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Good morning all  


0824 Not a peak out of the Housemates as of yet, on this lazy Sunday morning. 


0842 The remnants of last night's takeaway is all over the kitchen and living room. Will they dare dig into it again this morning? 


0849 Big Brother is just waiting for the moment to blast that alarm into the bedroom. Rest is short-lived in the BB House...


0917 There goes the alarm. Aaron has got out of bed but minimal movement from the rest 


0923 Jay is rocking his onesie 



The onesie show

10 hours ago


The housemates have been rewarded a relaxing autumn evening after going nuts earlier in the ‘Chipmunk Task’. The crazy critters received onesies too keep them snug and cozy on these cold nights, and were also gifted with the joys of music and a top quality ‘ruby murray’.


Sadly, the housemates have come out looking more like a reject bunch of mighty morphin superheroes that don’t so much fight crimeâ€Ķ Instead choosing to sing, dance and hug all the time, so really more like a bunch of cuddly bears. However, Tom built a whole different type of alter ego for himself when he pulled up his black onesie, saying “I look like I’m going to rob Gregg’s or sumink!” whilst he hopped on and off the beds.


Once the housemates completed their curry, Big B played in some awesome tunes for the housemates to get their groove onto. But wait, Aaron was absent throughout all of the larking about, choosing to spend his time lying in bed.


What's eating young Aaron tonight and will he open up to Faye about it? Stay tuned





 Ladies man by night

8 hours ago


It's been a long evening in the Big Brother House for Aaron, who is quite clearly missing his recently evicted buddy, Harry. As such, Aaron has avoided most of the group activities and only briefly popped his head in at the end of the dinner too see what was left for him. 


Aaron seems to be oblivious to the effect his lone ranger antics are having on the other housemates, and although most of the housemates have given up any interest in Aaron's 'moods', Faye still wants to help him out. Well, after an evening of Faye taking time out of the fun and games to check on Aaron, she decided to give him some home truths when he was trying to snuggle up to her in bed. 


Faye said to Aaron "you're a different person at night, to who you are in the day", also pointing out to him that he had said the same thing to her before. Aaron responded by saying "I'm not" but Faye continued by saying "The light goes off and you're friendly and funny, and I think I really like that Aaron. Then you wake up in the morning... like weird Aaron again." 


Aaron feebly tried to defend himself but must have felt there were some truths as he let Faye walk off out of the bedroom. Faye then took to roaming about the House in a rather glum fashion, stopping to pick at the remnants of the take away and sitting on the bridge looking pretty dreary. She then went into the bathroom and made herself comfy on the sofa. After a short while Aaron hopped up and had a cigarette before heading to the Diary Room. He must have got some good advice from BB, because he headed straight for the bathroom and woke up Faye, and took her back to the bedroom.


Well, it is all part of the helter skelter ride of Faaron, sometimes they're up and sometimes they're down but they always patch things up in the end.


0933 Aaron just delivered a cuppa to Alex in bed saying "here you go princess" 


0945 Faye and Aaron are having a cuddle on the sofa in the living room


0947 Jay is whipping Faye into shape. "You're having porridge and a protein shake"


0950 Aaron is telling the others that he has a onesie at home in animal print. With a tail. 


Originally Posted by Scotty:

1024 Louise is putting talc in her hair


lazy mare - why cant she just wash it   thought that trick died out with tin baths in front of the fire once a week !!!!


I am actually getting really fed up reading about her antics - apparently according to Harry she dared Jay to rub his ass on the pillowcases - would she then have slept on it if they hadnt got removed 


1056 Housemates have been given clean sheets and duvet covers to change their beds


1100 Alex has asked Jay to help her sort her bed out once he's finished his
1119 Faye is teasing Aaron about not knowing what a 'G' is. Once explained he said "Oh right, Hippedy-hop"
1140: Jay and Aaron are having a chat in the sauna 
1145 Jay is cooling down with a swim.
1149: Alex and Louise are talking about dreams in the garden. It's been a popular topic of conversation in the House.
1149: Alex and Louise are talking about dreams in the garden. It's been a popular topic of conversation in the House.
1206: Tom and Aaron are cooking up some breakfast in the kitchen. Louise is in the diary room. 

