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Originally Posted by Cupcake:
'Bleedin Nora' right under my post.  Wasn't meant for me... OK.... sure...  Still doesn't take away the fact that you always have something to say every time I post...  Still, not really bothered as most people on here are nice.

WTF is wrong with you? Up till today, I haven't commented on your stuff. Have you been assessed?
RE KARMA:  WTF is wrong with you? Up till today, I haven't commented on your stuff. Have you been assessed?

No - have YOU?! ??  Deny the comment was meant for me if you want, but it was right below my last comment.   So if it WAS meant for someone else, maybe you should make your posts clearer next time.  BYE BYE.
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
OK, whatever you say Karma........    Go and have a lie down love.  I'm off now anyway.  Enjoy yourselves folks.  I know you'll miss me but I have to go.  Byeeeee.  You're hilarious....
I don't need a lie down

Whatever floats your boat, dear. See you at no.4, Next ID Street, left off proxy corner. x
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
RE KARMA:  WTF is wrong with you? Up till today, I haven't commented on your stuff. Have you been assessed?

No - have YOU?! ??  Deny the comment was meant for me if you want, but it was right below my last comment.   So if it WAS meant for someone else, maybe you should make your posts clearer next time.  BYE BYE.

Make my posts clearer so Queen Cupcak can be appeased? Kiss my arse! If you want to go round acting like paranoia personified of the decade then that's your business.
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
RE KARMA:  WTF is wrong with you? Up till today, I haven't commented on your stuff. Have you been assessed?

No - have YOU?! ??  Deny the comment was meant for me if you want, but it was right below my last comment.   So if it WAS meant for someone else, maybe you should make your posts clearer next time.  BYE BYE.

"Calm Down!"

Ooh my ribs ache

Cupcake - I would hazard a guess that Erin cut and pasted rather than linked as apparently this story is from the Daily Mail and she knows, given the aversion that a lot of us have to that particular rag, that most of us wouldn't want to click on the link and give their site more traffic - which increases their ad revenue. So in order that everyone could participate in the thread she pasted it
You don't have to read it hun and the reason that everyone singled out your post for comment was that no one elses post was rude like yours.
You might feel got at but if you word your posts in the way you do then you will get a similar response
Cheers Veggie ,thats exactly what I did .
I try not to give that eejit the time of day,I have said it before and I will say it again .
I do not give a rats ass about her opinion on anything ,not even the weather.
I am very relaxed so I will decline the chill pill  with thanks ,I would however suggest CC reads through the thread, it is very clear who indeed needs the medication .
I don't mind going on the DM site.  I get a perverse pleasure out of reading their comment, stories, their silly celeb articles of indignant outrage about whatever Rihanna happens to wearing today and not clicking on any advertising links.  I'm a DM scrounger.

Aside from that, it's escaped the Daily Mail's attention that the BBC only commissions "The Real Hustle" from production company, Objective Productions

I seem to recall it was the Tories who first deregulated the British TV industry to allow commissioning of TV programmes from independent TV production companies rather than in house BBC and ITV companies.  I'm not saying that decision was good or bad, but in this case it's like blaming Tesco because Heinz have decided to change their ketchup recipe to one no one likes.
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
I don't mind going on the DM site.  I get a perverse pleasure out of reading their comment, stories, their silly celeb articles of indignant outrage about whatever Rihanna happens to wearing today and not clicking on any advertising links.  
That will help as the companies won't have any direct traffic, however the DM lot will still quote the traffic to their site and sell it on that the secret is if anyone wants to help not to put money in Dacre's pockets, don't visit the site. Get one person to copy and paste to every 100 who want to read the story. Just as the good Erin has done
That will help as the companies won't have any direct traffic, however the DM lot will still quote the traffic to their site and sell it on that the secret is if anyone wants to help not to put money in Dacre's pockets, don't visit the site. Get one person to copy and paste to every 100 who want to read the story. Just as the good Erin has done

Fair point, but my guess is they also have stats for clicks on advertising links.  The DM will continue to flourish with or without my mouse clicks and Dacre's undermining of the BBC is short sighted and will rebound on him if Murdoch gains a bigger slice of British media.

