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10.08pm Helen is trying out different accents. Mark doesn't look very impressed.


10.26pm Pauline is telling Christopher that she doesn't think anyone is jealous of her power. She, um, probably isn't right about that....


10.38pm Pauline's telling Ashleigh she might start pretending Big Brother has asked her to do things. Naughty Pauline


10.41pm "If I could hug all the donkeys, I would." Aww, Mark.


10.55pm Ashleigh is wondering why BB has not put an "obnoxious guy" in the House. Have you spotted one?


11.16pm Most of the housemates are hanging out in the garden. Kimberly is hoping people get her.


11.36pm Toya and Danielle are discussing relationships in the House. They are trying to control how they react to people.


11.44pm Marlon is doing cartwheels in the garden. He's very good at them

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

1.31am There is some debate over whether Helen's hairbrush is actually a shoe brush. It's that time of night


1.47am Jale is eating an ice cream in the garden. She's making quite a meal of it


1.58am: Not one housemate has hit the hay yet. We're going to have to leave them to it until the morning. Goodnight .


Hmm....Didn't they used to keep the feed going 'til they had gone to bed? Or at least the majority, Or am I just fondly remembering  hours of LF watching the majority sleeping?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Everything you need to know about Day 4


Having had a few days to get to know one another, our housemates all seemed to be feeling pretty comfortable. But not for long, because Day 4 saw the first round of nominations in the House.

Tamara hears the nomination rules

To make things just a little bit tougher, Big Brother decreed that housemates had to have legitimate reasons for all of their nominations. There'll be no easy answers like "we haven't got anything in common" or "we haven't had a chance to bond" for this lot. The stress of it all changed the atmosphere in the House, with Christopher, in particular, feeling guilty about his noms. The results of today’s nominations won't be revealed until tomorrow, though, so they'll just have to stew for a bit longer.

Winston demonstrating push ups

Once they'd nominated, most of the housemates decided to spend their day soaking up the sun. Tamara got a lesson in proper push-up form from Ash and Winston and then decided to turn Ash into her own personal human surfboard. As you do.

Ash at the Pool Party

With tensions running high and cliques starting to emerge, power housemate Pauline got to play favourites again when Big Brother threw her another party. This time, she picked Chris, Ash, Marlon, Tamara and Kimberly to join her for a pool party. While they splashed around eating ice cream and enjoying the sunshine, the rest of the House just had to be happy with their soup.

Matthew does a backbend

spot of gymnastics and, er, carpet drag rounded off the day. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow night at 10pm to find out who's been nominated for this summer's first evictions - and to see who Pauline has chosen to use her killer nomination on...



Big Brother 2014 housemate Helen Wood has now received a total of fourteen strikes from producers.


We told at the weekend how Helen had been reprimanded by bosses, just a day into her stay.

And it seems she’s not learned her lesson, having been called into the Diary Room to be repeated told off about her behaviour and language.

According to the Daily Star newspaper, Helen has now been warned a total of 14 times over the weekend.

She told her fellow housemates: “I’ve done it again – 14 strikes! I’m in trouble, I’ve been told already. Just being a t*** – I need a filter.”

But just like her first warning, show bosses REFUSE to say just why they’ve been forced to have words with her.

A spokesperson for Big Brother refused to comment.

Helen has already made it into the final of the series after being granted a pass to the end in the new Power twist on Friday.

But the other housemates don’t reckon it’s true with Matthew Davies saying yesterday: “It’s way too good to be true, it’s bulls**t.”

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Apparently Rylan pissed of the SAS, he was wearing one of the SAS Badges in the Advert! “It’s insulting” says soldier


He has angered members of the elite regiment – motto Who Dares Wins – by wearing its badge in a TV promo for the show.

The 25-year-old, who came fifth in X Factor in 2012 and won Celebrity Big Brother in 2013, walked straight into an ambush when he donned the insignia.

SAS soldiers are furious Rylan wore the winged dagger, which is awarded only to those who pass a gruelling selection process.

The tough test includes navigating through the Brecon Beacon mountains in south Wales, carrying backpacks often weighing more than 80lb.

And as well as the regiment’s badge, Rylan also sported a row of medal ribbons on his chest, including the Queen’s Gallantry Medal.

That decoration is awarded for outstanding courage by the Queen.

One retired Army sergeant from the SAS Association said: “I find it insulting that these people are allowed to wear the regimental cap badge.

“I find it insulting that these people are allowed to wear the regimental cap badge”

<cite>A retired Army sergeant</cite>

“It is special, it is unique and it is highly valued.

“Many of our soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country and the regiment.

