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Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh on getting on my nerves, talk about mood hoovers  I really can't see why either of them went in there, Ashleigh is 18 fgs she should be having fun not walking around with her bottom lip touching her knees

You know Aimee, i'm finding Ashleigh and Danielle more offence to watch than Helen these past two days. I absolutely loathe Helen but the statement Danielle made up there ^^ has really got me riled  Ashleigh now looks like she's gunning for an argument just to prove she can have one. I want Helen out just as much as everyone else, i want her pass taken off her so she'll come out to the boo's she deserves, I don't want some uppity little nobody pushing for a fight just to get her thrown out the back door  

Originally Posted by Bethni:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh on getting on my nerves, talk about mood hoovers  I really can't see why either of them went in there, Ashleigh is 18 fgs she should be having fun not walking around with her bottom lip touching her knees

You know Aimee, i'm finding Ashleigh and Danielle more offence to watch than Helen these past two days. I absolutely loathe Helen but the statement Danielle made up there ^^ has really got me riled  Ashleigh now looks like she's gunning for an argument just to prove she can have one. I want Helen out just as much as everyone else, i want her pass taken off her so she'll come out to the boo's she deserves, I don't want some uppity little nobody pushing for a fight just to get her thrown out the back door  

I feel the same way, these pair are going round like the fun police I don't like Helen either but they are looking for anything she says or does to have another dig, they are trying their hardest to get her to bite and if she does they'll act all scared
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh on getting on my nerves, talk about mood hoovers  I really can't see why either of them went in there, Ashleigh is 18 fgs she should be having fun not walking around with her bottom lip touching her knees

You know Aimee, i'm finding Ashleigh and Danielle more offence to watch than Helen these past two days. I absolutely loathe Helen but the statement Danielle made up there ^^ has really got me riled  Ashleigh now looks like she's gunning for an argument just to prove she can have one. I want Helen out just as much as everyone else, i want her pass taken off her so she'll come out to the boo's she deserves, I don't want some uppity little nobody pushing for a fight just to get her thrown out the back door  

I feel the same way, these pair are going round like the fun police I don't like Helen either but they are looking for anything she says or does to have another dig, they are trying their hardest to get her to bite and if she does they'll act all scared


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh on getting on my nerves, talk about mood hoovers  I really can't see why either of them went in there, Ashleigh is 18 fgs she should be having fun not walking around with her bottom lip touching her knees

I agree Aimee .....both are very sly....not to say fake  IMO ....

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Danielle and Ashleigh on getting on my nerves, talk about mood hoovers  I really can't see why either of them went in there, Ashleigh is 18 fgs she should be having fun not walking around with her bottom lip touching her knees

You know Aimee, i'm finding Ashleigh and Danielle more offence to watch than Helen these past two days. I absolutely loathe Helen but the statement Danielle made up there ^^ has really got me riled  Ashleigh now looks like she's gunning for an argument just to prove she can have one. I want Helen out just as much as everyone else, i want her pass taken off her so she'll come out to the boo's she deserves, I don't want some uppity little nobody pushing for a fight just to get her thrown out the back door  

I agree Bethni  


Toya's First Day of Freedom


Did hurricane Toya blow out after she left the House? We caught up with her to find out what she got up to. 

First meal?

Pepperoni pizza, garlic bread followed by pistachio ice cream. 

First drink?

Whiskey and lemonade. 

First friend or family member you spoke to?

My friend and my mum on the phone.

First thing you did when you got your phone back?

I went straight on WhatsApp.

What time did you go to bed, and what time did you wake up?

I haven't been to bed.

Any housemates you're missing already?

Ashleigh, Matthew, Danielle and Chris.

Any housemates you're glad you no longer have to live with?

Marlon, Ash, Helen and Winston.

Has your opinion on any of the housemates changed since leaving the house?

No, I think I'm a good judge of character. I don't think I was too far off on my views about them. 

How was your first experience of Bit on the Side?

Exciting and funny. I definitely love Rylan. 

Are you looking forward to your first experience of Bit on the Psych?

Yes. I want them to analyse Marlon. 

