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Here’s a blow by blow account of all that went on in the new Big Brother house yesterday.


As the Power Housemate, only Pauline has been granted her suitcase

Matthew claims that Pauline will “get what’s coming to her”

Pauline, Tamara and Helen discuss Matthew in the bedroom with Helen saying that “he was the most nervous when he came in”. Pauline tells them that Matthew said he can’t get on with those who aren’t intelligent, to which Helen exclaims, “Well, I’m fuc**ed then!”

Big Brother summons all Housemates to the garden and Matthew is released from his box, joking “you might all wish I was back up there soon”

Tamara and Steven discuss bad first dates. Steven reveals that he once chatted up a man who was dressed as a woman

Helen speaks to Big Brother in the Diary Room about the Housemates. She says that she loves Matthew and Mark for being funny “but having no idea how funny they are” She goes to talk about Pauline and her Power, stating she’s doing well

Matthew goes to the Diary Room to speak to Big Brother about being punished, saying that he “handled it fairly wellâ€Ķ I imagine there’s worse to come”. He goes on to discuss how Pauline is handling her power, saying “She seems to be quite relaxed but I don’t know if she knows what to expect nextâ€Ķ.within the next few days or hours she’ll have to do something that will have negative repercussions”

Helen reveals that she went to a Catholic school and that she got pregnant at the age of 15, saying that “it’s knocked me a bit about having kids in the futureâ€Ķ.I’m completely against abortionsâ€Ķ from the moment I found out, I would never ever look back” Danielle looks uncomfortable throughout

The Housemates discuss the difference between a “shower and a grower” while Danielle looks on unimpressed

Matthew talks about his twin brother in the garden, revealing that he (Matthew) is the ‘evil twin’

Danielle cries in the Diary Room while discussing her Big Brother experience. She says that she finds it “overwhelming” and that she does not gel with any of the other Housemates, adding “all that language is doing my head inâ€ĶI don’t honestly think I can do thisâ€ĶI feel out of my depth”

Winston tells the other Housemates a story about how he tried to lose his virginity at the age of 16, ending with him being sick on a girl

Danielle tells Kimberly and Mark that she feels uncomfortable with some of the conversations in the House. Mark tells her that she doesn’t need to compromise her personality for anyone else

Winston and Tamara discuss their relationship status. Winston says that his longest relationship was seven years but Tamara jokes her longest relationship has been “five minutes” because she gets bored

Big Brother calls Pauline to the Control Room to watch the new Housemates enter the Big Brother House. She is told that she must grant one of the Housemates a pass to the Big Brother Final

New Housemates Toya, Chris, Ashleigh, Marlon, Ash and Jale, enter the Big Brother House

Chris says in his VT that he will “urinate in the kitchen”; an unimpressed Pauline says that if he did that, she’d “chop his d**k off”

Pauline choses to grant Helen a pass to the Big Brother final. Pauline is then informed that in 48 hours she must make a “killer nomination” choosing one Housemate to face eviction each and every week they remain in the House

Pauline discusses her time in the Control Room with Mark and Tamara. Tamara comments that Ash is “gorgeous”

Marlon and Winston discuss the girls in the House. Winston says he has his eye on “reserved” Kimberly. Marlon says that “this is going to be a bloody blast”

Helen speaks to Big Brother about being a Big Brother finalist. She hopes that the Housemates won’t come to “resent” her

Danielle goes to the Diary Room to talk about the new Housemates. She says that there are people she feels she will gel with and change the dynamic

Helen and Tamara discuss the new Housemates. Tamara says that she doesn’t trust Jale. Helen says that she “hates fake people”

Ashleigh speaks to Big Brother about the other Housemates and admits that she is concerned that people will judge her for being the youngest

Helen and Tamara rant about Chris in the bathroom. Helen says, “I hate him” and Tamara adds that she doesn’t “trust him as far as I can throw him”

Chris discusses his first night with Big Brother and talks about who he will share a bed with as currently no one has offered

Chris looks for a place to sleep while the other Housemates discuss what Pauline has told them about him.


Pauline Bennett’s Big Brother power trip is already causing her to get some enemies in the house.


Pauline was voted into Power by us viewers at the weekend and has already chosen to give Helen Wood a pass to the final.

But Kimberly Kisselovich and Jale Karaturp reckon she’s already playing the game.

“There’s already game playing, obviously,” Jale said today. “You’ve got a lot of mixed characters in here. It’ll be interesting.

I’ve already said to Pauline, ‘I’m not going to lie, please don’t take my cigarettes away form me, I won’t be happy!’

“If she has to do it, she has to do it, if there’s an option not to do it, she knows my point of view.”

Jale went on: “I think the choice she made yesterday with Helen was interesting. I don’t know why, listening to her reason for itâ€Ķ I don’t know.”

Kimberly agreed: “It was bulls**t,’ that’s my opinion. I don’t think that was an honest reason, there must be something more.”