“Allowing our badge to be used in this manner does not respect those who have fallen.”

Channel 5 could also find themselves facing a broadside from the Ministry of Defence for using the badges without prior consent.

The Government department puts private firms through a vetting process before letting them use badges.

Those from the SAS and Parachute Regimentare now rarely approved after a number of television dramas portrayed the regiments’ soldiers as “drunken killers”.

A Ministry of Defence file obtained by the Daily Star Sunday details how regimental badges and crests are protected and adds that there is great sensitivity in respect of how the badges are used.

It states: “The MoD takes its intellectual property and use of its badges in particular very seriously and legal action can be taken against you if you use a badge without the correct permission.”



Oooooo He better watch his teeth then



The first three housemates have been put up for the Big Brother 2014 eviction.


Yesterday housemates nominated for the first time and Danielle McMahon, Jale Karaturp and Tamara Stewart-Wood all face the axe.

They MAY be joined by a fourth person as tonight will see Power housemate Pauline deliver her killer nomination live.

That person will not only face eviction this week but EVERY other week that they remain in the house.

It is however not clear if Pauline’s power nomination can include those who already face the axe.

Who nominated

· Danielle is the first to nominate “false” Matthew and “crude” Steven

· Matthew nominates Danielle who “caused a divide in the House” and Jale, “who could stir things upâ€Ķ could blow up soon”

· Toya nominates Marlon who is “trying too hard and he had his hands down his pants this morning which is so disgusting” and Christopher who “was very quick to voice his opinion”

· Christopher nominates Danielle for “sitting on the edge of the groupâ€Ķafraid to get involved” and Matthew who he thinks has “categorised us and simplified us too muchâ€Ķand workout his place in the House and how he can dominate the other Housemates to get as far as he can in the game.”

· Helen nominates Jale because “she’s a bit jealous about how everyone loves Pauline” and Ashleigh who she describes as being “reserved and doesn’t have much to say”

· Marlon nominates Toya because she’s “not interested in my background” and Mark who is “quite demanding”

· Kimberly nominates Tamara because she’s “not a very approachable personâ€Ķcan come across really, really rude” and Ash because of his “arrogant mindset”

· Chris nominates Tamara because “she’s living in her own headâ€Ķnot engaging” and Winston who is “constantly checking the mirrorsâ€Ķtoo self conscious”

· Mark nominates Kimberly who he says “can be a bit dismissive” and Jale who took too much chicken at lunch and is “looking out for number one”

· Tamara nominates “rude” Jale and Kimberly who “rolled her eyesâ€Ķa little bit snooty”

· Winston nominates Marlon and “miserable” Danielle

· Ash nominates Danielle because she “hasn’t put the effort in to make friends” and Ashleigh who “doesn’t have a drink and goes to bed early”

· Jale nominates Steven for “not being real” and Tamara who only “comes up to me when they’ve got no one else to talk to”

· Ashleigh nominates Tamara who “doesn’t really care what I’m doing or how I am” and Winston who she finds it quite hard to talk to

· Steven nominates Jale because “if she’s crossed she doesn’t react well” and Chris because of what he said in his VT



Day 4 saw the Big Brother 2014 housemates enjoy the pool partyâ€Ķ well, at least the ones that were invited.

Big Brother reveals that it is nomination day

Mark tells Toya and Pauline that he’s “feeling all the psychic feelings todayâ€ĶI think people’s emotions are running a bit highâ€ĶI can read people”

Steven, Jale, Matthew and Marlon discuss conflict on the sofas. Jale says, “If someone crossed me and went for me, I’d defend myself very well” Matthew observes that she could “hit the roofâ€Ķrip people to pieces“

Mark asks Helen how she found nominating to which she says, “It was easier than I thoughtâ€Ķbut not for the second one (Kimberly) because I just feel like absolute bullsh*tâ€Ķnot bullsh*t but it’s not enough reasons to nominate somebody”

Tamara and Winston discuss their relationships

Pauline jokes that Jale has taken too much chicken for lunch. Jale responds saying, “I’ve just seen other people with the same amount so I’m sure it will be fine”

Some of the Housemates discuss how their accents change in an argument or when they’re drunk. Mark says that, “when I’m angry I go so much more Scouse” to which Chris jokes “You can’t go much more Scouseâ€Ķwhere do you go?!”

