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Brother is just a few hours away now, and those new housemates must be feeling pretty nervous. But they join plenty of people who've been there and have the T-shirt... like Celebrity Big Brother stars Amy Childs, Casey Batchelor and Vanessa Feltz. Who better to give the newbies a few tips? Read on for their top ten tips on how to be a housemate...

CBB 2011: Day 5: Amy Childs

ยฉ Channel 5

Big Brother: Digital Spy has a sneaky tour around the house
Big Brother: The house gets a futuristic makeover - all the pictures

1. Be prepared for big twists.
"I can't wait to watch it," Amy said. "I was with Rylan last week and he told me all about it. There's loads of twists to it as well, so I think it will be a major house... Honestly you have got to watch it, there are a lot of big twists in there."

2. Don't be scared of arguments.
"I tend to like the characters that are out there, that don't care about what they say, that cause loads of arguments," Amy explained. "I was in Big Brother and never had one but I love other people arguing, it's more entertaining."

3. Get involved in a house romance.
"I love a romance!" Amy declared.

4. Wait, or don't get involved in a romance.
"Don't fall for anybody in the house!" Casey urged. "That would be my biggest tip." Make up your own mind.

Casey Batchelor is evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House at Elstree Studios

ยฉ Ian West/PA Wire

5. Look your best.
Amy had her morning routine: "When I used to wake up and have no make-up on, the first thing I'd always do was run to the mirror and put a bit on."

6. Don't be fake.
"I'd say always be yourself," Amy said. "Have a laugh and make the most of it, because when you leave, it's major." Vanessa added: "Don't pretend you're something you're not. Usually, unless you're a brilliant actor or actress, the camera will find you out."

And Casey urged people: "Just be yourself. It's so difficult in there, it really is. I don't think people understand. I was not expecting it to be the way that it was. The first few days you think everyone is going to get on and it's all going to be nice, you're never going to fall out, you'll be the best of friends and then like day 6 happens and the cracks start to appear. So just think of yourself and keep reminding yourself of your family outside, because you tend to forget about that and feel like that's your life, so remember you are on a show and be yourself and don't fall for anyone." (She's quite insistent about that one. Can't think why.)

7. Focus on the experience during hard times.
"I got quite emotional in there but I'm quite a strong person and I did stay strong," Amy told us. "I knew it was an amazing experience so when I came out of it I missed it so much."

Meanwhile, Casey said there's nothing wrong with having a bit of a cry. "I tried to hold everything in and then I ended up exploding and I'd cry like you saw," she said. "If you don't let it out then it's just going to build up and build up and build up and that's what happened with me. So if you don't let it out, it's going to come eventually. It's probably best just to talk about it. Even though you don't want to talk about it because people are listening, there is no other way. You can't go anywhere, everyone is going to listen eventually."

Vanessa Feltz, Celebrity Big Brother 2001


8. Do what Vanessa says, not what she did.
When we asked Vanessa about dealing with emotional turmoil, she replied: "After seeing what I did, don't do that, do something else." Yeah, probably wise.

9. Be prepared for negative press.
"Big Brother has been going on now for about 14 years," Vanessa said. "I think people have probably got the gist of it after all these years. They can hardly say it's a shock and that they're surprised and devastated. Everybody knows what happens and the sorts of personalities who can cope with it are the sorts of personalities who seek it out. If you didn't feel that you could deal with it, then you wouldn't do it." And Casey suggested: "Be careful about what you say. Things can be misinterpreted."

10. Don't have regrets.
"Everything that happened made the experience," Casey said. "I don't think you should regret anything. If certain things didn't happen then I might not have come out and been as liked or had as much work as I've got."



  • The most important person in Tamara's life is herself.  
  • At 16, had had enough and ran away from home with a street ball extreme player. She describes him as the 'love of her life', but said it didnโ€™t have a happy ending.  
  • She is fiercely independent and can't stand women who 'just want to make babies and cook lasagne for their husbands'.  
  • Although she has a fairly close family, Tamara doesn't really feel that she fits in because she is a 'wild child' and a bit of a 'loose cannon'!  
  • Her dream job would involve her being the boss, while wearing Louboutin shoes. She says: "I'd fire people all the time". She would always choose money over love.  
  • She doesn't think she has ever been kind to anyone. "Iโ€™m known as Cruella Deville", she says.  
  • Tamara thinks that her best trait is that she is never what people expect. "I look a brainless bimbo... but Iโ€™m not, I'm actually really smart".  
  • She thinks that her worst trait is that she is controlling. "I always think I am right. I am selfish too but I see these as good traits to have".  
  • When she goes out she is a real 'all or nothing girl'. When she drinks she says her behaviour is 'not pretty' and she acts 'like I have the demon in me'.  
  • Tamara usually goes for guys with a six pack 'that are really fit but thick'.  
  • She would most hate to go out without food or be put on rations. She has no intentions of cooking in the House as she really doesn't like it.  
  • Tamara is very confident that she will win the show, and says the hardest thing she would find about being in there would be the boredom.
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Mark Mark


