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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Apparently on the Wright stuff this morning they confirmed the hooker is going in tonight

The series goes from bad to worse  


I honestly think this will be the end of the show and it will be took off air unless of course this has been set up by the two girls and Helen knew all along that she was coming in, I don't like Helen but this is a low blow by BB, she has an injunction against her so has to careful what she says, also they should think how this could impact on her son

I think the whole show is a set up Aimee IMO Pauline was told to give the pass to Helen in order to keep her there long enough for this other woman to go in ....there will be a few fireworks and the Helen will either walk , or be thrown out . Plus , I reckon they have been deliberately trying to keep Toyah in , in order to have more fireworks between her and Marlon once HeleN has gone ! 

^^^^ I agree with all of that. Scripted reality at it's worst.


BB have a script and they know who they want at the end and who goes out when ,nominations used to screw that up slightly so BB just removed normal nominations. Helen's mate was always going in ,she went into hiding at the same time as the others, Helen's pass was given by BB not Pauline and when BB have finished with Helen they will dispose of her via the back door or a public onslaught via an eviction ,the crowd by that point will want blood .Ash or one of the stooges will go this week as BB are low on females. The whole thing stinks and I will never watch another civilian BB .

In the words of Magnus 'I have started so I'll finish ' this BB .

Originally Posted by erinp:

BB have a script and they know who they want at the end and who goes out when ,nominations used to screw that up slightly so BB just removed normal nominations. Helen's mate was always going in ,she went into hiding at the same time as the others, Helen's pass was given by BB not Pauline and when BB have finished with Helen they will dispose of her via the back door or a public onslaught via an eviction ,the crowd by that point will want blood .Ash or one of the stooges will go this week as BB are low on females. The whole thing stinks and I will never watch another civilian BB .

In the words of Magnus 'I have started so I'll finish ' this BB .

I agree Erinp

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Apparently on the Wright stuff this morning they confirmed the hooker is going in tonight

The series goes from bad to worse  


I honestly think this will be the end of the show and it will be took off air unless of course this has been set up by the two girls and Helen knew all along that she was coming in, I don't like Helen but this is a low blow by BB, she has an injunction against her so has to careful what she says, also they should think how this could impact on her son

I think the whole show is a set up Aimee IMO Pauline was told to give the pass to Helen in order to keep her there long enough for this other woman to go in ....there will be a few fireworks and the Helen will either walk , or be thrown out . Plus , I reckon they have been deliberately trying to keep Toyah in , in order to have more fireworks between her and Marlon once HeleN has gone ! 

^^^^ I agree with all of that. Scripted reality at it's worst.

Yes It's one of the reasons I want Toyah out tonight ...I get fed up with them leading us around by the nose But it's not going to happen ....they have assured that Ash goes ( and yes, I know he's obnoxious ) , but I would have loved the GBP to upset C5s apple cart for they dI'd when Arron won .   



Three Housemates are asked to put their acting skills to the
test and must impersonate their fellow housemates. The rest of the Housemates
will be secretly watching and have to guess who they are


Big Brother is putting
WINSTON, ASHLEIGH and CHRIS’s acting skills to the test. They will be
called to the Diary Room and be told that Big Brother would like to play a game.
They will individually have to do a Diary Room in the style of that person, and
Big Brother will guess who they are impersonating. They will be choosing names
out of a box.

WINSTON will be impersonating KIMBERLY, MATTHEW
and TOYA.

ASHLEIGH will be impersonating ASH, HELEN and

CHRIS will be impersonating DANIELLE, WINSTON and

The rest of the Housemates will be called to the Sofa Area,
where they will be watching a live feed of the Diary Room, unbeknownst to
WINSTON, ASHLEIGH and CHRIS. While they are watching they need to come to
a unanimous decision and guess which Housemate they are impersonating which Big
Brother will then use as the answers.

If the Housemates correctly
identify which Housemate they are impersonating they will win a reward for the
Housemates to enjoy.


Last edited by Former Member

Face/Off Task: Review


Today Ashleigh, Chris and Winston got to try out their acting chops as they were tasked with impersonating some of their fellow housemates. The results were somewhat mixed so we got our harshest critic to appraise their performances. 


After his nuanced performance as the Power Housemate, Chris’s follow up role as Mark, Winston and Danielle was a disappointment on par with pineapple on a pizza. Stage fright seemed to get the better of the actor as he contorted his face into something resembling an over-microwaved potato. He was almost overcome by nerves and his attempted accents were enough to make Dick Van Dyke die and then turn in his grave. 


