day 53: Task Alert - Egg Roulette

9 mins ago


For today’s task, housemates will be playing egg roulette, but will they crack under the pressure?


There will be 17 eggs in egg cups, 13 of the eggs are hard boiled and 4 are completely raw. One at a time the housemates will stand on a red cross and pick a housemate to egg. The picked housemate must stand on the blue cross, so the two housemates are facing each other. The choosing housemate will then pick an egg to splat on the other housemate’s forehead.


The aim of this task is to choose a raw egg and therefore eliminate the housemate their choice.


If a housemate picks a raw egg, then the housemate they egged will be eliminated; and must remove themselves from the game by taking a seat on the sofas. However, if a housemate picks a cooked egg, then the housemate they have chosen will remain in the game and must return to their seat. Housemates are not allowed to swap an egg once they have picked it.


The game will continue until all 4 raw eggs have been cracked and two winners are announced.


The two housemate’s who walk away without egg on their faces, will win an egg-cellent roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings this evening. This is shaping up to be a cracking afternoon. 



Originally Posted by MrsH:



bit of confusion and contradiction - what do you guys think ??




Tom - Louise and Faye

Faye - Alex and Louise
Alex - Jay and Faye
Jay - Faye and Aaron
Aaron - Louise and Tom
Louise - Faye and Aaron


Faye - 4

Louise - 3

Aaron - 2

Alex - 1

Tom - 1

Jay - 1 


If this is correct, I don`t quite get it.  Apart from Aaron and "supposedly" Louise, did others not go with Jay`s plan?  

It looks suspicious - Jay and Louise voted the same way. Was that their plan?


Let`s wait and see..although the highlight show, as we know, might not show the truth. 





Big Brother Live

2356: Faye has given in and is snuggled up to Aaron, chatting about his habits
2342: Aaron has invited Faye over to her bed for a chat. She has declined
Big Brother Live
2324: Tom and Alex are having a sing-a-long in the living room
2310: Jay is helping Faye understand her relationship with Aaron
Big Brother Live
2246: The housemates are enjoying a can of a larger in the bedroom
Big Brother Live
2223: Flowers, card and a necklace none the less. Louise has been spoilt rotten this evening... well sort of...
Big Brother Live
2209: Jay is giving Louise a surprise... What could it be?
Last edited by Former Member

0013: Jay and Louise are giggling in bed


0033: Aaron is making some toast before bedtime 


0058: All of the housemates are asleep, apart from Aaron and Faye who are chatting in the living room


0119: Aaron is telling Faye that there will be plenty of men who fancy her 


0152: Faye and Aaron are cuddling in bed


0202: All the housemates are asleep zzzzzzz...


0849 Not a peep out of the Housemates this morning. Faye briefly lifted her head, but is back snuggled with Aaron


0905 There goes Big Brother's rather annoying alarm. Everyone is having difficulty moving. Even Aaron who's usually the first up. 


0915 Faye had a very bad night's sleep. Apparently she was twitching in her dreams. Wonder what's on her mind? 


0931 Housemates are discussing what they get from the Chinese. Aaron says he only gets a side of chips when he's feeling fruity 



Day 53: Cheese shocker

14 hours ago


As part of today’s reward, Louise and Alex are enjoying an egg-cellent roast chicken dinner in the diary room. The duo have also received a chocolate sundae dessert to accompany the great British meal, with Louise being provided with a small bottle of Champagne and a non-alcoholic cocktail for Alex. The girls seem to be enjoying their time away from the rest of the group, as they have spent their time laughing and joking with each other.


The rest of the housemates, on the other hand, are enjoying another classic in the living room; spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread. It can be said that the atmosphere amongst the losing housemates is less than exciting, as they began their meal in relative silence. However, the conversation did reach the dizzy heights of cheese. We have learnt that Jay and Faye aren’t fans, mainly down to their strict diets outside of the House, whilst Tom is an avid fan of the dairy based product. Aaron kept quiet on the subject, but we suspect he may be a closet cheddar fan.


With dinner coming to a close, we can only hope that someone persuades him to break his silence. 



Day 53: Diamonds may be a girls best friend, but bog roll flowers are better

11 hours ago


Romeo Jay never fails to deliver in the romantic stakes (well, the pillow incident aside) and tonight he’s upped the ante by bestowing beau Louise with a plethora of gifts. After hearing that Louise will be facing the public vote this week, Jay hatched a plan to cheer her up. He firstly approached Big Brother to ask if they could provide him with some flowers and a card for the model, however they suggested that he should create something using household items.


In the style of Blue Peter, Jay managed to knock together a bunch of flowers made from toilet rolls and a card which read, β€œLouise, your one in a million” using old sweet wrappers and the card from an old frosted flakes box, stuck together with honey, fake tan and hairspray. He presented the card to her in an old pillow case, which also contained his rosary as a gift. You definitely can’t knock his creativity!


Louise isn’t know for being over emotional, so her reaction of, β€œOh thank you. That’s nice… lovely” was definitely a good one. It seems his gesture has worked a treat, as she has been hugging and kissing him ever since. We must admit, with each wooing tactic Jay implores, we get one step closer to buying the hat… 





^^^^^^^^  Tonights Highlights show plus the Aaron isolation bits 


they have to show the Louise Confesses bits surely ??????


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