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An audience of more than 2 million viewers tuned in to last night’s Big Brother 2014 launch show.


An average of 2.1 million watched as series fifteen kicked off on Channel 5 from 9PM, hosted by Emma Willis.

It’s the exact same that last year’s launch managed, showing that the show continues to hold on to its core audience.

It also helped Channel 5 become last night’s second most watched channel, with ITV managing just 1.7 million in the 9PM slot for their Ryan Giggs documentary.

And over on Channel 4 at the same time, the yearly comedy gala averaged 1.8 million with a peak audience of more than 2.4 million.

Meanwhile, Big Brother’s spin-off show Bit On The Side had an average of 700,000 viewers between 10:35PM and 11:35PM.

Big Brother continues with the second half of the live launch tonight (Friday) at 9PM on Channel 5 where a further six housemates will enter.

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Big Brother bosses have been blasted by viewers and fans over their Official app.

This year has seen Big Brother decide to give power to viewers by offering them chances to influence goings on in the house via the mobile app.

Last night us fans were given the opportunity to decide the first β€˜Power housemate’, who were put in control of the house and decided on one housemate to reward and punish.

But the new app is only available to those with iPads and iPhones, and only then to those able or choosing to run iOS7.

It rules out anyone else, such a Android and Windows Phone users, or those with older iDevices, from voting and that’s despite a product placement deal with Microsoft to have their own Surface tablets featured in the house itself.

One user complained: β€œCan’t believe it’s not on android, have an app which at least reaches the 2 main handheld device operating systems or don’t have one at all!”

And on Twitter, another wrote: β€œNo phone voting, no Android app. Half your audience are now excluded. Long time viewer now disillusioned.”

A third added: β€œThis is rubbish @bbuk I’m being excluded from voting because I’m not an Apple fanboy! What happened to more interaction? ”

In the UK, Android mobile phones account for more than half of all sold (55.7%) while fewer than a third (30.6%) run iOS. Just over 10% use the Windows Phone operating system, meaning the app is not available to more than two thirds of all mobile phone users.

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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



erin I will look in again later 

no probs .Can't see the thread surviving with only me


tis a mean feat 


I will do what I can while I can but ......  help is needed or it will drive you batty - 13 weeks is a long stint 

not a chance MrsH .


They’ve been in the house all but a few hours but the new Big Brother 2014 housemates are already sizing one another up.

 And it seems we should expect to see fights and bitching between Glasgow model Danielle McMahon and head hunter Tamara Stewart-Wood.
 Speaking to Matthew in the garden last night, Daneielle admitted: β€œThey say don’t judge a book by its cover but within 5 seconds of meeting someone, I know whether I like them or not.
β€œThere are two people I’ve not connected with. I’ve got this sixth sense we’re going to have fall outs. I’ve got that gut feeling we’re not going to get on… one of them’s a girl, Tamera.”
Danielle went on: β€œShe’s the total opposite to me. I hardly ever swear so when I hear all that swearing I’m like β€˜Oh my goodness’ I can see a bit of atmosphere. ”
Meanwhile Matthew, still suspended above the garden in a glass box, admitted a bit of anger towards Power Housemate Pauline Bennett for putting him there.
 He complained: β€œShe came out saying no hard feelings but surely there are. We didn’t say one word to each other.”

Big Brother continues with the second half of the live launch tonight (Friday) at 9PM on Channel 5 where a further six housemates will enter.

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13.15pm: Ladies and gents, we give you Winston sunbathing. You can thank us later. #bbuklive


1:42pm Helen is amazed at the number of pears Steven has eaten today. He says "It helps with his colonic irrigation", charming!


14.00pm: Steven is competing with Winston for the sun's rays. He's chosen to keep his shirt on, though.


14.19pm: Quote of the day so far comes from Mark...

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14.38pm: Matthew says he wants an adopted mother in the House. Pauline point blank refuses.


14.58pm: Matthew is discussing accents with Helen. He's teasing an Aussie impression, but holding back so far.

