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1212 Housemates have been ordered to change their bedding. Harry is moaning because he wants to eat first.


222 Aaron is drinking juice out of a cafetiere...  

1237 Faye is chatting to Jem about how they all will have different types of fans


1259: Harry is ridiculing Faye: she's still wearing pyjamas 'because it's Sunday'. He makes a fair point: they never go out anyway  


1313 Alex is expressing her disgust at Harry's socks. "They're chronic" 



 Task reveal – ‘Distraction’

14 mins ago


A short while ago, today’s Task commenced - a test of concentration and the ability to remain focused without submitting to Big Brother’s sneaky distractions around themâ€Ķ


Housemates have been called individually to the diary room where they must sit behind a clear Perspex screen which has two paralleled squiggling lines drawn onto it, and two dots. The aim of the game is for each person to draw a continuous line from the red dot to the blue dot, whilst keeping it in between the two lines. If a Housemate goes outside of the lines or takes the pen off the sheet they will incur a 10 second penalty for each time they do this.  Simple eh? Well that is until Big Brother steps inâ€Ķ


After 10 seconds, someone will step into the Diary room with each housemate and cause a little scene around them in attempt to cause a ‘distraction’. Visitors are as follows:


  • Alex: a handsome butler serving from a chocolate fountain.
  • Harry: a sexy French maid, cleaning the Diary Room.
  • Jem: a disco dancing diva gyrating to a funky track.
  • Tom: a fireman stripper.
  • Faye: a clown blowing, releasing and popping balloons.
  • Jay: a sexy waitress serving his favourite trifle.
  • Aaron: a little boy armed with silly string.
  • Louise: a topless fat man doing armpit farts.


The Housemate, who is the least distracted and draws the longest continuous line in the shortest time, will win a very special reward later todayâ€Ķ


But who will keep themselves in line, and who will find themselves unable to connect the dotsâ€Ķkeep it here for the results. 


1601: Most of the housemates are talking evictions. Tom thinks they've all put Aaron 'on a pedestal' due to past weeks' votes


1611 Faaron are spooning asleep in bed. The others are in the living room sprawled out on the sofas chatting 

1617 Tom, Harry and Alex are talking about how much they cried when Mark left 


1620 Big Brother just played the world's most annoying alarm into the House to awaken Faye, Aaron and Louise


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
1759: Jem has won her task, and has been rewarded with a trip to a beautician with one housemate of her choice: she's chosen Faye

3 minutes ago via HootSuite

she wouldnt have dared pick anyone else  after last time



have I missed it with all the twist rubbish or is Aaron STILL waiting for his reward which he should have got last Monday ?

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
1759: Jem has won her task, and has been rewarded with a trip to a beautician with one housemate of her choice: she's chosen Faye

3 minutes ago via HootSuite

she wouldnt have dared pick anyone else  after last time



have I missed it with all the twist rubbish or is Aaron STILL waiting for his reward which he should have got last Monday ?

Still waiting MrsH ridiculous.


1915: Jem and Alex are making their beds 


1929: Faye's showing Louise her new nail varnish. Louise is saying in the nicest of ways that she isn't a fan of the colour


1943: Harry is serving up the roast beef, roasties, mash, stuffing, sweetcorn & peas and veg. They've got it good this week 


1959: Jay has cleared his plate and is now moving onto the rest of the housemates


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