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14 hours ago


A short while ago Jem called upon Tom for a little cuddle and cry in the bedroomâ€Ķ


Jem told Tom that she had upset Faye to the point where Faye said she didn’t want to be in the House anymore. She also told him how Faye had called her spiteful for telling her that she didn’t want Faye to get involved with Aaron because she’ll get hurt. Tom consoled Jem by saying that she was simply doing her sisterly duty.


This followed a dispute between the sisters in the diary room when Jem started mentioning Faye’s relationship with Aaron.


Faye got upset saying “You’re really upsetting me. Can you stop talking about it? It’s none of your business. Can you stop talking about it now?”


Jem responded with “No, because I’ll always want to look after you because you’re my sister. You’re being silly.”


Faye went onto say “Why am I being silly? Because I really like a guy? You’ve just told me that everyone in there (in the house) says I’ve been acting like a fool in the House.”


Jem told Faye that she wasn’t acting like a fool, but she’d be a fool to get involved with Aaron because he plays games.


The conversation finished with Faye telling Jem that she was being spiteful and nasty, and wanted to leave the diary room.


The two have since spoken, and expressed that they’re not feeling happy in their surroundings at the moment. Tension between the two is quite high, with Faye saying she feels like she’s in the middle of her sister and the guy she likes. Is this just another Faye/Jem tiff, or will they just not be able to compromise on this one? Keep it here for updatesâ€Ķ



1 hour ago


The sisters are at it againâ€Ķ The House had barely awoken as the wrestling duo began bickering over, of all things, spaghetti bolognese. Speaking to Louise in the kitchen, Jem confided that she was upset that Faye had suggested cooking the Italian dish for the House as a last meal, knowing fully well that it wasn’t to Jem’s taste. Confronting her sister about it, Faye defended her behaviour, saying it was the only meal that she could cook well and that it wasn’t done in spite.


However, the argument quickly spiralled in to a discussion about their relationship in the House, with Faye saying to Jem “You’re ruining my time in here”. Jem fought back, saying that the reason she is leaving is because she can’t talk to her sister, which made Faye reply with “Now I feel like goingâ€Ķ” Not being able to come to an agreement, Jem walked off leaving Faye to retort with “You leave me to pick up the pieces” with Jem replying “I’ll pick up my pieces and you pick up yours”.


The sisters have since made up, remembering that this may be Jem’s last day in the House. Will she be the 5thgirl to be evicted? Tune in tonight at 9pm for the live eviction to find out.


0846: Jem and Louise are the first housemates to wake up 


0902: Tom and Faye have joined Jem and Louise in the kitchen for an early morning brew 


0918: Jem and Faye are tucking in to bacon sandwiches 

0931: Faye and Jem have had words over Faye suggesting she'd cook spaghetti bolognese for the House 


0950: Most of the housemates are still in bed, getting some rest for tonight's eviction


1006: Tom and Faye are discussing who they think will be up for nomination next week 


1016: The rest of the housemates have been woken up, but they're not jumping out of bed just yet


1039: Harry has finally joined the others in the kitchen and is discussing school subjects with Tom


1058: Faye is heading off to the sauna for a bit of R'nR 



1 hour ago


This morning the housemates have spoken about everything but tonight’s impending eviction. Topics covered? Everything from 90’s pop, school subjects, weird dreams and ummâ€Ķ dirty underpants. We’ve learnt that Tom used to get out of PE by asking his Nan to write letters for him, Faye thinks there is no bigger girl band than the Spice Girls and Harry dreamt that Faye walked in on him on the loo last night. Aaron mockingly replied to Harry’s bombshell that he was walking a ‘thin line’.


The most disturbing finding, however, is Tom’s allegation that Anton hasn’t washed any clothes since being in the House, including his undergarments. Though we must stress it is purely Tom’s speculation. Louise, on the other hand, joined in saying “I wash in the shower, it’s easier” and admitted to having worn the same underwear for what she described as “some days now”. Nice. What other exclusives will the housemates divulge throughout the day? We can only hope they’re not underwear relatedâ€Ķ



1 hour ago


Aaron and Harry have spent some time alone in the garden this morning, taking the opportunity to get a few issues off their chests. First in the line of fire was Louise, who the duo blasted for being lazy, with Aaron saying “Not sure how she thinks the washing up gets done”. Harry chided in with “Annoys me when she says she starving, saying the task can give you energyâ€ĶNo you naturally have energy, I work out without food. When we’re all cleaning, she stops and goes ‘I’m tired’” After picking her up on her hygiene habits, Harry commented that he didn’t know how she had come this far, adding “louder characters have saved her”. Aaron concluded “I don’t dislike her, I’m sure there’s bits about me that annoys her”.