In her debut role as Ash, Helen and Marlon, Ashleigh underwhelmed as she struggled with the concept of acting. Her interpretation of her fellow housemates consisted of listing their character traits in an increasingly high-pitched tone, sandwiched in between long periods of silence.

A confusing debut from the youngster. 


Praise the gods, our long search for the new Jason Statham is at an end. In his first role since barman no. 2, Winston put in a performance that could happily stand alongside Danny Dyer’s finest work.  So complete was his transformation into Kimberly that Steven tried to get him alone in the garden for a slightly uncomfortable three hour conversation.

A brilliant new talent has emerged and it surely won't be long until we see Winston's Widow Twankey. Olivier's Hamlet, eat your heart out.    


Big Brother housemate Chris Wright has opened up about his sexuality.

In scenes that will appear on tonight's episode, Chris spoke to Ash Harrison, Marlon Wallen, Christopher Hall and Jale Karaturp about his views.

Chris Wright on Big Brother

ÂĐ Channel 5

"I don't like the term straight," he explained. "We're all kind of melding now."

Chris, who pointed out that young people no longer care about sexual labels, explained that he has never kissed or slept with a man but does not think he can think of himself as just straight.

Chris Wright on Big Brother

ÂĐ Channel 5

Chris later admitted to Jale Karaturp that he was a bit unsure about opening up on camera as he has never spoken about his ideas of sexuality to most of his family or friends.

However, he added: "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube."

Big Brother continues with an eviction tonight (June 27) at 9pm on Channel


Tonight’s Big Brother 2014 eviction results are looking like they could be some of the closest in BB history.


A total of eight housemates are up for eviction this week with Ash Harrison, Danielle McMahon, Chris R Wright, Christopher Hall, Jale Karaturp, Marlon Wallen, Toya A Washington and Winston Showan all facing the public vote.

Only Ash and Toya are in danger of actually going but splitting the pair is looking near impossible ahead of the live show.

Back at the start of the week when lines opened, Toya was the heavy odds on favourite to go at odds of 1/4.

Aoife Heffron from Boylesports commented at the time: “Within an hour of the market opening the money came flooding in for Toya to be evicted and she has since been cut from 1/2 into 1/4.”

But over the past few days there’s been a big change and Ash is now the favourite to leave.

Heffron remarked: “There has been a massive change in the Next Eviction market, Toya was the red favourite to go when the market was initially opened but now it is Ash who is 4/6 to go after a flood of support came in overnight.”

The question is whether or not the change in opinion has been strong enough to topple the amount of votes that Toya would’ve got at the start of the week.

In our poll, which has been running since lines have opened, Toya has gone from having 55% of the vote to 46%, while Ash went from 22% of the vote to 33% across the past five days.

It’s clear that the swing is definitely in Toya’s favour but as it stands it seems there’s still some gap between the two.

With it being widely accepted that most votes are cast in the live eviction show itself, it could come right down to the wire this evening.

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Ashleigh in the mirror

Day 23: Housemates get dressed up for the third eviction


It's that time again: eviction night! The third eviction of the series has rolled around pretty quickly, and with a whopping eight housemates up for eviction, the mood in the House is seriously nervous. 

And how are they dealing with those nerves? By doing one another's hair and makeup, of course. Fancy a behind-the-scenes peek at their swanky new looks? Here goes...

Kimberly, as a woman who knows her way around a contouring brush, went all out on Jale's face. (Don't worry - she made sure to blend it all in properly afterwards.)

She also gave Danielle the benefit of her skills, applying plenty of blush and some massive, massive eyelashes.

Believe it or not, Ash's, erm, striking new look here was created by Mark. We're not sure why either. He'll probably brush his hair before Emma talks to the House.

Perhaps wisely, then, Christopher entrusted his barnet to Winston. He's done quite a good job on that quiff, but then he's had plenty of practice, hasn't he?

Both Marlon and Winston have been accused by their fellow housemates of being overly aware of the cameras in the House. Not that you'd ever notice.

Chris toyed with the idea of accessorising his outfit with these glasses, but soon changed his mind when Matthew told him they made him look old. Aww.

And Toya shared a tip for all you lipstick-wearers out there: suck your finger and you won't get smudges on your teeth. Brilliant.

Ready to see everyone's snazzy new outfits? Tune into Channel 5 tonight at 9pm for all the eviction fun...



Toya A Washington has become the latest housemate to leave in tonight’s Big Brother 2014 results.


