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Big Brother's Boot Camp: the best bits


As the second day of Girl Power dawned in the House, the boys got a less than polite awakening when Sergeants Jale and Helen attempted to whip (they literally had whips) their reluctant recruits into shape. Here are the best bits:

Jale has found her calling in life: a slightly unhinged military leader. She took to the role of irate camp guard with worrying aplomb, flinging off duvet covers like a poltergeist from the 1970s. 

The boys then had to do a series of exercises to prove just how manly they were. Is there anything more macho than the hands-on-hips run?

Yes there is. And it involves waving your arms around and jumping up and down on the spot like an asthmatic chicken.

The boys then went mano-a-mano in a game of tug of war but the match-ups were somewhat unfair, particularly when Matthew wiped the floor with Winston.


That is Winston crumpling on the floor like deflating baloon isn't it?

But the prize for the very manliest housemate went to none other than Chris, when he said the quality that made him a man was having hair on two private circular regions of his body. 



Originally Posted by MrsH:

Through almost all of that clip Ashleigh's face said it all.... she's 18 geezzz not 88, doesn't she know how to let go and have fun, just once. One little squirt of oil at Winston and her and Danielle hardly moved, at least Danielle let go of her biatchiness for one night and joined in.

Last edited by Bethni

Day 25: Big Brother's Strip Squad - The Best Bits


It may be a week of Girl Power, but tonight was all about the boys. Well, the boys and their *ahem* 'assets'. For one night only, Big Brother's Strip Squard and their humble servants were called upon to make the girls feel that little bit special. Take a look through how the night progressed to cast judgement on how special the girls really felt...

Ash, Marlon and Winston transformed into 'Big Brother's Strip Squad'. Winston remaining highly focused throughout. 

The rest donned their finest bow ties as they prepared to attend to the every need of our ladies. As expected, it took a while for Mark to decide on his outfit of choice.

Steven took his role as host very seriously....

While others looked somewhat less enthralled...

Christopher was on hand to get the party started.

Before Big Brother's Strip Squard emerged to save the day....

Their routine was carefully-choreographed for maximum swooning...

And OH how they were swooned!

Well, some were anyway...

Unfortunately for our lucky ladies, the gyrating had to come to an untimely end. Thankfully Winston wasn't about to wipe away the abundance of massage oil resting on his chest just yet.


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Everything you need to know about Week 3


Just a mere 168 hours ago, Toya licked her wounds as the Power Couple's reign came to an untimely end, leaving her up for the public vote along with seven fellow housemates. Since then, an unexpected hurricane swept the nation, arguments raged, nominations were revealed and one more unfortunate housemate was booted out and fed to the crowd. Let's have a quick recap of how the mighty fell...

Day 19 was all about trust and betrayal, with some housemates feeling the brunt of their friends' shoddy memory in the form of gunge and eggs more than others. Thankfully the House found ways to lighten up the mood with the classic cling-film-on-toilet prank. What larks! 

Unfortunately, it appeared that every housemate rolled out of the wrong side of the bed on Day 20, despite a perfectly delightful twerking task to get their hands on a luxury shopping budget. Perhaps the low spirts had something to do with Big Brother lovingly showing Ash, Marlon and Winston who had nominated them. Sharing is caring though, right? Either way, a heated game of truth or dare following the House children's party definitely left a foul taste in everybody's mouth as arguments erupted throughout the House as vigorously as Mount Vesuvius.

People often talk about the calm before a storm, but our housemates much prefer the calm after a storm, opting to keep a low-profile on Day 21. Danielle, Steven and Toya were even treated to what some may define as the world's most disgusting omelette. It was a rude awakening for Helen though, as she received a formal warning for her part in last night's arguments. Jale kept the mood up and decided to delve into her fellow housemates' past lives in a bid to find out more about her new-found friends. 

After failing the shopping task, housemates were especially cranky on Day 22. Speculation over public perception was rife amongst Toya, Matthew and Mark, but eventually they came to the conclusion that you lot must think they're really funny. Helen confessed to Kim that her pass to the final was more of a burden than a prize, and feeling the housemate love, she decided to end her bitter feud with Jale


Day 23, aka. Eviction Night, started on a jolly note as Ashleigh, Chris and Winston were asked to impersonate their peers. Thankfully, housemates laughed it all off, but that could have been due to eviction nerves. For Toya, it was sadly time to say goodbye and she became the third housemate to wave goodbye to the Big Brother House. But that wasn't all, for an almighty twist was about to spread throughout the Big Brother empire. The girls came into power and the boys learnt that they were nothing but utterly powerless. This week it would be the girls who would make the almighty decision as to which boy would be saved from the public vote. Poor boys...

On the first day of Girl Power, Day 24 saw the boys donning their aprons and flexing their best massage techniques as the girls kicked back and relaxed. A rather, erm, romantic poem from Winston gave Danielle a bit of a fright in Danielle's Finishing School, and the girls were treated to some rather shocking revelations from the boys as their Diary Room secrets were revealed.

As Week 3 came to a close, the girls reign of power was only just beginning. Day 25 saw Helen and Jale put the boys through their paces in Big Brother's Boot Camp in a bid to reveal their real manliness and strength. The girls were also treated to a slap-up three course meal cooked by the loving hands of the men. It's fair to say that some cocktails left a bitter taste in one housemate's mouth. To spice up their life, Big Brother also brought in the very exclusive Big Brother's Strip Squad for an extra special ladies' night, which had varying degrees of success.

As the night drew to a close, the girls only had one thing on their mind. Tomorrow they must decide the fate of the boys. Who will be saved? We can't wait to find out! 