However, the pair quickly moved on to Jem, with Aaron slating her for yesterday’s burping task, saying “I’ve had enough of Jem. Appreciate it was for a task, but still didn’t like itâ€ĶIt’s disgusting”. He then went on to say how she had told Faye he wasn’t trustworthy, quoting to Harry “She said I’m struggling to understand you, you’re not entertaining, not worth anything, just nice. Thanks for character assassinating me”. Harry tried to reassure him that she may have been going by what she had seen on the TV, but it didn’t ease his worries that she might bad mouth him if evicted this evening.


After venting their frustrations, the pair turned to a good old cup of tea to cheer them up. But with Harry up for eviction this evening, how would Aaron fare without his confidant? The clock is ticking to see who will be the 6th housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House.


1 hour ago


During their time in the crypt, Anton and Jay vowed to reveal the truth about their fellow housemates. It seems Anton is dedicated to this cause, as he tried to enlighten Louise with his thoughts on Aaron. Saying that he can’t be trusted, Anton tried to persuade her that Aaron is not what he seems, saying that he would “do anything, I mean anything”. Defending Aaron, Louise insisted that he’s not that bad, adding “He’s not a killer or anything”. Not the best of comparisons, but the good intention was there. However, Anton wasn’t so convinced finishing with “This is our world and he’s the worst person in the world”.


Even though he can’t seem to let his grievances with Aaron lie, Louise commented that she’s glad he’s gone back to normal. Anton agreed saying “I’m back to myself, chilled, just watching now”. With Anton facing the public vote tonight, will the pair be able to put their issues behind them or will they continue to bicker behind each others back?


11 mins ago


Earlier, Tom was called to the diary room to take part in a secret task. He’s been given the challenge of annoying Harry to the point of explosion in order to win his letter from Home. If he succeeds, he will also win a few tunes for the rest of the House later today. Speaking in the toilet, Tom declared that he plans to run up to Harry with toothpaste and put a print on his back. He’s yet to carry out his plan, but is generally winding Harry up by disagreeing with most of the things he says. Will he get an explosive reaction out of Harry? We’ll keep you updated as his secret task unravels.



(Don`t you find it funny that BB choose to do this to Harry on eviction day?

Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:

11 mins ago


Earlier, Tom was called to the diary room to take part in a secret task. He’s been given the challenge of annoying Harry to the point of explosion in order to win his letter from Home. If he succeeds, he will also win a few tunes for the rest of the House later today. Speaking in the toilet, Tom declared that he plans to run up to Harry with toothpaste and put a print on his back. He’s yet to carry out his plan, but is generally winding Harry up by disagreeing with most of the things he says. Will he get an explosive reaction out of Harry? We’ll keep you updated as his secret task unravels.



(Don`t you find it funny that BB choose to do this to Harry on eviction day?

I am becoming more and more angry at the way that THEY (the powers that be) are trying everything to push their favoured ones Jay and Anton onto us, and doing everything they can to discredit the ones that we like.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:

11 mins ago


Earlier, Tom was called to the diary room to take part in a secret task. He’s been given the challenge of annoying Harry to the point of explosion in order to win his letter from Home. If he succeeds, he will also win a few tunes for the rest of the House later today. Speaking in the toilet, Tom declared that he plans to run up to Harry with toothpaste and put a print on his back. He’s yet to carry out his plan, but is generally winding Harry up by disagreeing with most of the things he says. Will he get an explosive reaction out of Harry? We’ll keep you updated as his secret task unravels.



(Don`t you find it funny that BB choose to do this to Harry on eviction day?

I am becoming more and more angry at the way that THEY (the powers that be) are trying everything to push their favoured ones Jay and Anton onto us, and doing everything they can to discredit the ones that we like.

Me too Squiggle. 


Burping in Aaron`s face, now this. 


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