This week had see a total of eight housemates up for the chop with Ash Harrison, Danielle McMahon, Chris R Wright, Christopher Hall, Jale Karaturp Marlon Wallen, Toya A Washington and Winston Showan all facing the public vote.

Earlier in tonight’s live show, host Emma Willis first spoke to the house to announce the three housemates who had received the fewest votes to leave and were therefore safe.

They were, in no specific order, Jale, Christopher and Chris.

As Emma went to the house, the crowd chanted mainly to ‘Get Toya Out’ and reserved their biggest boos for the likes of her, Marlon and Ash while Jale and Winston received huge cheers when their names were read out.

Later, Emma returned to the house to make the final eviction announcement, first announcing that Winston, Danielle and Marlon were safe.

It was then between Ash and Toya and with the most votes to be evicted, Toya left.

The result was a close one, with bookies having made Ash the favourite to go in just the past 24 hours after Toya had been installed as their tip to go back at the start of the week.

But just as our TellyMix poll predicted, while the tide turned against Ash it wasn’t quite enough to overcome the huge amount of votes that Toya no doubt received when voting first opened.

Toya screamed “YES!” when the vote was announced and insisted she was happy to go, saying: “At least I can get my phone back.”

The so-called sassy video blogger chuckled as she left the house to a chorus of boos from the live audience.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


A new Big Brother Power Trip twist has been unveiled tonight as the Girls and Boys were split.


Earlier this evening, Toya became the latest housemate to leave in tonight’s Big Brother 2014 results.

But there was no time for the news to sink in as BB announced a new twist almost immediately.

“This is Big Brother, tonight the Power is returning to the house. Helen, please stand up,” Big Brother commented.

As Helen and the others wondered what was going on, Big Brother continued: “Ashleigh, please stand up.

“Kimberly please stand up.

“Danielle please stand up.

“Jale please stand up.

“Big Brother has decided this week that this week is girl Power. This week, each and every one of you has the Power and all of you – including Jale – are safe from eviction.

“However, all of the boys are now up for eviction.”

Big Brother went: “”Their fate lies in your hands.

“On Monday, the girls will decide which of the boys to save and which will face the public vote.

“Over the next 72 hours, the girls will be able to test the boys to help them to decide who should remain in the house.

“Boys, you will need to work hard to impress the girls, starting right now. ”

Big Brother warned: “Remember, none of you are safe.”

Which of the boys do you think should be saved from eviction? Add your thoughts in the comments below!

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


There’s tension in the Big Brother 2014 house following last night’s new Power Trip twist.


In the latest live show, Big Brother gave Power to the girls of the house, including Jale Karaturp.

They are all immune from next week’s eviction (again, including Jale) while as it stands, all the boys face the axe.

However over the weekend the Girls will get the chance to save some of the boys from the axe.

Just hours after the twist was unveiled and already there’s rows brewing over who will be picked.

“Matthew thinks I’m going to choose himâ€Ķ after the f**king argument, I don’t think so,” Helen Wood claimed to Ash.

She added, as if she alone had all the power: “I don’t know how many I have to save.

“You [Ash] are likely. I owe it to save you.”

Later, as Marlon celebrated Toya’s eviction in the Diary Room by screaming at Big Brother, Helen, Ash and Steven discussed comments made by Ashleigh.

The teenager is no fan of the boys – or Helen – and the feeling’s quite mutual.

“I said she’s a brat,” Ash admitted, after Helen revealed that Ashleigh had come out against saving himself, Marlon and Winston.

“Why she’s referring to us three straight off?” he asked.

“Because she’s eighteen and that’s what I’ve got to remember when I’m having a conversation with her,” Helen replied. “I had to walk out.”

She continued: “I don’t knowâ€Ķ I think Danielle’s going to be a tough one to try and convince about things.”

Be sure to stick with us over the weekend to see how things progress!

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


Everything you need to know about Day 23


Got that Friday feeling? The end of the third week in the Big Brother House saw another housemate evicted, and the return of the power in the biggest twist yet. But let's start at the beginning...

Housemates woke up in an apprehensive mood. And with more than half the House up for eviction, who could blame them? Speculating about who would be evicted became almost a competitive sport in the House, and while no-one really knew - no matter what they claimed! - some people seemed to be more ready to leave than others.

To take their minds off the eviction, Big Brother gave the housemates a mini-task in which Chris, Winston, and Ashleigh had to impersonate the others. Which could have been extremely awkward, especially because their impressions weren't exactly, um, good. Luckily, the impersonated housemates laughed it off.

Obviously, though, no matter what else was going on, the third eviction was the day's main event. Housemates got dressed up to the nines ahead of the action, and then - drumroll, please - Toya was evictedHurricane Toya came, she saw, and she got voted out.