Day 52: Big Brother dreamin’

52 mins ago


We know that the Big Brother House has been a much-sought after destination for the housemates, but it seems it really is a place of dreamsâ€Ķ


We’ve noticed a lot of conversations around the bizarre dream patterns housemates are experiencing while in the House, in particular Faye, Tom and Jay.


Last week Jay spent the most part of a day in a thoroughly bad mood because he couldn’t shake a vivid dream he’d had that had made him angry. He felt like he needed to find the person who’d hurt him in the dream and resolve it! Even Louise had trouble getting him out of it. Talk about getting out the wrong side of the bed.


Yesterday, Tom woke up having dreamt that he and the others, including Harry who had left the night before, were about to board a rollercoaster, only to find there were no tracks. In the dream, Aaron was shouting “We’re all going to die”, and then a stranger started throwing objects at them all.


Faye, yesterday, spoke about her dream in which she was cuddling Aaron, but had a face completely covered in spots. She also revealed that the dream also featured an ex-Big Brother Housemate.


Today Faye woke up with more dream stories. She settled into bed with Alex to explain how she’d dreamt that a famous sports person was her boyfriend and that she was comforting him following an injury. She also dreamt about having an argument with her sister Jem (or was this just a memory?), and about Christmas time and fairy lights.


A short while ago they were given clean bedding, so perhaps that will help to refresh their sleepy little heads and start again. But with less than two weeks to go until the final, and tensions running high, we expect their minds won’t stop ticking over anytime soonâ€Ķ


1218: Faye's putting some lip gloss on in the bedroom


1238: Aaron, Tom, Alex and Louise are reminiscing about when Pamela Anderson was in the house 


1250: Jay looks like he's getting creative with some card. Wonder what he's concocting?


1301 Faye has failed to successfully boil an egg for Jay


1313 Faye says she feels silly because she can cook anything, even an egg


1329 Faye is still talking about feeling sad for not being able to cook the eggs properly


1346: Aaron to Faye - "You don't need to be brilliant at everything...


Jay gets creative: 


1411 Faaron are in bed. Faye is asking Aaron if he's a professional actor


1421 Jay and Faye are having a conversation about what life will be like then they get out of the house



Boy Talk

2 hours ago


Louise and Faye sat down on their own in the living room, with some chocolate, to have a long overdue conversation about their menâ€Ķ


Faye asked Louise if she really like Jay with Louise responding with a coy nod, and saying that she can never stop looking at him “I stare at him like a weirdo. His face is so beautiful”.  Faye admitted she does the same to Aaron.


Louise revealed that she’s really shy around Jay, and isn’t completely sure if he likes her. Bearing in mind that Jay has spent all day making her presents out of cling film and card, we understand Faye’s response “Are you serious? He worships you”.


Faye said she didn’t like Aaron seeing her with bad hair, and Louise agreed saying “You don’t wanna have hairy armpits, you wanna be perfect”.


Louise responded saying she had thanked Big Brother for putting Jay in, but at the same time she’s annoyed at it, because she’s constantly over-thinking what she’s doing and trying to impress him. Bless. 


Day 52: Nomination Shocker

1 min ago


Nominations shocker


Big Brother has upped the ante this week, as they have prepared a ghoulish twist for this week’s nominations.


Later this evening, the housemates will be asked to dress up in Halloween outfits and will sit in electric chairs in the garden.


The twist?


They will have to nominate face to face. To add insult to injury, when a housemate gets nominated they will also receive an electric shock, delivered by Big Brother’s creepy assistant aka Igor. Oh Big Brother, you can be cruel!


And with the numbers diminishing by the week, the remaining housemates all seem to be getting along. How will they react to nominating their friends, especially to their faces? It’s set to be a dramatic nomination! Stay with us as we bring you their reactions.


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