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11.13am: According to Winston, "the British Empire was built on tea". He must have skipped history class at school.


11.35pm: Lots of bonding going on in the House this morning. Newbies Toya and Jale are getting on well in the bedroom.


11.55am: Danielle has discovered this cool, new place called the 'Diary Room'. Anyone heard of it?


12.15pm: Oh my, Marlon's got some mad moves. Check him out

12.15pm: Oh my, Marlon's got some mad moves. Check him out. #bbuklive

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


Everything you need to know about launch night part two


The final instalment of the Power Trip launch introduced us to not only six brand new housemates, but the almighty power that Pauline now possesses in the very palm of her hands. Let’s have a recap, it all happened so fast.

We learnt a lot about the original ten during their first day in the house. Many spent the first few hours getting to know each other. Steven, especially, wasted no time in asking Kimberly about her relationship status. Spoiler Alert - she’s dating.

Matthew felt the sweet feeling of grass between his toes again as he was released from the comforts of the elevated perspex box. Not all of the housemates were too thrilled, with Helen letting slip that she was wary of Matthew and his eloquence

Danielle became the first to shed a few tears, but don't worry, Mark was on hand to hug away her blues.

Toya, Chris, Ashleigh, Marlon, Ash and Jale each made their grand entrances, unaware of the all-seeing and all-hearing Pauline watching (and judging) from above. Chris even bagged himself a kiss on the cheek from Emma Willis. But the main event was yet to come...

In an almighty twist, Big Brother gave Pauline the power to grant a pass to the final for one lucky housemate, and after much deliberation, Helen bagged herself the golden ticket. Housemates cheered and Pauline reigned victorious...for now.

And as the night drew to a close, housemates celebrated with limbo, headstands and an attempt to form some sort of human pyramid.


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Just two days into Big Brother 2014 and one housemate has already received a warning from bosses.


Helen Wood, who last night won a pass to the final, has been reprimanded by Big Brother in the Diary Room over something she had said in the house.

But Channel 5 REFUSE to reveal just what went on.

When Helen eventually returned to the house, she told the others: “It’s like being back at school.”

Meanwhile, Helen also went to the Diary Room yesterday to complain about the official profile shot making her look like a bloke.

According to the Daily Star newspaper, Helen demanded that show bosses switched the photo for a more “feminine shot” to avoid online rumours.

The headline grabber apparently feared being branded a transsexual by us viewers because of the photos.

She moaned: “I look like a man. I look like Michael Jackson.”

A show insider told the newspaper: “Helen was very angry and wanted to put a lid on this nonsense straight away. It can’t be pleasant for her.”

And as if her day couldn’t get worse, Helen then had to deal with another housemate’s wondering wee in the already dirty toilet.

Still, she’s in the final!


Day 3: Ratings: Power Trip’s Second Launch Plummits

The second Launch night of Big Brother 2014 shed around half a million viewers in one night, with only an average of 1.6 million viewers.


It comes as a disappointing blow for the reality show which faired 500,000 viewers down on last year’s Big Brother Secrets and Lies second live launch show, which lost just 20,000 viewers from it’s first show.

Last night viewers were treated to the continue of Housemate Pauline’s Power Trip after she chose Helen to recieve a free pass to the final of the series.


2.10pm: Today's task has just begun, hoorah.


Day 3: Pauline’s Power Pad


We’ve already seen our mighty housemate Pauline using her newfound clout in the Control Room but next up she’ll be stepping into the... Power Pad.

What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s a special room for Pauline and a few select chums to enjoy. But that's not all, obviously. It also holds the housemates’ undelivered suitcases.

During the day, Big Brother will give Pauline access to the room twice. Once for a Power Lunch and another time for a Power Party - with no time for a Power Nap inbetween. She’ll be allowed to invite three housemates for the earlier occasion and four later on. There ain’t no party like a Jazzi P Power Party.

With suitcases on the menu, the housemates will be clambering for an invite.

Stay tuned to find out who’ll be joining Pauline for a pow-pow in the Power Pad.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 3 TASK: Crack the category


After two days of awkward hellos and getting to know one another, the housemates now have to grapple with their first group task. And, true to form, Big Brother has made it a cracker.

The housemates have been given six different categories (Fake, Manipulative, Obnoxious, Successful, Arrogant, Judgemental) and have to arrange themselves from ‘Most’ to ‘Least.’ Meanwhile, the all powerful Pauline watches from the Diary Room with the housemate she deems’ to be the most perceptive.

Pauline has chosen Christopher to join her in the Diary Room where they can see the drama unfold but can’t hear anything and they have to guess, from a choice of three, which category the housemates have been given.

If they are successful the housemates win ingredients to make a slap up meal.

Keep an eye on the website to see how they got on.




Pauline will choose a housemate to join her in the Diary Room. All other Housemates gather in the Garden where there are two signs, one saying ‘Most’ and the other ‘Least.’