Home town
  • Mark says his friends would describe him as a 'lovely person that always looks gorgeous. I'm a good loyal friend until people cross me - then it's another story'.  
  • He is very focussed on his image, getting his hair professionally done four times a week, a weekly spray tan and has HD eyebrows which he describes as 'proper massive and razor sharp'.  
  • He also claims to be 'a bit psychic' and even uses tarot cards to decide what to wear.  
  • Mark doesn't like that he has a short temper and never backs down from an argument. "I often fly off the handle over the smallest things, like if the wind blows my hair out of place".  
  • He likes that he doesnโ€™t have a filter. "I just say what I want when I want and never think before I speak. It's part of my charm".  
  • He finds it difficult dating. "My problem is that I'm beyond picky, no one is ever good enough for me".  
  • He'd hate any mental tasks and says: "I'd be an epic fail if I had do an IQ test or any general knowledge quizzes".  
  • He's ridiculously competitive and hates to lose. "If I donโ€™t win, I just sulk".  
  • Mark claims that he gets on with everyone, apart from judgemental people.  
  • He believes that he'd make a 'fabulous fun housemate' who would always make people laugh. He knows how to keep a 'high energy' and can't wait to give people makeovers. "There's going to be a Scouse brow day once a week where I'll give all my fellow housemates a Scouse brow".
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Home town
  • Helen is a down to earth Northerner who tells it like it is.  
  • She hit headlines three years ago when she was involved in a tabloid scandal involving a well-known personality. She says she doesn't regret her actions, but wishes it hadn't come out in the press where it got blown out of all proportion.  
  • She lives with her son who is ten and absolutely adores him.  
  • Helen has very forthright views, and compares herself to Katie Hopkins. She was brought up a Catholic, but doesn't practice now and is strongly against abortion.  
  • Helenโ€™s best personality trait is making others laugh. "Iโ€™ve always been the class clown, and I think it's important to always have a sense of humour. I'm rarely serious".  
  • She doesnโ€™t like that she gets stressed really easily and has a short temper.  
  • She recently spent ยฃ6,000 on veneers.  
  • Her friends describe her as fiercely protective and very caring. "I can be nasty if I need to be, though I hate bullies".  
  • Helen is single and has been for the last year as she finds it hard to trust men.   
  • She doesnโ€™t have a type as such, but hates materialistic people and loves a man that can make her laugh.  
  • Helen's not looking for love in the House and says: "I find it cringe when people crack onto me. I really am quite frigid and awkward when it comes to blokes".  
  • She's very competitive and often thinks she's better than what she is. "I'm up for anything. The more physical, the better".  
  • Helen gets on best with people who are real. She also hates girls 'who act thick when they're not'.
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Home town
  • Steven is passionate about being successful and is a believer in always trying to be more successful than everybody else.  
  • He would choose money over love. "Money hurts and affects you less... I've been in love with someone with money, now I would rather have money."  
  • His friends would describe Steven as funny, easy going, caring and very outgoing.  
  • His best personality trait is his generosity. "I am extremely generous, spend stupid amounts of money and I'm always the first one at the bar to buy people drinks".  
  • His worst trait is that he can be controlling. "I like to control the situation and make sure I come out good and that I am getting the best of everything".  
  • His last relationship was complicated, as he found out the woman he was dating was married. He is looking for love and if he meets someone and he likes them, he will go for it.  
  • Steven has a huge phobia of rats.  
  • He thinks that he will be the housemate who is centre of attention. "Put it like this, I don't think I'd be boring. I have always been the centre of attention and I would have to make sure that everyone knew this".  
  • When asked if he thinks he will win, Steven said: "Historically people who are gobby and stubborn don't win, but I would like to think I could".
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Home town:


โ€ขDanielle lives her life by strict Catholic values.

โ€ขShe doesn't believe in gay marriage but says she isn't homophobic.