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15.25pm: Steven hasn't taken his glasses off all day. He even wore them in bed.


4.00pm: All the housemates are in the garden, making the most of the big yellow thing in the sky. We hope the Factor 50's on. #bbuklive


4.15pm: Danielle's stomped off to the Diary Room in the search of food. There's no kitchen in there, silly! #bbuklive



How have the housemates been making the most of their first day in ? Here's our handy guide to the day so far:









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 Β·  9m

Big Brother will Change forever when 6 housmeates enter in Tonights 2nd live launch at 9PM on Channel 5.



Here are some sneaky teasers about tonight’s new BBUK housemates.


Last night saw the first ten housemates – Christopher Hall, Danielle McMahon, Helen Wood, Kimberly Kisselovich, Mark Byron, Matthew Davies, Pauline Bennett, Steven Goode, Tamara Stewart-Wood and Winston Showman – enter the new house.

This evening the launch continues with Part 2 as six more new housemates join the group.

They include a Northern Irish beauty, an obsessively polite artist, a nightmare tenant, a smooth talking ladies’ man, a sassy beauty blogger and a younger, better looking version of David Beckham. Apparently.

The youngest is 18 and the oldest is 33.

One brands themselves as β€œsarcastic actor” while another describes themselves as simply β€œa handsome model”.

There’s also another model: At least the fifth of the series already.

Only one of the new lot is in a relationship and they are perhaps the only non single housemate of the series (Although current housemate Kimberly Kisselovich says she’s β€œdating” but doesn’t have any β€œcommitments”, whatever that means.)

The six newbies come from all over the UK, including Derry, Manchester and Hampshire.

One boasts that his β€˜manhood’ is β€œhuge” and us viewers should expect to see it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by erinp:


If anyone pops in to read the thread .

There doesn't seem to be a great demand for BB info or an interest in this thread(well not enough to spend hours updating it ) .

I will post vids and an update when and if I can .

Here are the links should anyone needs them.


Live tweets.Link


BB Youtube.


News from the house CH5 site

Awww Erinp ....I do read sometimes  ...and have always appreciated the hard work you ( and others) put in, but as I am posting from my IPad I can't help out except to copy and paste the tweets at the side...which is a bit pointless But TBH it's probably enough that you post the links etc.  you do in the main body of the forum ....less work for you , and more likely to get responses/posts  from FMs  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:


If anyone pops in to read the thread .

There doesn't seem to be a great demand for BB info or an interest in this thread(well not enough to spend hours updating it ) .

I will post vids and an update when and if I can .

Here are the links should anyone needs them.


Live tweets.Link


BB Youtube.


News from the house CH5 site

Awww Erinp ....I do read sometimes  ...and have always appreciated the hard work you ( and others) put in, but as I am posting from my IPad I can't help out except to copy and paste the tweets at the side...which is a bit pointless But TBH it's probably enough that you post the links etc.  you do in the main body of the forum ....less work for you , and more likely to get responses/posts  from FMs  

Will do, cheers Baz . 


4.35pm: Christopher and co are discussing their birthdays. Some people are starting to feel very old indeed.


5:00pm HMs are discussing beards. Matthew gets Helen to rub his cheek to test the friction. She deems it to be an acceptable level



5:15pm Kimberly has taken a break from sunbathing to do some washing up. It looks like she's hating every minute of it though


5:46pm: Danielle has joined Kimberly in the kitchen. They're discussing their love


6.05pm: "It's melting my head." Christopher's thoughts on the bed situation



6:14pm: Pauline is taking her power duties very seriously, she's currently on in the kitchen


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6:26pm: Looks like Pauline should have been on instead, they've only gone and burnt the bottom of the pot


6:27pm: In other news, Matthew is discussing the perils of skinny jeans



6:39pm: Some HMs are discussing their phobias. Mark admits, "I hate whales and massive things."





Last edited by MrsH

7:14pm: Tamara and Steven say NO to parents on social media. But what about your dear Big Brother?