However, I don't hate the Daily Mail, I just think it's a paper whose politics and aims I nearly always disagree, The DM isn't quite in the same league as Murdoch's grubby, sleazy empire and some of its criticisms of the coalition (although they tend to come from the right) and even the left are valid.
I used to enjoy reading the DM exactly cos it was always controversial and made me go  a lot of the time.. . and tis good to know what the extremists of both sides are thinking. .tho haven't read it for a while so not sure it has the opposite end of the spectrum contributors it once had..  plus tis the only newspaper that doesn't have the icky ink run on to your hands . .I have an aversion to newspaper ink.. dunno why tho

I do get it delivered of a Saturday cos I like the TV schedule but I don't actually read it nor any other newspaper anymore..  I just watch a lot of TV instead. .I am a pleb.. 

but I do hate the DM readers label as a generalisation thing of something almost evil..    I feel uncomfortable on here sometimes being in a minority as a 'middle leaning to the right but not a Liberal' type person..  and feel an outcast when people spit out the Tory word in almost a venomous way.. makes me feel as if people not far left  enough or those that may read the DM are the shit on their shoes or summat.. during election time was the worst..  but the way politics is now I doubt I will ever vote again cos I can't stand any of them.. I do understand some people are passionate especially about politics and get over excited but it does feel uncomfortable sometimes and as if I don't belong..  

*sits in minority corner *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I don;t know what a Gruniad is Super. .told ya I'm a pleb

it's just more to do with the generalisation thing really with Politics or newspapers.. I try to ignore it but every so often it kinda digs a bit   especially when peeps are getting really passionate about their feelings on some subjects.. I understand where they are coming from just feel uncomfy now and then..  . . but I'll survive..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Probably from Private Eye Carnelian!

Olly - sorry you feel like that. I'm sure that not everyone who reads the Mail is a right wing loony bigot of course but they way they go about their stories and the way they report stuff makes me see red.
 I can't stand the Murdoch press either btw. Why can't newspapers just report the news as fact and keep their opinions on it to their viewpoint columnists?
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
I don't mind going on the DM site.  I get a perverse pleasure out of reading their comment, stories, their silly celeb articles of indignant outrage about whatever Rihanna happens to wearing today and not clicking on any advertising links.  I'm a DM scrounger.

This is me ^^^    I love a good chuckle at the outraged of milton keynes bunch of a lunchtime...

Edit:  Olly!!!     I need to explain I laugh at the people who will happily spend half their life decrying the likes of Denise van Outen for being papped and calling Russell Brand and Katie Perry publicity seeking morons for getting married to each other (despite the fact that they haven't sold a single picture of their wedding) and Rod Stewart for daring to have another baby he can well afford with a wife he obviously loves (for now anyway), and who loves him.  I just love the righteous indignation.
Last edited by Kaffs
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Probably from Private Eye Carnelian!

Olly - sorry you feel like that. I'm sure that not everyone who reads the Mail is a right wing loony bigot of course but they way they go about their stories and the way they report stuff makes me see red.
 I can't stand the Murdoch press either btw. Why can't newspapers just report the news as fact and keep their opinions on it to their viewpoint columnists?
I agree with this bit Veggie.. and no way am I a right wing looney but am not a leftie either.. but I do, well did like to read opinions from all sides tho [so I can figure out how differing people are thinking] which the DM used to have with it's columnists, [back  when I did actually read it and not put it straight into my green bin after removing the TV guide... ]

.I just hate when one or the other side starts the name calling and it gets spiteful and aggressive too. . even if people don't mean to do that tis just their passions flowing out.. still feels a bit of an 'ok I'll stay away am not welcome here' moment on occasions when that happens
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Edit:  Olly!!!     I need to explain I laugh at the people who will happily spend half their life decrying the likes of Denise van Outen for being papped and calling Russell Brand and Katie Perry publicity seeking morons for getting married to each other (despite the fact that they haven't sold a single picture of their wedding) and Rod Stewart for daring to have another baby he can well afford with a wife he obviously loves (for now anyway), and who loves him.  I just love the righteous indignation.
I'd laugh at all that too and more..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Cupcake -
You don't have to read it hun and the reason that everyone singled out your post for comment was that no one elses post was rude like yours.
You might feel got at but if you word your posts in the way you do then you will get a similar response

I appreciate your post and your sentiments Veggie, but I really truly don't care about people reacting negatively to me/my posts.    Some people on here really nark me off and some of their posts nark me off as I see some snarky posts aimed at me that are sometimes called for, sometimes uncalled for.  But I don't care...  My posts only come across as arsey if I feel annoyed when I post the message.  And I am not always arsey.  But I am not here to win any popularity contests or say what people want to hear. I couldn't care less about people making fun of me or calling me grumpy or horrid or whatever. 

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