Last edited by Former Member

Day 26: Task - Man Up


Today is the final day of Girl Power and the House has been turned into something from Simon Cowell’s dreams – a sparkly judging panel desk and a stage.

The boys have to face the girls and give an entertaining statement on why they should be saved from this week’s public vote.

It’s essentially a cross between Prime Ministers Questions and a well known talent show.

The boys will only have a short amount of time to prepare themselves, so let’s hope they have the oratorical ability of a great statesman. Winston, we’re looking at you. 


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Tonight on Bit on the Side - 30th June 2014


We've got a storming episode of Bit on the Side planned for tonight, and Rylan is joined by a cracking panel. Pop sensation Tich will be on hand to analyse the latest house action, as will TV critic and journalist Sharon Marshall. The trio is completed by ex-housemate and notorious rapscallion Scott Mason.

But that's not all! Dr Pam Spurr will also be on hand to chat about girl power, and how the ladies of the House are getting along. We'll also be hearing from a housemate's mum, and seeing what happened when Luisa Zissman was let loose with Hurricane Toya.

Don't miss it - tonight, 11pm, Channel 5.


Ashleigh: The Ice Queen?


Ashleigh was something of a question mark when she came into the House. Perhaps a little overwhelmed by the whole experience, she pursued a policy of uttering no more than three syllables within a 36 hour period and then she combined this wall of silence by adopting a predominantly horizontal angle to the earth. 

But on Day 6 she finally let her luscious hair down and, after one or two drinks, became so loud that Mark thought God was angry. 

After this brief moment of reckless abandon, Ashleigh seemed detrmined for it never to happen again and retreated back into her cooler diposition – so much so that Ash, and even her close friend Matthew, labelled her the "Ice Queen."

Here are some of her frostiest moments:

"It's so hard for me to pretend to be friends with him"

If you get on the wrong side of her then you're in for a dose of hypothermia.

"Everyone's so boring"

Ashleigh's impersonation of her fellow housemates revealed her fairly low opinion of them.

"I'm living with a bunch of ÂĢ$%#"*&!" 

There isn't many who can escape her glassy gaze.

"What does he do for me in the House?"

After she was given the Power this week, Ashleigh was more forthcoming than Piers Morgan with her less than positive opinions about some people in the House (mainly Ash).

But there have been signs in the last day of Girl Power, when Chris poured his soul out, that spring may have set in. 

Perhaps the Ice Queen just hasn't had a chance to melt?

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Ashleigh: The Ice Queen?


Ashleigh was something of a question mark when she came into the House. Perhaps a little overwhelmed by the whole experience, she pursued a policy of uttering no more than three syllables within a 36 hour period and then she combined this wall of silence by adopting a predominantly horizontal angle to the earth. 

But on Day 6 she finally let her luscious hair down and, after one or two drinks, became so loud that Mark thought God was angry. 

After this brief moment of reckless abandon, Ashleigh seemed detrmined for it never to happen again and retreated back into her cooler diposition – so much so that Ash, and even her close friend Matthew, labelled her the "Ice Queen."

Here are some of her frostiest moments:

"It's so hard for me to pretend to be friends with him"

If you get on the wrong side of her then you're in for a dose of hypothermia.

"Everyone's so boring"

Ashleigh's impersonation of her fellow housemates revealed her fairly low opinion of them.

"I'm living with a bunch of ÂĢ$%#"*&!" 

There isn't many who can escape her glassy gaze.

"What does he do for me in the House?"

After she was given the Power this week, Ashleigh was more forthcoming than Piers Morgan with her less than positive opinions about some people in the House (mainly Ash).

But there have been signs in the last day of Girl Power, when Chris poured his soul out, that spring may have set in. 

Perhaps the Ice Queen just hasn't had a chance to melt?


Everything you need to know about Day 26


Last night’s performance by Big Brother’s very-own Strip Squad left the House in need of a serious cool down. Unfortunately for housemates, thanks to a momentous Girl Power decision creeping ever-closer, the temperature would only remain at warm-to-fiery throughout.

Concerned about how power could destroy a man, Mark took the time to voice his concerns over the consequences of killing insects, particularly moths with their own moth careers.  The girls also opted for an early morning Girl Power chat to set them up for the day, a chat so exclusive that not even Helen was invited. 

Making decisions is hard, so Big Brother told the boys that they had to Man Up and make their final pleas to a rather glitzy looking girl panel on just why their poor souls should be saved from the public vote.

Steven and Christopher spoke of how lovable (but shy) they really are, Mark and Marlon discussed just how much they’ve learnt, Winston played the ‘But look at how fun I am’ card and Chris, well, he just made everyone tear up.

It wasn’t long before the girls were whisked away to make their dastardly decision. Which three would be saved and who would face the boot this week?

A long and intense conversation eventually led to a decision and the boys were seated to eagerly await their fate...

Despite five of the guys now facing the public vote, it was the girls who appeared to take the Girl Power decision the worst, much to the disgust of one particular unhappy chappy. Some opted for the "Don't want to make you feel bad, BUT..." approach to the news, which, obviously, made the girls feel bad. But for one male housemate, it was his "worst-case-scenario dot co dot UK forward slash"

Despite tucking themselves into bed with a hot cup of tea early on, Dashleigh continued their 'observations' on the housemates, with Kim and Winston in tonight's firing line. Thankfully all their woes were forgotten for a brief moment as the House erupted in 'Happy Birthday Matthew!' chants when the clock struck midnight. 

Will the girls get over their decision? Will the boys ever believe in Girl Power again? Will Matthew even get a birthday party?! I guess we'll just have to wait and see...


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