7:33pm: Pauline thinks that Steven is a 'better-looking version' of our @iainlee - thoughts?


Iain Lee        βœ”@iainlee

@BBUKLive Here are my thoughts...Pauline is in trouble...



7:52pm: Mark is drying the cutlery. A bowler hat is the new kitchen hair net these days, right?

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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Toya Toya

Home town
North London
  • You wouldn’t want to cross her and her favourite motto is "don't come for me unless I send for you".
  • When an ex-boyfriend mistreated her, she auctioned his possessions on eBay and sent him the link to purchase the items. She then gave the money to charity.
  • She loves being self-employed because she isn't a 9-5 kind of girl and says if she was to work a job like that it would be like 'caging an animal'.
  • Toya is passionate about staying true to who she is. "I was not created just to make everyone else happy. As long as I'm honest, that's all that counts", she says.
  • The kindest thing that Toya has ever done was invite a boyfriend to live with her after he had nowhere to go, but she kicked him out after he 'took advantage'.
  • She thinks that her best personality trait is that she is very direct and that means that people always know where they stand. Her worst traits are that she has no tact or patience.
  • Toya thinks that her friends would describe her as hilarious, honest and direct.
  • She has a type of men, preferring strong alpha male types. "I will not be dealing with short men. I like beards but well-kept beards and I don't like skinny men who need a belt for their jeans".
  • Toya says she doesn't often get in to fights because she was bullied. "I’m not physical but my mouth does it for me".
  • She isn't ruling out love in the House but says that the guy has got be really special for her to give him some attention.
  • She feels she would make a 'good time girl' housemate and would be the 'fun one that is always laughing'.
Last edited by Former Member


Home town
New Forest
  • Chris wants to be an actor but is currently between jobs. He is also a skilled artist and sells works of art drawn in biro.
  • He wants to go into the House for the free rent, to lose weight and because he 'can't afford therapy'.
  • Chris is quick and witty with a dry sense of humour.
  • His main passions are music, movies, ideas, girls, individuality and creativity, honesty and respect.
  • Chris feels that his parents have taught him how to be polite to others at all times. "I'm trying to wean myself off this a bit because now I am obsessively polite – if someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles, I’d apologise for making their hands dirty," he says.
  • He has never worked a 9-5 job because he 'just couldn't'.
  • Chris is not entering Big Brother to further his acting career. "I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery," he says.
  • When asked if he would choose money or love, Chris said, "I'd rather have money right now. I've got love but I don't feel independent enough to say I love myself."
  • Chris says his best personality trait is that if he loves someone he will 'love them unconditionally forever – in friends and relationships'.
  • He has a big group of friends but says he is 'trying to reduce it'.
  • When asked if he was looking for love in the House, Chris said, "No Way! I never fancied anyone who's been on BB anyway. That is my worst nightmare".
  • Chris thinks he would resent having to participate in tasks, but thinks he would be brilliant at secret missions.
  • He thinks that pride would be the only thing that would get in the way of the tasks and says that he hates team bonding games.
  • Chris gets on best with intelligent people as 'willing stupidity is worse than natural stupidity'.
Last edited by Former Member