She added: “It feels weird, you don’t feel like you can trust every one.”


Everything you need to know about Day 3


Day three was all about parties and power.

After a slowish start, the benevolent dictator Pauline decided to reward Mark, Helen and Danielle when she invited them all into her Power Pad for a banquet fit for a minor Earl (no chickpeas in sight).  

Meanwhile, Tamara and Winston engaged in what can only be described as some outrageous flirting, including a steamy encounter in the surprisingly capacious hot tub. Winston pulled out every move in his armoury and even, at one baffling moment, invented his very own nickname: The Winst-Meister. Casanova and Don Juan can probably rest easy.

In the afternoon the first group task got under way with the housemates having to arrange themselves from 'Most' to 'Least' in various different categories (Fake, Manipulative, Obnoxious, Successful, Arrogant, Judgemental). Pauline and Christopher looked on from the Diary Room and had to guess, without the aid of sound, which category was which.   

In the evening Pauline chose Christopher, Winston, Steven and Matthew to join her for a 'Power Party.' As the drinks went down the housemates started to dance and we can confirm that none of them have moves like Jagger, or even Charlie Watts. 

And after the 'Power Party' finished the lucky guests re-joined the other housemates to continue the festivities. 


Last edited by MrsH

10.47am: Ash has got his rubber gloves on and is scrubbing away in the kitchen


11.03am: Look at Steven's happy little face.

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11.16am: Helen - whose skin is covered in tattoos - says she hates body ink. Make your mind up!


11.35am: Uh oh! The fridge has just collapsed. There's milk everywhere. Panic sweeps the House!


11.43am: "Winston, you could be a model, y'know?" says Tamara. His eyes have suddenly lit up.


12.01pm: Big Brother has gathered the housemates on the sofas. Nominations will take place shortly. DUN DUN DE DUNNN


12.15pm: Nerves are rising in the House as the first round of nominations loom.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

In three nights, Big Brother 2014 has lost over half of its audience with now fewer than a million viewers tuning.


2.1 million viewers switched onto Channel 5 for the first launch show on Thursday night as the new series kicked off but that was down to 1.6 million for Friday evening’s second live show, which saw six more housemates and a big twist.

Last night saw the figures fall again as just 950,000 watched the first full highlights of the series.

It was despite the show being scheduled straight after the BGT final, which had a peak audience of more than 12 million viewers watching.

And even though the show had originally faced the football, the match was suspended due to a thunderstorm.

The show was down some 300,000 viewers on last year’s equivalent first Saturday nights highlights, all despite a series of twists as part of this year’s Power Trip theme.

The show continues nightly on Channel 5 and will air another special live show on Monday night from 10PM where another twist will be revealed.

A spokesman for Channel 5 said today: “We are pleased with the very strong performance of the show across the two launch nights.”


The Big Brother 2014 housemates are already getting wary of what’s in store for this year’s series.


The group know all about the Power Trip theme and have already been through a number of twists: Helen Wood’s got a pass to the final, Mark Byron’s won ÂĢ5,000 and Matthew Davies spent his first day in the house suspended above the garden in a box.

But is everything as it seems?

Matthew and Danielle McMahon don’t think so, predicting that Helen really isn’t in the final and even going as far as to clam Mark’s ÂĢ5k could’ve been fake.

Matthew said: “When I was in that box, I thought I’m up for nominationâ€Ķ but then I could also be exempt. You never know.

“I like everyone here, I want Helen to be in the final but I don’t believe it.”

He continued: “Everyone is being too naive, this series is going to be the the most ruthless yet and I think they’re going to be the most cruel.”

Danielle agreed: “It’s the public who decides who goes to the final.”

Matthew concluded: “It’s way too good to be true, it’s bulls**t.”


4.19pm: Kimberly is desperate for her suitcase. Sorry Kimbers, but you're going to have to earn it.


4.23pm: UH OH! Danielle is seething that Helen has already secured a place in the final. She's complaining to Jale and Marlon.


4:40pm Spontaneous aerobics session at the foot of the stairs. Kimberly is doing squats while Christopher is jogging on the spot


4:48pm Jale sounds surprised when Marlon suggests that the two of them have bonded in their short time together

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing




Day 3 in the Big Brother house saw the Power Pad revealed to the housemates.


Danielle talks about the pressure of being in the Big Brother House, telling Mark that she “honestly feels it’s going to get worseâ€Ķthey’re going to throw in some games that are going to push you to the limit. I did think it was going to be difficult but nothing like this.”

Jale speaks to Big Brother about Helen, saying that she is “standoffish”. She goes on to discuss Pauline’s use of power saying that “she’s an intelligent womanâ€Ķshe knows what she’s doing.”