Kimberly and Chris discuss how the Housemates are forming packs

Jale and Toya discuss Pauline. Toya says, “no one here should dictate to anyone”. Jale adds, “It is what it isâ€ĶI just want to stay out of the kitchen”

Tamara tells Matthew that she thinks Jale “looks a bit thick”

Some of the Housemates talk about their gang with Helen saying that “everyone just clubbed together” They go on to talk about how Danielle has affected the House dynamic

Matthew talks to Jale in the garden. Jale says that “I feel like quite a few people have distanced themselves from meâ€ĶA lot of people are scared of me when they first meet meâ€ĶI’ll give it a go but if I’m getting blocks everywhere, I’ll give up”

Some of the Housemates discuss porn in the garden. Danielle and Ashleigh walk away from the conversation with Danielle exclaiming, “they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me offâ€ĶI’ve never heard so much rubbish in my whole life”

Pauline has used her Power to call Danielle, Marlon and Ashleigh into the Power Pod and gives Danielle a pep talk

Helen, Tamara, Mark and Christopher discuss Danielle in the bedroom with Tamara saying, “I think she should walk offâ€Ķif you don’t like it, ***** off”

Big Brother calls Pauline to the Control Room to make her Killer Nomination, asking if it’s been an easy decision, to which she responds as resounding “yes”

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The Big Brother 2014 contestants will go head to head in a new task this afternoon.


Housemates compete against each other in different categories; most weird, most amazing and most disgusting. The other Housemates are watching as an audience, using live feedback voting pads to indicate which pair of Housemates they prefer.

The hits see Housemates called to a ‘set’ in the large task room. The set has been divided in half (red and blue), with a divide between the two and an identical set of props on both sides of the room. At one end of the set is a large screen.

The Housemates competing in the booths need to be better than the other person in a variety of categories. For example, they need to ‘be the most disgusting’.

The other Housemates are seated in the living areas with voting pads. They are watching them perform, and live voting on what they see, pressing the red button if the Housemates in the red half are being more disgusting, or the blue button if they find the blue housemates more disgusting.

A computer converts the Housemates’ votes into a live graph that is constantly changing depending on how the voting housemates are reacting to what they see. At the end of the allotted time limit the housemate whose graph is higher will be crowned the winner.

For the first hit Big Brother announces two Housemates have 90 seconds to compete against each other to be the weirdest. They have no props so will need to rely on their creativity as well as their ‘weirdness’.

In the second hit two Housemates will compete against each other to be the most amazing. Again they have no props, and they now have 90 seconds to prove how amazing they are.

The third and final hit is a 2 vs 2 battle. Here, the Housemates will compete against each other to be the most disgusting. The room has a table that is filled with jugs of fake blood, a cow tongue and blood capsules.

The task highlights will air on tomorrow night’s show.


Tamara Stewart-Wood gets bitchy on BB 2014 tonight as she tells Danielle McMahon to “f**k off” and brands Jale Karaturp “thick”.


There’s tension between Tamara and Danielle as the latter gets wound up by her apparent ‘crude’ ways.

Danielle complains to Ashleigh: “It just doesn’t make any senseâ€Ķ I know some of the ladiest lads you can get, footballersâ€Ķyou name itâ€Ķ.and they still wouldn’t behave like that. To be perfectly honest, there’s only so much of that I can take before I lose my ragâ€Ķit really annoys me. I don’t want to hear anymore of their storiesâ€Ķ.’Oh, I’m actually really gifted down there’â€ĶGet a life, man! Saying that on national TVâ€Ķtw*t.”

Meanwhile, Christopher tells Tamera: “I think the problem isâ€Ķthere’s not enough leeway there. I think she should still continue to sit there and not walk off because she’s missing the point where she could get involved.”

Tamara replies: “I think she should walk off. If you don’t like it, fu*k off.”

Helen asks: “Where’s she going to walk to?”

Tamara quips: “I don’t knowâ€Ķa corner?”

Christopher concludes: “There are points in the conversation where she could have joined in. She’s a stubborn person who has her own set of values and we’re probably all stubborn people with our own sets of values too.”

He adds: “In her world, she would never meet the kind of peopleâ€Ķ”

But Tamara snaps: “She’s a fuc*ing glamour model!”

Also coming under scrutiny from Tamara tonight is Jale, with Tamara telling Matthew that she thinks the 33-year-old “looks a bit thick”

What a charmer!


Tonight on Bit on the Side - 9th June 2014


Luisa Zissman will be unleashing her thoughts and feelings in her usual delicate manner, journalist Ed Gleave joins the panel, and Dr Pam Spurr will be exploding insightful truth bombs left, right and centre.

They’re joined by the two Travers girls from last year, mum and daughter – will Jackie attempt to start an impromptu dance class? Will Charlie squirm and go OH MUUUM to make her stop?


Find out at 11.30pm tonight.

Jackie travers



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