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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Sam,  none of the others stand a chance, and it doesn't matter if an angel from heaven goes in tomorrow, Sam has it in the bag.

Is that because he has a hearing impairment, or because of his personality, just curious

He seems nice enough, but even if he sat in the middle of the garden for 9 weeks not saying a word and not taking part in the show he'd still win, and you know why...his "overcoming difficulties", the life story.


He wont be judged the same as all the other HM's now, just like Luke A wasn't, just like Pete wasn't and just like Nadia wasn''s a total unfair joke to this show.

I understand what you're saying but I think if voters want someone to win because they're "different" for whatever reason I think it's an insult to the person concerned, I don't think they'd want a sympathy vote as it's a bit patronising. Personally I wouldn't vote for that reason alone - having watched since series 1it's a lot of years since I've voted - but if I was to vote I'd choose someone because I like them and their personality, which might include a life story but likeability factor is still more important personally.

I take your point YR.


All i'll say is Luke A just sulked and was moody throughout the show last year, Nadia was mean and shouted at everyone and Pete used the women in the house to stay in,  if HM's who didn't share the life stories of those 3 former winners behaved in just the same way those 3 did I dont think they would have won.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Sam,  none of the others stand a chance, and it doesn't matter if an angel from heaven goes in tomorrow, Sam has it in the bag.

Is that because he has a hearing impairment, or because of his personality, just curious

He seems nice enough, but even if he sat in the middle of the garden for 9 weeks not saying a word and not taking part in the show he'd still win, and you know why...his "overcoming difficulties", the life story.


He wont be judged the same as all the other HM's now, just like Luke A wasn't, just like Pete wasn't and just like Nadia wasn''s a total unfair joke to this show.

I understand what you're saying but I think if voters want someone to win because they're "different" for whatever reason I think it's an insult to the person concerned, I don't think they'd want a sympathy vote as it's a bit patronising. Personally I wouldn't vote for that reason alone - having watched since series 1it's a lot of years since I've voted - but if I was to vote I'd choose someone because I like them and their personality, which might include a life story but likeability factor is still more important personally.

I take your point YR.


All i'll say is Luke A just sulked and was moody throughout the show last year, Nadia was mean and shouted at everyone and Pete used the women in the house to stay in,  if HM's who didn't share the life stories of those 3 former winners behaved in just the same way those 3 did I dont think they would have won.

Because the hm's you've mentioned won it's possible the majority of voters do want them to win because of their stories so in some ways you've proved your case lol. If their reasoning was based on so called pity I can't say I agree with it because because of the reasons I mentioned, but as they say it's the people's choice, whether this year it will be Sam or someone else

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Sam,  none of the others stand a chance, and it doesn't matter if an angel from heaven goes in tomorrow, Sam has it in the bag.

Is that because he has a hearing impairment, or because of his personality, just curious

He seems nice enough, but even if he sat in the middle of the garden for 9 weeks not saying a word and not taking part in the show he'd still win, and you know why...his "overcoming difficulties", the life story.


He wont be judged the same as all the other HM's now, just like Luke A wasn't, just like Pete wasn't and just like Nadia wasn''s a total unfair joke to this show.

I understand what you're saying but I think if voters want someone to win because they're "different" for whatever reason I think it's an insult to the person concerned, I don't think they'd want a sympathy vote as it's a bit patronising. Personally I wouldn't vote for that reason alone - having watched since series 1it's a lot of years since I've voted - but if I was to vote I'd choose someone because I like them and their personality, which might include a life story but likeability factor is still more important personally.

I take your point YR.


All i'll say is Luke A just sulked and was moody throughout the show last year, Nadia was mean and shouted at everyone and Pete used the women in the house to stay in,  if HM's who didn't share the life stories of those 3 former winners behaved in just the same way those 3 did I dont think they would have won.

Because the hm's you've mentioned won it's possible the majority of voters do want them to win because of their stories so in some ways you've proved your case lol. If their reasoning was based on so called pity I can't say I agree with it because because of the reasons I mentioned, but as they say it's the people's choice, whether this year it will be Sam or someone else

  oh well, Sam seems a nice lad on first impressions, lets hope he stays that way.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Sam,  none of the others stand a chance, and it doesn't matter if an angel from heaven goes in tomorrow, Sam has it in the bag.

Is that because he has a hearing impairment, or because of his personality, just curious

He seems nice enough, but even if he sat in the middle of the garden for 9 weeks not saying a word and not taking part in the show he'd still win, and you know why...his "overcoming difficulties", the life story.


He wont be judged the same as all the other HM's now, just like Luke A wasn't, just like Pete wasn't and just like Nadia wasn''s a total unfair joke to this show.

I understand what you're saying but I think if voters want someone to win because they're "different" for whatever reason I think it's an insult to the person concerned, I don't think they'd want a sympathy vote as it's a bit patronising. Personally I wouldn't vote for that reason alone - having watched since series 1it's a lot of years since I've voted - but if I was to vote I'd choose someone because I like them and their personality, which might include a life story but likeability factor is still more important personally.