Christopher and Mark discuss the other Housemates. Talking about Chris, Christopher said “I imagine that he’ll be very nice to our faces but his nominations will be brutal” before adding that there could be potential fireworks between Helen and Toya, “Imagine the extensions on the floorâ€Ķit’ll be like Armageddon”

Mark speaks to Big Brother in the Diary Room and expresses his concerns that everything is too happy and nice. He goes on to say that he “hopes Chris hasn’t come in to cause trouble” adding, “I’ve got something that the other’s haven’t gotâ€ĶI am psychic and I can read peopleâ€ĶI think he’ll be a bit mischievous”

Danielle discusses her “classy” lingerie range with Marlon

Pauline, Christopher, Jale and Chris discuss conflict in the garden. Pauline said, “I can be horribleâ€ĶI can be a very horrible person. If you come to me in a negative way, that’s who I am.”

Helen and Mark talk about bit**ing in the House, noting that Jale rolls her eyes. Mark comments, “I don’t claim to be the fella in the wheelchair that can’t walkâ€ĶStephen King?”

Pauline chose Helen, Mark and Danielle to have lunch in her Power Pad. Christopher ponders if they are her favourites saying, “one’s got five grand, the other is through to the final, while we’re down here sniffing onions, starving”

Pauline and her chosen Housemates discuss the new Housemates. Helen said that she doesn’t trust Jale or Chris, “they’re two people, out of everyone in the house, I would actually be really watchful of. I just get this impression there’s something there.”

Danielle tells Jale that she thinks she has a strong character and will be in the House for a long time

Tamara and Winston christen the bath. Winston calls himself ‘The Winstmiester’ and asks Tamara when they are “going on their date?”

Toya tells Big Brother that she is “power hungry but fair” and that Pauline having all the power is getting “underneath my weaveâ€Ķhow can you have a favourite in 24 hours?”

Kimberly discusses going to a church where they were homophobic. Danielle says that while she is not in favour of same sex marriage, she is not homophobic. Kimberly points out that marriage is a legal document and church is not a requirement. Danielle says that she “finds Helen difficult to connect with”

Kimberly and Marlon discuss Danielle’s opinions of same sex marriage. Kimberly says she had to leave the conversation, adding “I didn’t even want to hear what they had to say because I didn’t want to judge them myselfâ€Ķyou’re entitled to an opinion but you shouldn’t have an opinion that excludes other people.”

Big Brother sets a task for Housemates to rate themselves on a number of topics from best to worst. Pauline chose Christopher to join her in the Diary Room to guess the categories correctly

Housemates successfully passed the task and were rewarded with ingredients for a delicious dinner that evening

Pauline chooses Christopher, Winston, Steven and Matthew to join Mark, Helen, Danielle and herself at a party that night

Mark and Steven talk about the House dynamics. Steven says that “in normal life if I went in to a meeting and Matthew was there, I’d detest himâ€Ķ now I’ve got to know him, I think he’s an absolutely incredible person.”

Helen talks to Chris and apologies for what she said last night and for being “a goby cow”

Winston asks Tamara if he can try on her glasses, which then get tangled in her hair as she tries to remove them

Jale and Marlon bond in the garden discussing the other Housemates with Marlon observing “I think it’s going to get nasty very soon”

Pauline and her chosen Housemates attend a party in the Power Pad, where they dance to the Snap song, I’ve Got The Power

In the kitchen, the remaining Housemates eat and drink with Tamara saying that she “gets silly when I have a drink”

After two and a half hours of drinking, the Housemates are in the garden. Helen and Tamara are deemed to be most drunk as Danielle tells Big Brother, “It’s been really interesting seeing how people change when they’ve been drinkingâ€Ķ.some people can’t handle their drink”

Unable to stand, Tamara is carried to the bedroom by some of the other Housemates

Christopher discusses the group dynamic saying that people are more suspicious of each other “this is evil Big Brotherâ€Ķwe’re highly suspiciousâ€Ķwondering what’s going to happen next” He goes on to say, “I think the main group will splinterâ€Ķthere’s far too many egos and people vying for attention in there.”




5:23pm Ashleigh is telling Winston all about her Yorkshire Terrier. He is doing his best to seem interested, bless him


5.43pm Chris and Kimberly are discussing how hard it can be to talk to people. Apparently they're okay with one another, though?



5.54pm: "You don't want a cigarette, you want a parsnip!" As strategies for quitting smoking go, Chris, we've heard better.



6.13pm Jale is apologising to Danielle for swearing. She's like a human swearbox.


6.27pm It's been over four hours, and housemates are still calling Christopher "Christmas". Looks like he's stuck with that, then.



6.38pm Matthew and Tamara are doing some quick preening in the bathroom. Never forget about those cameras, guys...



7.09pm Lentil soup, anyone? Helen's dishing up


7.15pm Matthew's giving an impromptu maths lesson over dinner. So what *is* a square root, anyway?


7.34pm Have they run out of washing up liquid already? Oh dear.



7.49pm More perks for the chosen few: Pauline and housemates of her choice are enjoying ice-cream and drinks by the pool.



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