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Morning All 


0954: The alarm has been played in to the House. Wakey wakey rise and shine.


1012: Harry and Alex are discussing thank you cards 


1027: The housemates are in the kitchen preparing breakfast 


10.41 Jay asks Alex to give him a tan, including his nether-regions 


10.54 Alex tells Harry she doesn't want him to be evicted tomorrow



just wondering if they will put anyone in Friday as we will have lost 2 this week 


could put 2 in and throw a double to mix things up a bit .....  will they or wont they 


or will they just let the last weeks ride the course 




I am bored can you tell 

11.33 Harry is giving his nose a right good pick. He could have picked a better one



: Happy Faye

6 mins ago


It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn and a new life for Faye, as she wakes up in what she terms a ‘chipper’ mood. Speaking in the diary room to Big Brother, Faye exclaimed “Wanted to share that I’m happy for once and that I do have happy mood swings”. She put her new mood down to last night’s shenanigans, saying “Last night had such an awesome night. Had 90’s raveâ€Ķ.Sorted stuff out with Aaron and then had a little glowstick fight in the bedroomâ€ĶI’m very happy”


Yesterday, Jem left the House deciding that she’d had enough of an experience and she didn’t want to hamper Faye’s remaining time. As this is the first morning without her sister, Big Brother quizzed Faye about her feelings towards Jem’s depature, to which she replied “Weird her not being hereâ€Ķ If I get saved then that’s when it’ll hit me she’s not here.”


On the subject of tomorrow night’s eviction, she stated that she has never felt as nervous as she does for tomorrow, saying “This morning, even though I’m in a happy mood, masks the fact that I feel like throwing up”. It seems she has her mind set on the end, adding “I want to be here so badâ€Ķ I’m so close to the end now”. She also claimed that she hasn’t had enough time to mentally prepare for leaving, after only finding out yesterday that she will face the public vote tomorrow.


It’s fair to say that she’s had an emotional week, after learning her Mum’s thoughts on Aaron, then her boyfriend and sister are put up for eviction, Jem leaves and now she goes head to head with Aaron in tomorrow’s public vote. Phew. At least she’s managed to put a good spin on the situationâ€Ķ for now at least!



Day 49: Task alert - Get in the ring

5 mins ago


For today’s task, Housemates will be asked to transform in to wrestlers. However, they won’t be ordinary wrestlers, they’ll be sock wrestlers!


They will be donned in wrestling attire, which they will be asked to style themselves from a fancy dress box. Once in costume, they will also have to use their imagination to create their ultimate wrestling alter ego.


In pairs, the housemates will be asked to battle it out to whip the socks off their opponent’s feet whilst inside a real wrestling ring in the garden. The pairs must enter the ring one at a time and kneel on all fours facing each other. On hearing the bell, the housemates must try and grab the socks off their opponent – the first to do so wins! The three winners of the sock wrestling championship will receive their reward later today.


Who do you think would make the best pairings? What alter egos can you think of for the remaining housemates? Let us know by commenting below. 








Afternoon all  


Yep erin voting credits have been returned - hope it's the same with everyone else on here.


Latest betting:


          Bookies average          Betfair ( strongest indicator )


Faye          4/6          7/10


Jay          5/2          6/5


Harry          4/1          33/10


Aaron          18/1          14/1



As expected close between Faye and Jay and Harry's not completely out the mix.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon all  


Yep erin voting credits have been returned - hope it's the same with everyone else on here.


Latest betting:


          Bookies average          Betfair ( strongest indicator )


Faye          4/6          7/10


Jay          5/2          6/5


Harry          4/1          33/10


Aaron          18/1          14/1



As expected close between Faye and Jay and Harry's not completely out the mix.

I'll be voting like mad to save my Harry and Aaron.


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