I take your point YR.


All i'll say is Luke A just sulked and was moody throughout the show last year, Nadia was mean and shouted at everyone and Pete used the women in the house to stay in,  if HM's who didn't share the life stories of those 3 former winners behaved in just the same way those 3 did I dont think they would have won.

Because the hm's you've mentioned won it's possible the majority of voters do want them to win because of their stories so in some ways you've proved your case lol. If their reasoning was based on so called pity I can't say I agree with it because because of the reasons I mentioned, but as they say it's the people's choice, whether this year it will be Sam or someone else

  oh well, Sam seems a nice lad on first impressions, lets hope he stays that way.

Early days/day but so far he seems nice, the weeks ahead will show if he really is

Yellow Rose

It's a shame that people 'assume' that someone will win automatically on the 'pity' vote. I don't believe that'pity' alone will win it. Verne Troyer, Steve (soldier) and Mikey didn't win ...........they weren't what people wanted from a 'winner'. If Sam happens to be a nice guy then his 'disability' might give him the edge over a fellow HM - if he proves to be an arse he won't win.


It really isn't a foregone conclusion. For what it's worth I think Nadia won because it became a JC v's Lip Gloss issue .....the vote was ridiculously skewed - Dan should have won that one hands down.


Just my opinion of course.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's a shame that people 'assume' that someone will win automatically on the 'pity' vote. I don't believe that'pity' alone will win it. Verne Troyer, Steve (soldier) and Mikey didn't win ...........they weren't what people wanted from a 'winner'. If Sam happens to be a nice guy then his 'disability' might give him the edge over a fellow HM - if he proves to be an arse he won't win.


It really isn't a foregone conclusion. For what it's worth I think Nadia won because it became a JC v's Lip Gloss issue .....the vote was ridiculously skewed - Dan should have won that one hands down.


Just my opinion of course.

I agree with you, Soozy, Dan ought to have won that year.

I also agree that disability/sob story isn't enough to hand you the winner's trophy, otherwise Mikey and Steve would have won in their particular years. Thank goodness, they didn't!

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's a shame that people 'assume' that someone will win automatically on the 'pity' vote. I don't believe that'pity' alone will win it. Verne Troyer, Steve (soldier) and Mikey didn't win ...........they weren't what people wanted from a 'winner'. If Sam happens to be a nice guy then his 'disability' might give him the edge over a fellow HM - if he proves to be an arse he won't win.


It really isn't a foregone conclusion. For what it's worth I think Nadia won because it became a JC v's Lip Gloss issue .....the vote was ridiculously skewed - Dan should have won that one hands down.


Just my opinion of course.

Nadia was an arse, Pete was a total arse and Luke A bitched his head off, throughout the show, they won.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's a shame that people 'assume' that someone will win automatically on the 'pity' vote. I don't believe that'pity' alone will win it. Verne Troyer, Steve (soldier) and Mikey didn't win ...........they weren't what people wanted from a 'winner'. If Sam happens to be a nice guy then his 'disability' might give him the edge over a fellow HM - if he proves to be an arse he won't win.


It really isn't a foregone conclusion. For what it's worth I think Nadia won because it became a JC v's Lip Gloss issue .....the vote was ridiculously skewed - Dan should have won that one hands down.


Just my opinion of course.

I agree with you, Soozy, Dan ought to have won that year.

I also agree that disability/sob story isn't enough to hand you the winner's trophy, otherwise Mikey and Steve would have won in their particular years. Thank goodness, they didn't!

Agree with you both - although can't comment on Dan because I only started watching towards the end of that series.  I was a late BB bloomer.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Leah G Cartoonist:

Winner will be SAM.

Can't see that at all. Think he'll pee everyone off with his inappropriate, sexist comments. Sympathy for a 'disability' will only work if you're likeable ........really don't think he is - he's a bit of a plank.

Its got nothing to with sympathy, I don't feel any sympathy for him, he doesnt need it.


I simply think he's the most normal, least egotistical in there. He has personality and looks etc. The rest wouldn't spit on each other if they were on fire. All very 'me,me,me' types. As for his sexism .. he does need to reign that in, it's immature but Jemima isn't objecting is she?

Leah G Cartoonist
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sam was on Deal or no Deal not long ago and  he did seem to get the pity vote on there and was trying to chat up the staff 

Noel would chew him up and spit him out.   If he's going to stay the course they need to put bromide in his tea.

And wash out his potty mouth....he's extremely immature, hard to believe he's considerably older than JacknJoe, Sophie and Wolfy and only a year younger than Gina and Hazel, he's behaving like a 7yr old who has just discovered 'naughty words'

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Sam,  none of the others stand a chance, and it doesn't matter if an angel from heaven goes in tomorrow, Sam has it in the bag.

Is that because he has a hearing impairment, or because of his personality, just curious

He seems nice enough, but even if he sat in the middle of the garden for 9 weeks not saying a word and not taking part in the show he'd still win, and you know why...his "overcoming difficulties", the life story.