โ€ขShe is very business-minded and aspires to have her own successful business. She is currently trying to set up a business making a 'new type of Wonderbra' and is trying to secure investment. She is very focused and says: "I know what I want and I know how to get it".

โ€ขShe has strict and โ€˜old-fashionedโ€™ views and believes that 'things were better years ago'. She believes in traditional gender roles and feels the '1950s housewife was a better role model'.

โ€ขDanielle's idols are God and her mum.

โ€ขThe last argument Danielle had was a few weeks ago with a guy in a club. He got annoyed because he had bought Danielle and her friend drinks and expected them to talk to him. "He thought that just buying us a drink meant we had to be all over him".

โ€ขShe tends to go on a night out at least once a fortnight. Her usual night out would begin with her friends coming over to her place. They get ready, open some of her 'vintage champagne' and then go to a club until about 2am. Sometimes they go to after-parties but Danielle is sceptical about these as 'they can be sleazy'. She has never had a kebab in her life.

โ€ขShe thinks her friends would describe her as 'confident, savvy, intelligent, determined and sensible'. She is never reckless and will 'never wholeheartedly let my hair down'.

โ€ขDanielle is currently single and has only had two long term relationships - both with Catholic boys. She says she will always be โ€˜upfront about not believing in sex before marriage'.

โ€ขIn the House, she would get on best with 'well-mannered, cultured, mature people'. She likes to keep her cards close to her chest and thinks she may clash with 'liberal girls' who tell lots of vulgar stories.

โ€ขAfter Big Brother, Danielle wants to be a role model for women and young girls and help them to aim higher. She is disgusted at the trends at the moment for revealing clothes and doesn't think you need to dress like that to be successful. She wants to show people how to have 'class, flair and charisma'.

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Winston  Winston

Home town
  • He is a real ladโ€™s lad and spends all his money 'on the lads and chasing the ladies'.
  • Winston currently lives in Essex with his mate in his 'bachelor pad' but admits to being quite messy.
  • Winston dreams of one day being a famous racing car driver.
  • If he had to choose between love and money, he'd choose love as it lasts forever. "I'm a secret romantic at heart but sometimes I pretend not to be".
  • Winston classes himself as 'the local superman' as he's very 'thoughtful and kind' who is always there to help others.
  • He likes that he's very loyal, strong-minded and determined. He says, "I always speak my mind".
  • His life motto is: You donโ€™t score till you score.
  • Although he attends his local gym daily, the only team sport he now plays is 'who can pull the most girls in one night'.
  • He says his friends would describe him as 'a bit dippy, unintentionally hilarious, loyal and a party man who's always up for fun'.
  • He's currently single but is always on the lookout for a girlfriend.
  • Winston's quite picky when it comes to the ladies. "I tend to go for brunettes with nice breasts and a fit body, but they also have to be quick-witted and can laugh at themselves".
  • He's looking for love in the House and believes 'it could happen' if someone catches his eye.
  • He would hate any tasks involving horses as he's 'petrified' of them and he also detests insects.
  • He truly believes he'd make the best housemate ever. "I'm charming, fun, charismatic, the list goes on..."
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Matthew Matthew

Home town
  • Matthew says he is a troublemaker, deliberately provocative and is not afraid to voice his opinions
  • He also describes himself as 'stereotypically feminine' and 'camp' and says he has often been questioned about his sexuality. However, he has been with his girlfriend for five years.
  • He has very strong attitudes towards a number of topics, such as the notions of gender roles.
  • He thinks his best personality traits are his 'dry humour' and his 'ability to offend people without actually offending them'.
  • Matthew says he is 'not the typical 23 year old Jewish boy' and likes the fact that he doesn't fit in. He also likes that he is confident; he doesn't get intimidated and doesn't second guess himself.
  • Some people find him annoying, which irritates him. "If they listened, they'd see there's more to me," he says.
  • He openly admits to wearing makeup including foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil and sometimes eyeliner.
  • Within his friendship group, he is always the centre of attention. He is the loudest with the most to say and is the one to 'stir up the dramaโ€™.
  • He thinks his friends would describe him as โ€˜standalone, loud, vain and pretentious'.
  • He would enjoy tasks where he can โ€˜prove I am more intelligent than someone else'.
  • He gets on best with 'intelligent people with opinions and something to say'. When people don't have any opinions, he will antagonise them and push them for an opinion.
  • As a housemate, he thinks he would controversial and a 'bit of a prima donna and drama queen'.
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Kimberly Kimberly 

