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Tonight, Big Brother added a shocking twist into this evening’s festivities - face to face nominations in the garden. After a Halloween dress-up session, Big Brother called them to the spooky-themed garden where six large electric chairs awaited them.
Every time someone mentioned the name of the person they wished to nominate, the named housemate would receive a shock.
The housemates decided to hatch a plan to influence this week’s nominations so that each housemate would receive two nominations each, and therefore all of them would face the public vote. But it didn’t work. Aaron decided to go off script and opting to nominate who he saw fit. As a result, Faye and Louise will be facing the public vote in this week’s eviction battle.
Louise quickly became teary-eyed, as it’s her first week being up for the public vote. “At the end of the day you’re meant to go,” she told Tom. “You gotta be up at some stage.” Faye sat in the living room in silence, gathering her thoughts, on probably about what went wrong with their masterful plan.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

2223:Jay, Tom, Alex & Faye are discussing tonight's nominations in the living room. The HMs aren't too impressed with the outcome

They all voted - I don`t get it. 

Post ^^^^^ 

erin, I deleted that reply after I saw your post above.  


They`re not impressed because Aaron didn`t go along with the plan.    

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

2223:Jay, Tom, Alex & Faye are discussing tonight's nominations in the living room. The HMs aren't too impressed with the outcome

They all voted - I don`t get it. 

Post ^^^^^ 

erin, I deleted that reply after I saw your post above.  


They`re not impressed because Aaron didn`t go along with the plan.    

But they could have still all been up if the uesd there brain.Jay was last to nom maybe Aaron didnt trust him with the casting votes ,I wouldnt.Aaron said on the HL show that he will nom the people he wants to nom .

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Good for Aaron 


Exactly I agree

So do I  

Aaron was first to vote so if they were unhappy with him they should have nomed him there and then .Jay had an unfair advantage by going last. If they all nominated as planned, Jay could have changed his nominations and put the two people up he wanted. He could have put up Aaron vs Faye. Aaron did the right thing.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Good for Aaron 


Exactly I agree

So do I  

Aaron was first to vote so if they were unhappy with him they should have nomed him there and then .Jay had an unfair advantage by going last. If they all nominated as planned, Jay could have changed his nominations and put the two people up he wanted. He could have put up Aaron vs Faye. Aaron did the right thing.

I totally agree. 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:


2333: Aaron is explaining his decision to change his vote to Faye


I'm hoping the wording of that tweet is just an example of carelessness on BB's part, and not an attempt by them to misrepresent Aaron?


What they meant to say is "Aaron is explaining to Faye why he changed his vote."

DS has gone into meltdown again with loads of FMs jumping to the assumption that Aaron nominated Faye...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:


2333: Aaron is explaining his decision to change his vote to Faye


I'm hoping the wording of that tweet is just an example of carelessness on BB's part, and not an attempt by them to misrepresent Aaron?


What they meant to say is "Aaron is explaining to Faye why he changed his vote."

DS has gone into meltdown again with loads of FMs jumping to the assumption that Aaron nominated Faye...

Your right I think the tweet was written in a way to make out Aaron nomed Faye,instead of Aaron explaining why he changed his noms.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

The noms will be seen tomorrow anyway, so it makes no difference. 


I don`t think it was done on purpose by BB. They often word their tweets wrongly. 

I think that's right. The rule-of-thumb is: "Nine times out of ten, it's cock-up rather than conspiracy."

I have to say though, that if you're going to spend a lot of money on Twitter feeds and Facebook voting (and remember: we got this instead of Live Feed), then it's probably a false economy to man them with the work experience guy...


Eugene's Lair

0838: All housemates are still fast alseep


0911: There goes the alarm. The housemates are trying to hide under their duvets... we can still see them though


0922: OMG, what's Jay just seen? 


0937: Jay and Faye are talking about the prize fund. Jay would rather it went to someone who 'really needs it'


0948: Aaron is sitting by himself in the bathroom. He's not looking too happy... is he feeling a little isolated after yesterday?


1005: Aaron and Jay have been having a chat in the garden about Halloween. Alex is still in bed applying her make-up



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