Ashleigh Ashleigh

Home town
  • Ashleigh is confrontational and says that she can't be led into thinking something or having her opinion swayed.  
  • She currently lives on a council estate and says it's one of the factors that gives her the drive to push further in her career.  
  • Ashleigh spends her money on clothes, shoes and her dog Gucci.  
  • She is a vegetarian and is a big fundraiser for a re-homing centre for cats and dogs due to her love of animals.  
  • Ashleigh works part time in a boutique clothes shop in Derry. She is also signed to a modelling agency and does modelling work in her free time.  
  • Her dream job would be to become a well-known model, but thinks that her chances are slim. She would love to set up her own events management and wedding planning business.  
  • Ashleigh would rather have love than money, because you always see 'celebrities who have enough money to feed the world and they're unhappy'.  
  • Her worst trait is that she talks about herself too much and her mum and boyfriend are always telling her off about it. She also says she sometimes forces her opinions on others. She is pro-abortion and has strong views which are generally not accepted among her community.  
  • A typical weekend would be seeing her boyfriend or a friend on Friday night, shopping on Saturday and clubbing in the evening, then lazing around on Sunday.  
  • Ashleigh wouldn't get on with lazy people, unhygienic people and those who don't clean up after themselves. She also wouldn't like bullies or people who would make her time in the House hard.  
  • As a housemate, Ashleigh would be 'young and bubbly' but people sometimes refer to her as 'airy fairy' which she thinks could annoy older people in the House. If there were any arguments in the House, she would 'always be on the side of the underdog'.  
  • She would donate some of her winnings to charity, buy a nice car and take her family on holiday somewhere sunny.
Last edited by Former Member

Marlon Marlon

Home town
  • Marlon classes himself as a 'wild boy' and spends all his money on his appearance and going out clubbing.  
  • He would rather have money than love. "I would rather be lonely in a Ferrari, than in love in an old banger", he says.  
  • Has an alter ego called Marlicio Silver and wants to show the world what he is all about.  
  • Marlon is passionate about girls and having a good time.  
  • He describes himself as 'happy-go-lucky' and says he can make anyone smile. He does also like to annoy people and push their buttons and can be incredibly stubborn.  
  • Marlon is very confident with the ladies and says he doesn't dislike anything about himself.  
  • The most expensive item he has ever bought is a pair of Louboutin shoes which cost him Β£800.  
  • Marlon's not looking for love in the House, but says that if there is an attractive girl in there, he will 'put it on her'. He plans to get it on with at least two different girls.  
  • He would enjoy secret tasks and says he is a really good actor.
Last edited by Former Member


Home town
  • Ash openly admits to being lazy and says his looks have given him an easy, blessed life 'filled with women'. He has an easy going laid back charm that he often uses to his advantage.  
  • He described himself as an unabashed flirt, who doesn't want to settle down.  
  • Ash is now a model but studied law at college and business and management at university.  
  • He is a big party boy and is well known on the Manchester scene.  
  • Ash still lives at home with his mum as he enjoys her cooking. He says, "My mum's one of my best friends. I'm a mummy’s boy and tell her everything – she's one of the lads".  
  • He grew up in Manchester where he's lived all his life and he can't imagine living anywhere else.  
  • Even from a young age, his good looks have got him everything and anything he's wanted.  
  • He uses being brought up by women to his advantage and knows how to turn on the charm to get what he wants.  
  • He was always part of the 'good looking, popular group' at school and was even friends with the majority of his teachers which he used to his advantage. His favourite subject was PE as it just came naturally to him and says it was always a subject that ensured he caught the ladies' eyes.  
  • He classes himself as a 'cheeky chappy' and the 'class clown'.  
  • Despite his blessed looks, he's known by his family and friends as 'the local handy man'.  
  • From a young age, he used to work for his dad's building firm and says he isn't afraid to get dirty.  
  • He's passionate about having a good time stating, "Life's too short. I think everyone should make the most of each day by having it large".  
  • David Beckham is his ultimate idol. He sees himself as a younger, better looking version of him.  
  • He attends his local gym daily, as well as playing football three times a week.  
  • He usually spends the whole summer in Ibiza.  
  • Ash is currently single and prefers it that way. "Life is so much less complicated without being tied down".  
  • His last relationship was over a year ago. "It just fizzled out. She didn't trust me and I ended up getting hurt".  
  • He thinks he'd be a 'laid back, handsome housemate who's always up for fun'.
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Home town
  • Jale is sarcastic and dry, she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. She has strong opinions on immigration and hates weakness in others.  
  • She likes to rant – especially about things she is passionate about such as bad drivers, terrible call centre workers and people who are terrible at their jobs.  
  • Jale lives on her own in a two bedroom house and claims that she 'can't live with people'.She doesn’t have any pets but would like to get a dog.  
  • Jale's school life was difficult. She says people took a dislike to her because she was 'strong minded and strong willed' and would stand up for herself.  
  • She currently works as a customer adviser and has been there for a year doing lots of project work.  
  • She has strong political views on benefits and unemployment and thinks the 'divide between the rich and poor is sick'. She thinks the government are 'making the rich richer and the poor are scrambling around trying to feed themselves'.  
  • Jale always tries to see the good in people but can sometimes hurt people with her words. She says she uses them as a 'defence mechanism' and will verbally 'tear someone apart' if she gets angry.  
  • Her worst traits are that she gets wound up too easily. She has to meditate on a daily basis because if she doesn't her 'energy builds up, her defence mechanism goes up and her temper comes'.  
  • She says that her strengths are 'thinking and strategising’ and thinks this would benefit her in tasks.  
  • Jale thinks she would be a unique, multifaceted housemate. In the House, she will find it hard to keep her mouth shut and says that if people target and test her 'they're not going to do well of it'.
Last edited by Former Member

