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7 hours ago


Earlier today, Faye approached Aaron to tell him that she thinks it might be a good idea if they stop their relations in the House, so that they can start something properly in the outside world. It stemmed from her feeling that her pursuits of him aren’t reciprocated. Tonight the saga continued throughout the Houseâ€Ķ


Aaron confided in Harry about the conversation Faye had with him earlier, saying he didn’t feel like Faye trusted him. He also spoke to Louise and Jay about Jem, having heard that Jem had been saying negative things to Faye about him. He said he was worried that Jem was swaying Faye’s opinion of him and that things had been a lot different since she had entered the House.


A short while ago, having not spoken for the majority of the day, Faye and Aaron finally sat down and spoke to each other. Faye told Aaron that she is really insecure and finds it hard to trust people, and Aaron told her that he had been hurt before too and that he, too, has insecurities.


The two then moved to the garden and shared a blanket, chatting further about their feelings. She said she’d had an argument with Jem over him, and Aaron said he didn’t understand what’s going through Jem’s head. Faye asked Aaron if he would talk to Jem one more time and give it another try with her for the sake of Faye.


They both told one another that they don’t know why the other would like them, with Aaron saying that he thinks Faye is a much more attractive person than he is.


The conversation continues, but where will they be in the morning? Keep it with us for updates. 


0917:Housemates are awake!! another day! Another morning cuppa for Tom. 


0926:Cuddle sesh for the Jalou & Faaron whoa re al still in bed. 


0930:Tom is making some bacon, beans & toast to have with his tea. Yum.


0943: Oh no, Jem & Faye are already having words.... Guess why? Aaron! 


0948: Jay:"I really miss Anton. He played a massive part in the house." The bromance lives on.


1002: Harry & Tom are giggling about Tom's task yesterday... 


1023:Now Jalou are rolling around on the sofa. 


1037: Aaron is in the sauna with Harry explaining what exactly going on with Faye. It's on isn't it? They did snuggle last night. 


1043: Aaron is telling Harry that Faye said,"I want us to be more like Jay & Louise." But Aaron said, "I don't want to be like anyone else."


1058:Jem is telling Tom about her wrestling days. Sounds glamorous. 


Day 44: He said, she said.

44 mins ago


It didn’t take long for the obligatory ‘he said she said’ chatter to start this morning.  As soon as they rose from their beds, Jem had some sisterly words of advice for Faye. It seems that Jem’s not pleased about Faye’s bed sharing with Aaron last night. When Jem confronted her about this, Faye sharply responded saying, “get off my back.” Jem countered saying, “I can’t watch you make a fool of yourself.” Since then the two have been avoiding each other.


Elsewhere, Aaron and Harry decided to head to the sauna to discuss the fact Jay had told Aaron earlier that, “It would be interesting if you and Harry were up for eviction next week.” What probably began for Jay as a mere conjecture, took over the minds of Aaron and Harry in the sauna. The two spent the next few minutes pondering what he meant in their trunks. Then, they both agreed that Jay would nominate both of them. Aaron stated he’s convinced that neither Jem nor Faye would nominate each other but Harry didn’t agree. Only time will tell. The pair remain convinced they will be up next week.


Later, the boys discussed a conversation Aaron had had with Anton. According to Anton you have to nominate tactfully - there is no point nominating someone just because you don’t like them, you have to think about it. Seems the spirit of the ‘villain’ lives onâ€Ķ


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( I`m assuming that should be tactically - didn`t work for Anton, did it? )  



Day 44: Task - Let it row         

14 mins ago

For today’s task, the housemates will battle it out Oxbridge style (without the water), as they compete in a rowing competition. The housemates, donned in rowing costumes, will divide themselves in to two teams and take their places on a rowing machine. A klaxon will sound, indicating that the teams must start rowing. The rules are simple: if a housemate stops rowing, they will be eliminated and spend the rest of the task on a bench. The last housemate rowing will win the task for their team.


The prize? The opportunity to choose which four housemates audition tapes they would like to watch out of the remaining eight housemates tapes, including their own. The last housemate rowing will also win a special personal prize.


The question is - who do you think will have strength of endurance? And more importantly, whose tapes would be the most interesting for the housemates to watch? Stay with us as we bring you exclusive pictures from the task and keep you updated with their progress.


Day 44: The river of Love?

41 mins ago


Our money was on Jay to excel at this task but it seemed the test of strength was too much for muscle man in today’s endurance rowing task. After an hour he threw the towel in! And he was the first one, out of all of the housemates to stop rowing too. Might it have something to do with the large amount of water he necked before he began rowing? Did he not have enough rest? Were him and Louise up talking and giggling too much? Not even a sea of rowing machines can keep Jalou apart.


We all know the key to a Zen life is healthy food, exercise and plenty of sleep. And this is the first week in a mighty long time that the house has a luxury budget. So at least he has a chance to get his protein in. So that leaves - sleep. Are his nocturnal cuddling sessions with Louise disturbing his sleep?


Coincidentally, Louise was the second housemates to flee the task. Perhaps she was craving some sweet time with her Geordie beau? Last night, they shared a romantic waltz in the garden too. Ah, romance, we can’t get enough of itâ€Ķ..


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(How is that for favouritism? )


2039 Tom: "I always do the washing up. Alex hasn't washed up in aged but she still calls herself the chief washer-upper"


2058 Task update: Alex and Jem are still rowing away. They're going to be pros after this...


2105: Faye: "I can't believe you're 30 Aaron." Aaron: "I moisturise..."


2118: Jay "we need some egg cups for the wine" ??


2120 Faye is giving Harry a 'faux-hawk' - a Mohawk created from jelling his hair up - minus the clippers.



2133: Harry has decided his 'faux-hawk' doesn't suit him, and is now slick combing it all back.


2137: Harry: "If I didn't have indigestion, I'd still be out there"


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