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Task Resolve – Get your socks off

14 mins ago


This afternoon, housemates took part in a sock wrestling Task – a test of agility, tact, sock-tugging, and looking-good-whilst-simultaneously-pawing-at-someone-else’s-feet. Needless to say, the results were ‘socking’â€Ķ


Big Brother provided housemates with some props to create their wrestling outfits, and they spent a long while creating their style and moulding themselves into fine buff specimens. They were ordered to create wrestling alter egos, resulting in the following line-up:


Louise: ‘Kitten the killer’

Harry: ‘The King’

Tom: ‘The ankle biter’

Alex: ‘Goldie’

Jay: ‘The dark destroyer’

Faye: ‘Darcy Steele’ (her actual wrestling name)


Aaron became the referee for the afternoon, and was able to set up the pairings for the wrestling matches. He chose Jay against Alex, Harry against Louise, and Faye against Tom. Harry and Louise took to the ring first – it was a fine attempt from kitten the killer but in the end, the King took the crown.


Jay and Alex went second – it was a brutal match, and despite doing all she could to ‘sock’ it to him, sadly ‘Goldie’ was simply no match for Jay ‘The Dark Destroyer’ McKray.


Finally, our resident wrestler Faye came sock-to-sock with ‘ankle biter’ Tom. Expectations were high for Darcy Steele to take this one, and it was a long drawn out battle between the two – the most serious of them all. Despite Faye spending the most part of the match trying to pull her socks up, the ankle biter was just too persistent. With one sock left to grasp, he wore her out and she gave up – a defeated woman.


Following the Task, everyone clambered back into the ring to have a bit of a group play fight but Darcy Steele was no-where to be seen. She took the defeat hard, and lay panting on her back at the side of the ring. This dramatic moment was only interrupted by her referee hero, Aaron, coming to scoop her up in his arms and take her to safety (the bedroom) for cuddles. Bless their cottonsâ€Ķ


So there we have it, Jay ‘The Dark Destroyer’, Harry ‘The King’ and Tom ‘The ankle-biter’ will all be receiving a reward for their win in due course. 



Afternoon all  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon all  


Yep erin voting credits have been returned - hope it's the same with everyone else on here.


Latest betting:


          Bookies average          Betfair ( strongest indicator )


Faye          4/6          7/10


Jay          5/2          6/5


Harry          4/1          33/10


Aaron          18/1          14/1



As expected close between Faye and Jay and Harry's not completely out the mix.

I'll be voting like mad to save my Harry and Aaron.

Much appreciated Velvet.


Big Brother Live

1813 Harry and Aaron are doing a bit of DIY on one of the broken beds
Big Brother Live
Harry to Faye: "You look like a million lire."Faye:"that's like ÂĢ10?" Aaron: "I'd pay more than that for you."
Big Brother Live
1750 Housematea are in the bedroom having a lay down and chatting. Jay and Louise are having a little convo of their own.
Big Brother Live
1735: Tom is busy having a close shave while Louise puts her make-up on.

1833: Jay and Aaron are talking about Friday night. Jay thinks that Aaron's 'done well' this week, and isn't sure what will happen 


1850: Aaron, Harry, Jay and Faye have piled into the diary room to talk to Big Brother. What could they possibly be talking about? 


1904: Jay is in the bathroom trimming his hair without the help of Louise. How will he get on?


Will Jay hand over The Wolfpack to Aaron....?  


1930: Alex is helping Faye apply fake tan in the bedroom. 

Last edited by Scotty


Day 49: Will Jay hand over The Wolfpack to Aaron?

54 mins ago


Most of the housemates were in the bedroom resting after today’s wrestling task when Jay asked Aaron to make a very important promise to him. Aaron seemed perplexed and said, “I am not shaving off my beard.” Jay reassured him it wasn’t anything to do with his beard and he could keep it but he must agree to the promise.


Jay then made a bold statement and told him that if he is evicted tomorrow Aaron must take over The Wolfpack, as the lone soldier of The Wolfpack dynasty – yes you heard that right.


Not long ago, Aaron and his gang, The Purple Koalas were rivals of Jay’s beloved Wolfpack but it seems Jay is willing to put his differences with Aaron aside for the good of the gang.


Aaron agreed to take on the role of leader of The Wolfpack but not without terms and conditions. He informed Jay that he would take some of Purple Koalas policies into The Wolfpack. Jay seemed somewhat reluctant, and declared the all important policies of The Wolfpack, which are:

  1. Anyone can join.
  2. Always help the elderly with their shopping.
  3. Kids should stay away from drugs.


Aaron agreed the above are all strong polices but he felt he may need to bring a few of his own to the Wolfpack lone dynasty, should the situation arise. Jay made a huge friendly gesture to Aaron by asking him to look after the welfare of The Wolfpack, after all, these two have been getting on quite well recently spending lots of time together, laughing at each others jokes and confiding in each other, perhaps as a result of Anton’s departure these two were able to become friends?


Just now in the garden the two were enjoying some boy chats. Aaron was even comforting Jay who is very nervous about tomorrow nights impending eviction and Jay also told Aaron how this was his redeeming week and that his karaoke was so entertaining to everyone. Jay then went on to tell him, he is really glad that Aaron accepts him for who he is, burps, farts and all.


Is the war over? It looks like it could be. Stay tunedâ€Ķ.








Aaron's Hairmares

18 mins ago


Faye, Louise and Aaron were in the garden having a chat, when the subject of Aaron’s hair came up in conversation. TheWeston-Super-Marechap had a few strands of hair that were not co-operating and this caused Louise and Faye to become very quizzical about Aaron’s mop in general.


They wondered whether his hair was as curly as Tom’s. Aaron let the girls in on his secret, “It’s not like Tom’s but it’s slightly out of control.” He then told the two, “When it was long I had to straighten it.” We can picture it now, Aaron peeping out from behind his silky mopâ€Ķ.  Perhaps feeling quite open Aaron then told the girls the true extent of his hair trauma. “Most days after getting my hair cut I spent the days crying. I just can’t cope with it.” Faye and Louise both seemed to empathise with his torment, as they too appreciate the value of their long luscious locks.


With tomorrows impending eviction it is no surprise that the housemates are concerned with their image. Aaron, Faye, Harry and Jay are all up for eviction. Earlier Louise helped out her chosen one Jay with his fake tan and Alex helped out Faye with her fake tan too. The foursome want to look their best- after all one of them will be taking that long walk up their stairs and saying goodbye to the Big Brother House. At least when they hit the big bad world again they can rest assured that their hair is looking goodâ€Ķ



2302: Aaron and Faye are having a chat in the diary room. The two are looking quite happy... definitely ON (at the moment)


2313: Jay is whispering sweet nothings into Louise's ear 


2317: Aaron: 'I'm led to believe that I'm at an appropriate level of saliva giving in the kissing department'.  

2320: Big Brother has decided to play some more music for the housemates to enjoy 


Originally Posted by MrsH:

2302: Aaron and Faye are having a chat in the diary room. The two are looking quite happy... definitely ON (at the moment)


2313: Jay is whispering sweet nothings into Louise's ear 


2317: Aaron: 'I'm led to believe that I'm at an appropriate level of saliva giving in the kissing department'.  


2320: Big Brother has decided to play some more music for the housemates to enjoy 


No change there then .

Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

2339: Jay thinks that Tom's 'cute' and that he'd cuddle him. He also thinks that Aaron wants to have a kiss with him


Aaron was joking in the DR when the 4 evictee's were speaking to BB.

I love Aaron`s dry humour.  

Justin Waggot is to thick to get it.


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