Fancy some more Toya? Check out this Facebook Q&A from earlier today.


Toya's First Day of Freedom


Did hurricane Toya blow out after she left the House? We caught up with her to find out what she got up to. 

First meal?

Pepperoni pizza, garlic bread followed by pistachio ice cream. 

First drink?

Whiskey and lemonade. 

First friend or family member you spoke to?

My friend and my mum on the phone.

First thing you did when you got your phone back?

I went straight on WhatsApp.

What time did you go to bed, and what time did you wake up?

I haven't been to bed.

Any housemates you're missing already?

Ashleigh, Matthew, Danielle and Chris.

Any housemates you're glad you no longer have to live with?

Marlon, Ash, Helen and Winston.

Has your opinion on any of the housemates changed since leaving the house?

No, I think I'm a good judge of character. I don't think I was too far off on my views about them. 

How was your first experience of Bit on the Side?

Exciting and funny. I definitely love Rylan. 

Are you looking forward to your first experience of Bit on the Psych?

Yes. I want them to analyse Marlon. 

Fancy some more Toya? Check out this Facebook Q&A from earlier today.


Four times Mark's psychic powers led him astray


By now, we're all well aware of Mark's mystical powers. With nothing but a cup, saucer, and some tea leaves, he can tell you the answer to any question you care to ask.

But since he's been in the House, his powers don't seem to have been at their peak. Here are four times Mark's psychic predictions have been wide of the, er, mark...

1. The time the tea leaves told him Marlon was the Secret Power Housemate

Mark saw a man with an afro and the letter "M" in the tea leaves, which led him - and Toya and Ashleigh - to conclude that Marlon was the Secret Power Housemate. 

It was actually Chris.

2. The time a moth told him Ash was going to get evicted

According to Mark, a moth is an omen of death. Except in the Big Brother House, where it just represents eviction instead. When a moth landed on Ash's pillow, Mark concluded that meant he would be evicted that week.

It was actually Pauline.

3. The time Jale had a question about nominations

Gazing into the leaves from Jale's cup of tea, Mark declared that he could see the letter "J", and the shape of England and Northern Ireland.

Jale wouldn't tell him the question she had in mind, but when he asked if she'd had her answer? She just said "No." Oops. 

4. The time the tea leaves told him Marlon was going to be evicted

Last week, eight housemates were up for eviction, and everyone was feeling understandably nervous. Mark read the tea leaves for Helen and Toya and saw the letters "MA" plus a face he was convinced was Marlon's.

It was actually Toya.

Better try really hard at this week's shopping task, Mark - seems like you need to invest in a better brand of tea leaves.


Steven Goode has promised fireworks if he ends up for eviction from Big Brother 2014 this week.


As it stands he and the rest of the guys in the house all face the axe following the latest Power twist, which has put the girls in charge.

But on Monday the girls will be able to save some select housemates from facing the public vote.

And if Ash or Steven are still up, it sounds like it could explode.

“This week I’m going to be f**king real because I know I’ll be going,” he said. “If I’m up, I’m definitely going.”

Steven advised: “Wait till Monday, see what happens, if we’re up, watch s**t fly because I’m literally going to blow my f**king top and everyone what I think of them.

“I’ve kept my mouth shut for four weeks.”

Helen Wood suggested: “If you did that they might keep you in. If you went up, which if I have anything to do with it you won’tâ€Ķ

“But if you actually blew your top, not in a nasty way, but if you sat down and f**king shamed a few people.

“Just don’t do any name calling, that’s what they dragged me in for. That’s where I go wrong, I always say stupid things about how they look.”

Steven continued: “If I’m up on Monday, I’d say in the evening, ‘Look everyone, I need to tell you what I think of all of you because I’ve kept my silence for four weeks.’

Steven 1

“I’ve not made a judgement on every person and people I have made a judgement for I’ve not made a judgement to their faces

Helen egged him on: “I think it’d work in your favour, you’d do that to Ashleigh and Danielle, they’d flip, they would flip, then they’d look stupid.”