He wont be judged the same as all the other HM's now, just like Luke A wasn't, just like Pete wasn't and just like Nadia wasn''s a total unfair joke to this show.

Thing is he won't and hasn' far he's being an immature prick!

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Supes:

If I was pushed to choose a winner from launch night one I'd go Sophie or Wolfy....night two I'd go Daley

I think Sophie has a good chance but fear she will be overshadowed by the likes of Sallie 

Sallie will stay in for a bit I think, but she'll annoy and upset people with her 'frankness' (aka nastiness.) Sophie, I think, will get stuck in to the tasks, be fun and pleasant and will be liked by others, so won't be at high risk of nominations....early days 'though, depends on what alliances are formed and what fauxmances develop

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Supes:

If I was pushed to choose a winner from launch night one I'd go Sophie or Wolfy....night two I'd go Daley

I think Sophie has a good chance but fear she will be overshadowed by the likes of Sallie 

Sallie will stay in for a bit I think, but she'll annoy and upset people with her 'frankness' (aka nastiness.) Sophie, I think, will get stuck in to the tasks, be fun and pleasant and will be liked by others, so won't be at high risk of nominations....early days 'though, depends on what alliances are formed and what fauxmances develop

I think your about Sophie and the tasks, I think Sallie will get quite a few nominations for her "frankness" 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Supes:

If I was pushed to choose a winner from launch night one I'd go Sophie or Wolfy....night two I'd go Daley

I think Sophie has a good chance but fear she will be overshadowed by the likes of Sallie 

I think Sophie will chew Sallie up and spit her out.  Or should I say....

Spi' 'err ahhhhhtttt

Maybe not immediately but give her time.

Originally Posted by Leah G Cartoonist:

Gina Rio was on a TV program about UK's most spoiled kids, and she's been in paper for it numerous times, she gets an allowance. I suspect she was invited to go on the show, hence her lack of preparedness for what awaits! Bet shes never even seen the show before.


Meanwhile ...



Great caricature Leah

I'm also pretty sure that Gina's been in the papers re her lifestyle (or maybe someone very similar has).

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Leah G Cartoonist:

Gina Rio was on a TV program about UK's most spoiled kids, and she's been in paper for it numerous times, she gets an allowance. I suspect she was invited to go on the show, hence her lack of preparedness for what awaits! Bet shes never even seen the show before.


Meanwhile ...



Great caricature Leah

I'm also pretty sure that Gina's been in the papers re her lifestyle (or maybe someone very similar has).

You're right Cosi

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Supes:

If I was pushed to choose a winner from launch night one I'd go Sophie or Wolfy....night two I'd go Daley

I think Sophie has a good chance but fear she will be overshadowed by the likes of Sallie 

I think Sophie will chew Sallie up and spit her out.  Or should I say....

Spi' 'err ahhhhhtttt

Maybe not immediately but give her time.

I really hope so ........I have high hopes for young Sophie.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Leah G Cartoonist:

Gina Rio was on a TV program about UK's most spoiled kids, and she's been in paper for it numerous times, she gets an allowance. I suspect she was invited to go on the show, hence her lack of preparedness for what awaits! Bet shes never even seen the show before.


Meanwhile ...



Great caricature Leah

I'm also pretty sure that Gina's been in the papers re her lifestyle (or maybe someone very similar has).

You're right Cosi


How sad - I feel a bit sorry for her now..


She says: “I know I’m spoiled, but I need my parents to buy me things to prove they love me.

“My dad will buy me anything that I ask for to show me how much he cares.

“I think the most expensive item was a Hermes handbag which cost ÂĢ20,000.

“When I found out that he’d bought his mistress a Hermes bag, I wanted to have one that was bigger and better.

“I wanted him to prove that he loved me more than her, because she’s horrid.

“He’s my dad at the end of the day and I’m always going to love him, but he’s chosen his new family over me.”

Read more:

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Leah G Cartoonist:

Gina Rio was on a TV program about UK's most spoiled kids, and she's been in paper for it numerous times, she gets an allowance. I suspect she was invited to go on the show, hence her lack of preparedness for what awaits! Bet shes never even seen the show before.


Meanwhile ...



Great caricature Leah

I'm also pretty sure that Gina's been in the papers re her lifestyle (or maybe someone very similar has).

You're right Cosi

It was Leah who reminded me, Supes.


After reading that link I'm selling my car


And, what is it with these girls/women/females - can't they find bras that fit??

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

How sad - I feel a bit sorry for her now..


She says: “I know I’m spoiled, but I need my parents to buy me things to prove they love me.

“My dad will buy me anything that I ask for to show me how much he cares.

“I think the most expensive item was a Hermes handbag which cost ÂĢ20,000.

“When I found out that he’d bought his mistress a Hermes bag, I wanted to have one that was bigger and better.

“I wanted him to prove that he loved me more than her, because she’s horrid.

“He’s my dad at the end of the day and I’m always going to love him, but he’s chosen his new family over me.”

Read more:

Yet another one who can't distinguish between a man's love for his child and his love for his wife (be it 1st, 2nd or umpteenth one)


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