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Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:

This is torture, having to wait an hour. 


Pleeeease let it be Harry that`s safe.  

I just don't get why harry is in the bottom two...It should be Justin!

Justin`s got a chav fanbase.  Need I say more?  


2201: Aaron and Jay have been called to the diary room while the others wait on the sofas. The atmosphere is pretty tense... 


2351: Louise has just asked Big Brother to play some tunes. Will he oblige?


0005: Jay is giving Louise a big hug in the kitchen.


0016: Faye's evidently still feeling very upset over Harry's departure, and Alex is comforting her.


0040: The house has gone very quiet. Aaron is lying around in the living room, clearly missing someone in particular

0053: Faye and Aaron are having a loving embrace in the kitchen. Has Harry's departure brought these two closer together?


0059: The suitcases are being unpacked now. The house is certainly looking noticeably emptier: we're not far away from the end...





The Morning after the night before 



Morning all  


0812: Housemates are still snuggled up in bed, resting their little heads after all the excitement of last night's eviction.


0905: There goes the alarm. A Harry-less House awakes from its slumber...and it's not a pretty sight!


0907: Whoops, there goes the alarm again, and it isn't stopping... Louise and Jay aren't even flinching.


0933 Faye and Aaron are having a cuddle in bed. Aaron: "Sooner or later you have to face facts that I'm not superman"


0949 Tom had a dream about roller coasters last night, Harry was in it too. Metaphorical? 



1023 Aaron and Faye are being particularly affectionate this morning. Will their survival last night bring them closer?


A house without Harry: 




: A House without Harry

48 mins ago


Housemates were awoken this morning by an eight minute alarm – it seemed all the excitement and dramatics of last night’s eviction had taken its toll on the remaining six, and they just couldn’t seem to muster up the strength to leave their dosing heads.

But when they did, it was to a House without Harryâ€Ķ


It was a docile, yet strange atmosphere to begin with. Tom went to reflect on his own in the living room, while Alex started on her make-up in silence.


Aaron woke up straight away and went to have a lay down on the bathroom sofa. It seemed he was a little upset. Perhaps feeling the absence of his pal Harry? But shortly after, he got back into bed with Faye, had a cuddle and was back to his old Aaron self, busting out phrases like ‘faffy nonsense’.


Luckily, Jay and Louise were being their same old selves:

Jay: (farting)

Louise: That’s hanging. I don’t mind you farting, but when it reeks like that I don’t like it.

Jay: Neither doI.At least we can smell it together.

Romance eh?


Alex did the washing up, whilst maintaining her  glamour in a leopard print tracksuit, as best pal Tom slept sat up right on the sofa nearby discussing his dreams last night – a rollercoaster ride involving Harry.


Harry’s departure has very much highlighted the pairs in the House – Alex and Tom, Faye and Aaron, and Jay and Louise. Will the group stay coupled off throughout the week? Or will it be one love? We’ll let you know of courseâ€Ķ


Good afternoon MrsH and all.  


1124: Jay and Louise are still bed-bound cuddling and talking. 


1141 Aaron and Jay are having another one of their 'man-chats' in the garden. Both wearing red t-shirts and PJ bottoms.


1156 Jay is having a well-deserved chill out in the sauna, putting his feet up after last night's eviction scare.





Girls just wanna have fun

2 hours ago


The last three remaining girls Louise, Alex and Faye have had a good old girly natter today.


Louise said she was really pleased to be in the last remaining weeks with the other two girls, and particularly liked the fact that they all shared a tomboy-like quality, not minding farts and burps.


Alex said she would never have believed all those weeks ago when she walked down the Big Brother staircase and into the House, that she’d be sat there then with those two girls, bonding over their friendship and journey together.  Aww!


Faye, pleased that she survived last night, said she was so pleased to be left with two girls that were so genuine and down to earth, and that there was no jealousy between them at all. She went on to say that she couldn’t believe there are only 13 days left of the show, after which time they’ll all be separated again. *tissue*


And naturally the conversation turned to boys.


Louise discussed her evening with Jay last night, fondly speaking of how funny she finds him, in particular when he tried to get into bed completely naked except for a giant furry hat. Meanwhile Faye spoke dotingly about beau Aaron, drawing on last night when he got into bed and said “Right, are you ready girly?” Alex added that she and Tom usually just sit back and watch the action between the couples unfold, and then fall asleep like an old couple.


The girls concocted a plan to persuade the boys to hand over all of their alcohol to them tonight so they can properly enjoy themselves for one night only. Will they manage to convince them?




Task Alert: Cleany Meeny Miny Mo: 



Day 51: Task Alert - Cleany Meeny Miny Mo

1 hour ago


Today, Big Brother decided it had had enough of the messy housemates dirtying its lovely abode – they wouldn’t do it in their own houses would they? So we’ve set them a Task - a cleaning taskâ€Ķ with a dirty twist.


A short while ago Tom was called to the diary room where Big Brother informed him that for the next hour all housemates must clean up the house. All housemates, that is, except for himâ€Ķ


To win a special reward, Tom’s has been given an additional individual secret task (hush hush). His ‘job’ is to do absolutely nothing. He is forbidden to partake in any cleaning related action, and is unable to lift a single finger for the entire duration of the clean up.


Upon exiting the diary room, Tom announced the cleaning task (minus twist), and has already began procrastinating in the bedroom (by doing a little dance on his own), and has taken to making himself look busy by directing everyone else.


If he ultimately succeeds, Big Brother will reward him later in the diary room. Will he scrub up nicely? Or will the others discover his dirty little secret? Keep it here to find outâ€Ķ






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