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Show me the money

18 mins ago

With just 14 days left to go, Big Brother reminds the housemates what they're all competing for

Money talks

4 mins ago


The housemates have awoken this morning to find the prize money displayed in the living room, along with an illuminated square saying 14 days; the amount of time left until the final. As you would expect, this glaring reminder of the short time they have left together, added to the realisation that one of the housemates will be ÂĢ100,000 richer in two weeks time and sparked a lot of conversation.


Staring at the prize money, Faye exclaimed to Tom, “It’s weird that someone’s going to have that money”, to which he replied “I knowâ€ĶIt does look good like that”. She then went on to say that it was the most money she had ever seen in her life, with Harry jokingly adding “Haven’t you? I have it in my pocket every day”. Louise tried to get close to the money by seeing if she could touch it, which prompted Alex to say “Is it real?” Undecided whether it was or not, Louise summed up her thoughts on it by saying “It freaks me out”.


The boys on the other hand, collectively professed that money wasn’t their reason for being in the House, with Jay declaring “I didn’t come here for the 100 grand”, to which Harry added “Money hasn’t been a factor for me” and Aaron concluded “I’d like to win, but I’m not bothered about the money”.


Does this unexpected display mean there is a twist in the prize money? Or is it simply a reminder that the end is near? Either way it’s fair to say that money talks!

Originally Posted by MrsH:

1135: The prize money is still a hot topic of conversation




do you think there will be a twist tonight - the money on show ?? already one down and only 2 weeks to go ??  or one out tonight and one next week and 5 for final week ???  


see what happens when I think - I just confuse myself 


I don`t have a clue.












 Aaron and Jay’s man chats

15 mins ago


Looking at them now you’d never know they were once foes, as it seems wolf pack leader Jay, and lone ranger Aaron have bonded through the art of conversationâ€Ķ


Every so often the two polar opposites will find a quiet moment to discuss whatever is on their mind, the goings on in the House, and life in the outside world. A short while ago while everyone else was inside, they came together for some fresh air in the garden and a talk about tonight’s impending eviction.


Aaron told Jay “Faye is absolutely convinced she’s gone tonight”. Jay asked him what made her so sure, and Aaron pointed out that they all have some paranoia about getting the boot in tonight’s eviction.


Since Anton’s departure, the two have cleared the air with Jay even becoming a solid source of advice for Aaron, especially regarding his situation with Faye. They’re very honest with one another, and don’t mince their words when it comes to pointing out each other’s bad points as well – but it seems to work.


Jay at one point even joked that Aaron’s good manners has had a positive effect on him, saying that he now says ‘pardon’ after he farts and burps. Sweet.


It’s pretty safe to say that the two have put their differences behind them, and have found more than just a happy medium on which to base this happy medium. You could even go as far as saying the two are ‘friends’ these daysâ€Ķ


As always, we’ll keep you updated on any developmentsâ€Ķ




1347: Tom and Alex are arguing about who gets to do Harry's eyebrows in the living room


1403 Tom's bringing out Aaron's dish washing dodging ways, after he laughed at Alex's attempts to wash the dishes


1417: Tom and Alex are in their den by the BBQ in the Garden.

Harry is re-frying last nights fried chicken in the Kitchen


1439: Tom is likening Aaron's dress sense to that of Bear Grylls. Aaron's shaking his head in disapproval









I'll miss you hon

1 hour ago


The arrival of the prize money in the living room has dominated the housemates conversations this morning and brought a touch of nostalgia amongst them. Sitting in the bathroom, Alex and Harry discussed their time in the House so far. Alex confided that she’s glad she’s been accepted for being different, adding “You know, just accepted for enjoying life”. She then went on to describe the experience as “absolutely unbelievable” with Harry agreeing, “It’s been alright, innit”.


The pair have made an unlikely friendship during their time in the House, but it seems that it may be a long-lasting one as they prepare for this evening. In a rather touching moment, Alex said to Harry “If you go, it was really nice to meet you hon” Harry responded in his usual jokey manner, by saying “See you on the outside”. Earlier in the week, Harry mocked Alex for not being prim and proper, however she made him promise he’ll take her to a ball when they get out. He agreed to her proposal, saying “I’ll sort it out”. He summed up their relationship perfectly, with the closing line “Oh Alex, so different from me and yet so similar. Whoever would have thought me and you’d be friends?”


Will the duo be separated in tonight’s eviction? Tune in at 9pm to see who will be the 7th housemate to leave the Big Brother House. 


Hide Âŧ


1507 Jay is doing bicep curls with stools in the garden


1515 Aaron says he feels like a winner, and loves the fact that Jay now says "pardon" around him after he burps or farts   


1528 Tom and Aaron are discussing who they think has made an impact in the House, and who the public would like


1542 Harry, Aaron and Tom are discussing what it would be like if Pamela Anderson entered the House now.


1619 Jay: "Whenever again are you going to be in a situation where there's 100 grand stuck to the wall? Never." Louise: "Never".

1 hour ago via web


1624 Alex is fake tanning Aaron in the bedroom


1634 Tom is saying Alex could be the face of supermarket value chocolate when she gets out


1653: Alex is checking Aaron for tan lines


1715: Jaylou are having some alone time under the covers


1740: Housemates have just had a task testing their attitude to money.



1754: Harry & Tom are teasing Alex telling her she has a dark side. That she is really 40yrs of age.....


Evening all  






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