Of course we’ve heard these words before from Steven, but that time rather than telling some home truths he blubbed like a baby.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


The Big Brother 2014 girls have discussed who they’re looking to save from eviction.


This weekend the Girls are have the Power while all the boys face the axe.

But on Monday night, the girls will be able to save some of the guys from facing the public vote.

Last night the girls gathered – without the boys – to discuss who should stay and who should go and there was quite a clear split.

Danielle and Ashleigh were on one side, wanting to save the likes of Christopher, Chris and Matthew, while Kimberly, Jale and Helen wanted to save Marlon, Ash and Steve.

Poor Mark!

Helen went first (obviously) with her opinions and defended Steven and Ash’s “blokeish” ways, saying that people had got the wrong end of the stick with them.

Danielle wanted to save Christopher, and Matthew, choices back up b Ashleigh.

Kimberly wanted to save Steven and perhaps surprisingly Marlon, arguing: “We’ve had our issues, but he’s always responded to criticism and he’s responded well.”

As well as  Jale and Steven, Marlon was another pick for Jale, who said: “He has approached me on a few occasions, and I put on a good front, for Marlon to spot something in my eyes that in my mind is very covered and to say ‘Don’t worry, everything’s going to be okay’. I felt like someone not only understood me but was willing to give me a chance.”

Later, Kimberly talked strategy with the girls and asked: “I think we need to this strategy wise, do we need to consider who would have more of a chance who would go if they were all up on that board?”

Ashleigh claimed: “I genuinely think if Ash, Marlon and Steven were up, Steven would go, the public never forget.”

See who the girls pick tomorrow!

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


Everything you need to know about Day 24


Today was all about the girls. The power returned to the House last night, but there wasn't just one Power Housemate, or even two: there were five, because this is the week of Girl Power. And while the girls will have a massive decision to make soon, for now, they've been enjoying the benefits of their power...

To mark their change in status, the boys were given some chores to do around the House. Winston, Ash, Steven and Marlon were tasked with cleaning the House, while Chris, Christopher, Mark and Matthew staffed the Big Brother Spa.

Jale probably should have known better than to let Mark give her another makeover, though...

Next, Ash, Marlon, and Winston were sent to Danielle's finishing school so they could learn better manners. Their education culminated in a poetry-writing class: Ash wrote a love poem about Jale, Marlon wrote one for Helen, and Winston, well, Winston wrote a characteristically Winston-esque pseudo-rap about Danielle.

As always with our paranoid House, though, it wasn't all fun and games. Steven threatened to blow his top if he went up for eviction this week, while Danielle and Ashleigh worried about their position in the House, post-Toya.

The real issue, though, is which of the boys the girls are going to save from eviction this week. To help them make their decision, Big Brother treated the girls to a private screening of the boys revealing their secrets, complete with popcorn. It's a tough decision, since they've all got different favourites, but at least the girls have got a plan...

Will it work? Will they find a solution they all agree on? Who's going to fight for whom? And how will the boys take it? We're on tenterhooks waiting to find out.


Big Brother UK housemate Helen Wood has taken another swipe at the viewers.


After previously branding the live eviction crowd on Friday night “c**ts” after they booed pal Ash, she’s now taken offence to having been booed herself.


In a late night chat with Ash and Marlon, Helen admitted: “If I didn’t have that f**king pass [to the final], I really don’t knowâ€Ķ I wouldn’t be here for a start, I’d be long gone.”


She told Ash: “They f**king hate me, the public, can’t you hear them all shouting?


“Stupid f**king c***s who shouts stuff.”


Asked if she had changed after hearing the boos, Helen revealed: “It kinda like wakes me up a bit but not for long because then I’ll just carry on as I always was.”

You certainly can’t claim that Helen isn’t self-aware!


Despite having her pass to the final, Helen is the huge outsider to actually manage to win the show at odds of 66/1.

By contrast, Jale, who will face eviction every week, is actually the favourite of the girls to win, given odds of 11/2.


And with Helen causing quite a stir inside and outside the house and Boylesports are offering 8/13 that her pass to the final will be revoked.

Read more: 


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