Home town
  • Kimberley has been a Playboy model around the world and has spent time in the Playboy Mansion and was even awarded 'cyber girl of the month' for her unique look.  
  • Kimberly says people compare her to Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. "She was a cheerleader who decided to become a lawyer and took everyone by surprise by her wit and competitive determination".  
  • She loves to explore her sexuality and intellect and this has help her 'delve deeper' into travelling, hot yoga, painting and photography.  
  • She also has a 'wish list' on her Twitter, where 'admirers' can treat her to gifts.  
  • She doesn't like that people often take advantage of her 'kind nature'. "Iโ€™m also super competitive and tend to overwork myself", she says.  
  • Kimberly often gets into fights with guys.  
  • Her party trick is that she's the 'twerking queen'.  
  • She can't stand a guy that takes longer to get ready then she does and hates blokes that fake tan.  
  • She gets on best with lads and claims she'd clash with anyone from Essex.
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Christopher Christopher

Home town
County Fermanagh
  • Christopher is a big fan of Katy Hopkins and White Dee.  
  • He's passionate about great journalism and getting the scoop before others. He enjoys the thrill of the chase and he refuses to take the word no for an answer. "Making things happen is everything to me", he says.  
  • He is also passionate about having an opinion and hates it when people don't take an interest in the world around them.  
  • Given the choice between money and love, he would choose love as he has never had a relationship. He really likes the idea of being in love and 'building something special with the right man'.  
  • Christopher classes himself as religious and was brought up as a Protestant.  
  • Christopher thinks his best personality traits are being spontaneous and loyal. His worst traits are being 'melodramatic and getting overexcited'.  
  • He spends a lot of his weekends working but does tend to go out every Saturday night for a heavy night. His usual night out begins with drinks at his flat and then on to some bars in either Clapham or Shoreditch.  
  • He is single and has never been in a proper relationship. Christopher says that his confidence evaporates when it comes to relationships and says he can be rather 'neurotic' about dating.  
  • He isn't looking for love in the House, but โ€˜wouldnโ€™t turn it down if it came along'.  
  • In the House, Christopher says he will get on best with 'eccentric, uninhibited people'. He would struggle to get on with 'egotistical people and people who judge', even though he admits he can be guilty of this himself.  
  • As a housemate, Christopher says he 'won't hold back and wants to let loose and have no regrets'.  
  • In the House, Christopher says he will find it hard not to be able to pop out for a coffee and having to 'endure 24 hours of social interaction'.
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Home town:


โ€ขPauline is strong and feisty and she does not 'suffer fools gladly'.

โ€ขShe describes herself as idiosyncratic, opinionated and admits to being overly picky.

โ€ขShe had a promising music career in the early 90s and had a top 10 single with Kylie Minogue.

โ€ขHer son is the most important person in her life and says they only fall out if he brings home a girl for the night.

โ€ขShe likes that she's strong-willed. "If I say something, Iโ€™ll stick to it", she says.

โ€ขHer all-time idol is Maya Angelou whose poetry helped her come to terms with her ethnicity when she was a youth. "Her strong words empower black women and give them a sense of purpose".

โ€ขShe also claims to be a good listener, but will fly off the handle if things don't go her own way or if someone calls her a liar.

โ€ขWithin her friendship group she's the 'opinionated joker that's loved and adored by all'.

โ€ขShe has a phobia of anything out of the sea, red meat and would be mortified if asked to rap in public.

โ€ขShe thinks she has the potential to not only cause up a stir but to win. "What's not to like about Jazzy P?"

โ€ขShe thinks she'd make 'the old prankster' of the House.

โ€ขTurning the big 5-0 while in the House, she thinks itโ€™ll be a great opportunity to show what older women are made of.

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Day 1: Big Brother gives one housemate the power


Ten housemates entered the House tonight but only one was given the power.

Pauline was picked by you, the BB fans and Big Brother wasted no time putting her to work in the Control Room.

Challenged with selecting a housemate to reward and one to punish from a bunch of strangers sheโ€™d met minutes before, Pauline was aided by Iris, BBโ€™s digital ally, who had a few revealing videos for her to peruse.

All powerful Pauline opted to punish Matthew for being intolerant and reward Mark because err โ€“ he liked Mariah Carey.

The pair were sent to individual transparent boxes to await their fate. And in a jaw-dropping Day 1 twist Mark was given five grand while Matthew had to resign himself to spending the night boxed in above the garden.

Right now Matthew is looking down on his fellow housemates as they share a drink and bond while Mark cosies up to his cash. What a start to the series.