Helen Wood has won a pass to the Big Brother 2014 final in tonight’s big live twist, recap what went on!

Last night saw the first ten housemates – Christopher Hall, Danielle McMahon, Helen Wood, Kimberly Kisselovich, Mark Byron, Matthew Davies, Pauline Bennett, Steven Goode, Tamara Stewart-Wood and Winston Showman – enter the new house.

And tonight they were joined by Ash Harrison, Ashleigh Coyle, Chris R Wright, Jale Karaturp, Marlon Wallen and Toya A Washington.

As power housemate (voted by us viewers in Thursday’s show), Pauline was told she would be able to give one housemate a pass to the final.

She watched the six newbies enter, along with their VTs, before being asked to make her choice between the 15 other housemates.

Pauline said: β€œGive me a couple of seconds here! To be honest, it ain’t going to be out of the new six… they just talking smack, so I’m taking it from the people I know already…”

She added: β€œThe person I’m going to pick is… it’s a choice between two people… the person I’m going to pick is…and they’re going to kill me for this… Helen Wood”

Back in the house and BB gathered the group in the garden where once again a glass box awaited the group.

Big Brother then instructed Helen to enter the box before announcing that she had been sent straight into the final with a shower of golden confetti.

Helen reacted: β€œOh my God! Pauline! Where is she!”

27-year-old Northerner Helen hit headlines three years ago when she was involved in a tabloid scandal involving a well-known personality, namely footballer Wayne Rooney.

She says she doesn’t regret her actions but wishes it hadn’t come out in the press where it got blown out of all proportion.

Big Brother continues nightly on Channel 5 with another LIVE show on Monday night.

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One unlucky housemate will end up facing eviction EVERY WEEK of Big Brother 2014 in a new nominations twist.

Tonight’s latest live show saw power housemate Pauline Bennett given yet more game changing decisions.

She first had to pick one of the other housemates to give a pass straight through to the final, selecting Helen Wood.

> Big Brother 2014 twist: Helen Wood wins pass to the FINAL

But Big Brother wasn’t done there as he revealed that Pauline’s next decision wouldn’t be as nice and even more difficult.

Big Brother told her: β€œOn Sunday, nominations will take place for the first time.

β€œAs the power housemate, you will be immune from the first live vote.

β€œYou will however have one killer nomination. Whichever housemate you chose as your killer nomination will face eviction each and every week they remain in the house.

β€œYou should use the next 48 hours to make your decision and you must not reveal this to the rest of your housemates.”

But even that wasn’t all as Big Brother host Emma Willis went on to reveal that there would be ANOTHER live show on Monday night.

The live surprise from the house will air at 10PM on Channel 5 on Monday evening, straight after the highlights show.

Did you agree with Helen as the choice to get the pass to the final? Who should be Pauline’s killer nomination? Add your comments below!

Big Brother continues nightly on Channel 5 with another LIVE show on Monday

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