The Housemates in the Garden will be given a category and must arrange themselves into the order that they feel is correct, ranging from ‘Most’ to ‘Least’. There will also be 2 life size cut-outs of the Housemates who are in the Diary Room, who the House will also have to include within the line-up.

The Housemates in the Diary Room can see the others arranging themselves, but cannot hear what they are saying. They must then look at the final line-up and choose from three multiple choice answers as to which category they think the Housemates have been given.

If Housemates pass the task will win ingredients to make a nice meal.


1. Most to least Fake

2. Most to least Manipulative

3. Most to least Obnoxious

4. Most to least Successful

5. Most to least Arrogant

Most to least Judgemental





Chris R Wright has been branded the most fake Big Brother housemate in a new task.


Yesterday, Power housemate Pauline Bennett chose Christopher to join her in the Diary Room for the challenge. All other Housemates gather in the Garden where there are two signs, one saying ‘Most’ and the other ‘Least.’

The Housemates in the Garden will be given a category and must arrange themselves into the order that they feel is correct, ranging from ‘Most’ to ‘Least’. There will also be 2 life size cut-outs of the Housemates who are in the Diary Room, who the House will also have to include within the line-up.

The Housemates in the Diary Room can see the others arranging themselves, but cannot hear what they are saying. They must then look at the final line-up and choose from three multiple choice answers as to which category they think the Housemates have been given.

If Housemates pass the task will win ingredients to make a nice meal.


1. Most to least Fake


The Housemates chose CHRIS as Most FAKE and PAULINE as Least FAKE.

2. Most to least Manipulative



3 Most to least Obnoxious


The Housemates chose MATTHEW as Most OBNOXIOUS and PAULINE as Least OBNOXIOUS.

4. Most to least Successful


The Housemates chose KIMBERLY as Most SUCCESSFUL and MARLON as Least SUCCESSFUL.

5. Most to least Arrogant


The Housemates chose MARLON as Most ARROGANT and ASHLEIGH as Least ARROGANT.

6. Most to least Judgemental PAULINE & CHRISTOPHER guessed JUDGEMENTAL – therefore CORRECT

The Housemates chose DANIELLE as Most JUDGEMENTAL and WINSTON as Least JUDGEMENTAL.



Last edited by Former Member

Big Brother Live        ✔@BBUKLive

2.27pm: Pauline chose Helen, Mark and Danielle to join her for the Power Lunch. They are stuffing their faces


2.43pm: Danielle thinks BB is lulling them into a false sense of security. She's having too lovely a lunch


2.50pm: Click here to catch a glimpse of Pauline's and her Power Lunch gang in action.â€Ķ


3.14pm: Pauline's chosen 4 are back from lunch... and they've brought their luggage with them.

View image on Twitter

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

4.38pm: Steven STILL has his sunglasses on in the House. What a rockstar.


5.08pm: BB is getting the housemates to rate themselves in different categories. Stay tuned to find out the results.


6.10pm: Christopher is dipping his toes in the bath while chatting to Steven and Mark.


6.23pm: "I think she likes you." Steven tells Winston that someone in the house has a soft spot for him. Who on earth can he mean?


6:50pm Ash is in the Diary Room having a good old natter to Big Brother. The rest of the housemates are chilling in the garden


7.10pm: Tamara, Mark, Helen and Ash paddling in the pool but no one seems to want to take the plunge.


7.21pm: Mark tells other HMs that Einstein invented gravity. Walking to the shops must have been a nightmare before he was born.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

7.39pm: All HMs enjoying the last of the sun around the pool. The living is easy, so far


7.58pm: Pauline taking control in the kitchen. Is there no limit to her power?


8.18pm: The boys are relaxing in the garden and the girls are working hard in the kitchen. Pull your fingers out boys!


8.22pm: Oh wait. Chris has gone to help. Bravo Chris.


8.30pm: And now Chris has joined the boys in the garden. It's the thought that counts (or not).


8.53pm: Kimberly and Winston discussing washing their pants. Maybe it's one of his chat up techniques? Unorthodox.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

11.13pm: While the possy party on, the others dig into grub. Wonder if they've worked out what chickpeas are yet.


11:22pm: Non-party goers have decided to make up a song. They got so far as '...I don't know'


11:31pm: And the dancing begins! Surely 'Jazzi P' can teach 'em a thing or two.


11:42pm: Overheard in the BB party room - "This is MY song." "I love this song." "This is MY song

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

12.10am: HMs have decided to break the ice by impersonating each other. Can't think of an occasion where that ever backfired...


12.15am: Christopher thinks that Mark will have "more outfit changes than Donatella". Let's hope for more bowler hats too.


12:35am: Tamara has just revealed that today, she chopped a cabbage. Whatever next!?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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