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 Task resolve – ‘The colour burple’

2 hours ago


Earlier this evening, Faye and Jem were set a secret sisterly Task to burp in Aaron’s face (his worst nightmare) all to win some drinks for the group. One burp’s worth? A drink. 


Faye and Jem managed two burps each, four in total, before Aaron threw his toys out of the pram, and got upset.


Faye gave up, but Big Brother persuaded Jem to carry on, offering her a bottle of champagne if she managed just three more burps within one metre of Aaron. She did this successfully by entering the bathroom during a conversation between Aaron and Harry about dogs, and letting out some hearty, fizzy pop-induced burps. 


Big Brother decided to take it another step further by offering Jem diet soft drinks for Alex and chocolate donuts as an extra reward which Jem accepted, agreeing to finish the Task. She successfully managed around ten more burps, allowing the girls a pass.


Jem and Faye’s reward will be delivered with the shopping later this evening. It will be up to Jem and Faye to explain how they 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Jay and Fem want to leave? Vid:





Day 42: Trouble in sister-dom

1 hour ago


A short while ago Jem called upon Tom for a little cuddle and cry in the bedroomâ€Ķ


Jem told Tom that she had upset Faye to the point where Faye said she didn’t want to be in the House anymore. She also told him how Faye had called her spiteful for telling her that she didn’t want Faye to get involved with Aaron because she’ll get hurt. Tom consoled Jem by saying that she was simply doing her sisterly duty.

This followed a dispute between the sisters in the diary room when Jem started mentioning Faye’s relationship with Aaron.


Faye got upset saying “you’re really upsetting me. Can you stop talking about it? It’s none of your business. Can you stop talking about it now?”.


Jem responded with “No, because I’ll always want to look after you because you’re my sister. You’re being silly”.


Faye went onto say “why am I being silly? Because I really like a guy? You’ve just told me that everyone in there (in the house) says I’ve been acting like a fool in the House”.


Jem told Faye that she wasn’t acting like a fool, but she’d be a fool to get involved with Aaron because he plays games.


The conversation finished with Faye telling Jem that she was being spiteful and nasty, and wanted to leave the diary room.


The two have since spoken, and expressed that they’re not feeling happy in their surroundings at the moment. Tension between the two are quite high, with Faye saying she feels like she’s in the middle of her sister and the guy she likes. Is this just another Faye/Jem tiff, or will they just not be able to compromise on this one? 



Jem and Faye both want to quit

36 mins ago


Following their earlier tiff, the sisters both now claim that they want to leave the house

Originally Posted by MrsH:

 Task resolve – ‘The colour burple’

2 hours ago


Earlier this evening, Faye and Jem were set a secret sisterly Task to burp in Aaron’s face (his worst nightmare) all to win some drinks for the group. One burp’s worth? A drink. 


Faye and Jem managed two burps each, four in total, before Aaron threw his toys out of the pram, and got upset.


Faye gave up, but Big Brother persuaded Jem to carry on, offering her a bottle of champagne if she managed just three more burps within one metre of Aaron. She did this successfully by entering the bathroom during a conversation between Aaron and Harry about dogs, and letting out some hearty, fizzy pop-induced burps. 


Big Brother decided to take it another step further by offering Jem diet soft drinks for Alex and chocolate donuts as an extra reward which Jem accepted, agreeing to finish the Task. She successfully managed around ten more burps, allowing the girls a pass.


Jem and Faye’s reward will be delivered with the shopping later this evening. It will be up to Jem and Faye to explain how they 

BB don't like Aarom do they 


Big Brother Live

2309 Faye and Harry are having an in depth conversation about worldly matters...


2254 Louise and Jay are having a cute little flirt and cuddle in the garden
2238 Faye is telling Alex that she's getting her involved in wrestling when they get out
Big Brother Live
2230 Louise and Faye seem to be having some girly bonding time tonight. A blossoming friendship?
Last edited by Former Member

2254 Louise and Jay are having a cute little flirt and cuddle in the garden


2309 Faye and Harry are having an in depth conversation about worldly matters...


2327 Aaron and Faye have found a little quiet moment together to have a chat in the bedroom


2342: Anton:"I am annoying at times. But I am very loyal, loving and caring. I sometimes talk too much"





 Jay’s dreams

22 mins ago


This evening following the shopping delivery Jay got into a little bit of a hump, and it seems his dreams aren’t helping matters eitherâ€Ķ


Jay took to his bed this evening following his disappointment in the lack of beer that was delivered, and having had no food. Louise did point out that the food had now just been delivered but it didn’t seem to budge him.


Faye and Alex joined them in the bedroom to check Jay was okay, at which point the real reason behind his moodiness arose – a dream. He told the girls that he’d had a dream that someone had annoyed him and he couldn’t let it go.


The voice of reason, Louise, stepped in once again to point out that the dream was in fact, just a dream, but still Jay seemed unsettled. This isn’t the first time Jay’s nightmares have been an issue to him in the House, only a week or so ago he was having the same problem letting it go.


He confided in the girls that he’d not only had a unsettling dream, but he’d also got out of the wrong side of bed, causing him to be easily irritated, hence why he’d taken to sulking in bed.


It seemed all he really needed was a girly chat and some Lou cuddles though, as before they knew it he was out of bed, back out in the garden and back in Lou’s arms. Oh bless. But what happens the next time those dream bugs come a-knocking? 


0156:All husemates are asleep except for Aaron who is reading his letter from home in the kitchen. 

 Jem update

8 hours ago


After this evening’s earlier outburst, it seems Jem has settled down and enjoyed her evening with her fellow housematesâ€Ķ


It started with a donut (what better way?) and ended with a smile; it seemed all the wrestler needed was a good old bit of grub down her neck and a drink to wash it down with.


After lots of cuddles and some solid conversations with her housemates and sis, Jem has perked up and even spoke about how happy she is that she’s made some real friends already since she entered the House.


Jay was a good voice of reason, and said that they all have rough times in there, and they all agreed that as a housemate, you always feel a sense of well being when you’ve overcome a rough patch.


Jem even had a little bonding time with Harry over, yes you’ve guessed it, food. But this time more specifically, peanut butter. They have a jar each which they’ve promised to one another in the event either of them are evicted tomorrow night.


Is this a fresh start for Jem, or will Harry be in peanut butter heaven? 



Friday   Eviction Day  


0846: Jem and Louise are the first housemates to wake up 


0902: Tom and Faye have joined Jem and Louise in the kitchen for an early morning brew


0918: Jem and Faye are tucking in to bacon sandwiches 


Last edited by MrsH

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