Matthews take on last years BB
Big Brother 14 Launch Night Review
Posted: 15/06/2013 10:15
Reality TV, Big Brother, Emma Willis, Entertainment News, Rylan Clark, TV Shows, UK Entertainment, Big Brother 14, Big Brother 2013, Pop Culture Entertainment , Channel 5, Emma Willis Big Brother, Endemol, Entertainment, Opinion, pop culture , TV Reviews, Uk Celebrity, UK NEWS, UK Entertainment News

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After Thursday night's joke of a launch night, quite frankly I've seen enough to realise that what used to be THE best reality TV show around, has relinquished itself of all originality, humour and ability to actually come up with a proper twist, decent enough to excite any viewer. Between, the repulsively designed house layout, Emma Willis's wooden presenting and unsurprisingly the producers lack of charismatic housemates, the show continues to follow a downward spiral, which I have no doubt will result in Channel 5's cancellation sooner than expected - perhaps after they at least milk another couple of **** series' out of what dignity the producers have left of the show.

Firstly, as fond of Emma as I am, I couldn't help but notice how anxious she was. Bearing in mind this is Big Brother and she doesn't have the most intellectually minded audience to impress, what reason to be so nervous? Unfortunately for Emma, her debut appearance as host of the prime-time show was considerably wooden. Reading Twitter It appears most fans disagree, however I truly cannot comprehend where all the praiseworthy comments come from! People must be too easily pleased.

On the topic of presenters, the northern girl on 'Bit on the side' wasn't bad at all (what's her name again?), however I can't imagine anyone giving a **** about her whilst Rylan shares her centre stage! To be honest, although the Essex lad is talent-less, I think he's nearly bigger than the show himself. Saying that, what on god's earth has he done with the teeth?

Moving on to the assortment of housemates, it's clear that Big Brother have resorted to putting a diverse bunch in, rather than 2011's attempt at lumping together a bunch of fame-hungry 18 year old's in hope that they will do nothing but drink and shag on a daily basis. Nevertheless, although each housemate carries with them their own unique life story, a lot of them don't strike me as entertaining.

This year's crop of housemates include a pair of overweight socially inept twins, some sort of blonde Jodie Marsh wannabe who doesn't seem to know whether she's a plastic obsessed narcissist or butch lesbianesque rock chic, a "cougar" who looks more like a witch, a self obsessed wanker who allegedly gets off on spending 120k on a night out, another rich bitch who although has enough money to live in the Savoy hotel for six months on end has nothing good about herself to offer and a number of forgettable non-entities. The only interesting housemate so far is the raving hippy lesbian Wolfy, who seems to be the first original personality I've seen as of yet.

Did I forget to mention Big Brother also put in a MOLE this year!? I'd consider the producers to be about seven series late for that trick, although the "professional", or should I say failed actor does put on quite a funny act. The others have definitely fallen for it!

Overall the launch nights were pretty mediocre. Channel 5's decision to launch the show in two parts is a clear attempt to maintain ratings hoping that once viewers tune into both episodes their eyes will miraculously glue themselves to the screen which let's be honest, is highly unlikely. The only thing my eyes can't stop looking at is Rylan's set of ugly new teeth which I can't seem to grasp why someone would waste so much money on.

As I'm a committed fan of the show, there's no way I can stop watching this early and abandon the series already (at least for the purpose of criticising it over Twitter). Hoping BB actually do live up to the hype they've caused - cheap hype, as the majority of marketing was done all over Twitter, I'm still anticipating better twists and an interesting concept to all this "Secrets and Lies" malarkey. Better pull your finger out BB!


Last edited by Former Member

day 1 power


Everything you need to know about Big Brother launch night 


What a launch night. Ten housemates entered the House tonight and the Power Trip began. Last year's housemates even got given some power as Ginxter took over our Twitter...


Christopher, Danielle, HelenKimberly, Mark, Matthew, Pauline, Steven, Tamara, Winston were the first new residents through the door and anything could happen from here on in.

Pauline was voted the housemate with the power by the public in the first task of the series. Big Brother challenged her to punish one housemate and reward another.

As a result Mark is five grand richer and Matthew is living in a box โ€“ for tonight at least.

The new bunch are bonding as only housemates can โ€“ most have a glass of wine in hand, Winston christened the pool and Helen has already had a moan because Christopher piddled on the toilet seat. What larks.

Tomorrow will bring a host of new housemates and if we know Big Brother, more surprises. We canโ€™t wait. And Matthew definitely can't...


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