While housemates were still reeling from losing Toya, though, a new twist was revealed. The power was back, and this time, all the girls had it.

The powerless boys will be up for eviction unless the girls choose to save them, so you'd think they'd all be busy sucking up - but Ash has already had a moan about Ashleigh, while Mark and Matthew have attempted to give her their brand of sage advice. So this week will be interesting, then...


Big Brother’s Helen Wood branded last night’s eviction crowd c**ts, apparently.


Helen hit out at the crowd after they booed her pals Ash and Marlon, even though it was Toya A Washington who was eventually evicted in last night’s Big Brother results.

Speaking to Ashleigh, Danielle said last night: “She called someone a c**t. Classy, eh? Calling someone a c**t, calling the crowd a c**ts on live TV, are you actually mad?

“She’s got the mouth of the sewer.”

Ashleigh agreed: “She’s sick. She’s disgusting.”


Danielle went on: “The public will just be fuming week in and week out that she’s still got that bloody finalist position.

“Take that and the five grand away.”

Discussing Helen with host Emma Willis after her eviction last night, Toya said: She’s a very confused girl, she’s got a lot of issues and she’s very angry. She’s just confused. I lost hope for Helen.

“She sets the tone [for the house]â€Ķher mood is dictated by whether she gets red wine or not. When she gets red wine, beep is going to hit the fan. She’s a completely different person.”

Read more: 


Big Brother’s Ashleigh Coyle and Danielle McMahn have declared war on Helen Wood this weekend.


In last night’s live show, Big Brother gave Power to the girls of the house, including Jale Karaturp.

They are all immune from next week’s eviction while as it stands, all the boys face the axe.

However over the weekend the Girls will get the chance to save some of the guys from facing the public vote.

Talking tactics, Ashleigh observed: “It’s literally us two against those three. â€Ķ All that crap Helen was giving to Matthew earlier, he’s seen her for what she is.”

Danielle warned: “If she tries I’d go through her like a tonne of bricks. If she ever thinks of starting either verbally or physically on me or you I will go through her like a tonne of bricks.

“I’ve not liked her from the word go. I do think she’s a ****. She’s one of the most vile woman I’ve ever come across in my life.


“And if she wants to throw a punch of whatever, good, because it will get her out of this house.”

Later, talking with Matthew Davies and Mark Byron, Ashleigh predicted: “I think it’s about me and Helen who row the most tomorrow.”

Matt said: “I said to all of the girls, you’ve all got to stay strong.”

Mark echoed: “You an speak your mind, you need to be amazing this week and not let the fact you’re 18 let your opinion be pushed aside.

“It’s your time to really f**king stand up.”

Read more: 


This week, Big Brother is going to pass the ‘power’ in the House onto all of the remaining girls.


The girls in the House will use their power to put the boys through their paces. The boys will be in jeopardy of being up for eviction if they do not impress the girls.

At various points throughout the weekend, the girls will be given the opportunity to discuss which boys should be in this position.

However on Monday, the girls will be given the chance to save some of the boys from being up for eviction.

Today Girl Power will involveâ€Ķ

Cleaning and Pampering
The power girls will indulge in kicking back and relaxing while the boys get to cleaning the House. The girls will pick 2 boys to give them massages, 2 boys to give them treatments such as manicures, and 4 boys to clean the House. The boys will be dressed in comical cleaning costumes, complete with pink aprons and feather dusters.


Danielle’s Finish School for Boys
In the Boudoir in the Small Task Room, Danielle will set up her Finishing School. One by one, Marlon, Ash and Winston will attend Danielle’s finishing school. It will be up to Danielle to give each boy a lesson in the art of being a gentleman. Individually, they will be played a VT montage of some of their bad behaviour so far in the House. It will then be up to Danielle to critique the VT and suggest how each boy could become more of a man.
E.g. Does Marlon think it is acceptable to speak the way he does about women? How could he be a better gentleman?

Earlier on in the week, Big Brother called the boys to the Diary Room and ask them some controversial topics/questions about women. This will include:

· How many sexual partners have you had?

· Do you think it is ever acceptable to cheat in a relationship?

These Diary Rooms will then be edited down into a VT. The girls will be invited to their own private viewing in the evening, where the boys will serve them cinema snacks such as sweets and popcorn. Once the girls have been served their cinema snacks, the boys will be excluded from the viewing where they will then be shown the Diary Room VT of all the boys speaking about their controversial topics.

Read more: 


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