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Everything you need to know about Day 21


All the fun and fireworks of yesterday seem to have left our housemates feeling a bit tired. Today's been a little more, well, sedate, shall we say? Here's how the dust has settled...

Toya and the century egg omelette

Matthew spent his morning chatting to Mark about the previous night's argument, for which Helen was given a formal warning.

Meanwhile, Danielle, Steven, and Toya had a rude awakening when Big Brother asked them to eat a century egg omelette for breakfast. Yuck.

Elsewhere, Jale delved into her fellow housemates' past lives, discovering that Winston used to be a warrior, while Marlon was a beautiful woman in a past life. Spooky.

And for the last part of the Great Housemates Think Alike task, housemates were quizzed on how much they really know about one another. Turns out: not that much.

Later, the results of the shopping task were announced, and the news wasn't good: housemates had failed. That put them in a sombre mood for the rest of the day: Steven went to bed in protest, while Marlon declared this "the worst day ever."

Let's hope tomorrow's a bit brighter. But there could be more trouble ahead...


Tonight on Bit on the Side - 26th June 2014


Feeling a little bit glum because you missed out on Glasto this year? Oh stop whining man! At least you get to enjoy tonight’s Big Brother’s Bit on the Side...

Joining Emma in the studio is the singer of beautiful songs and sayer of magnificent words, Liz McClarnon. She’ll presumably be on hand to translate Mark’s most Liverpudlian moments.

The legendary agony aunt Denise Robertson will be stopping by to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy.

And comedian James Acaster will be exploding joke bombs all over the place, in a manner of speaking.


Tune in at 11pm sharp, immediately after the main show on Channel 5.



Day 22: Task - Steven's Surreptitious Secret Mission


Some of the housemates seem convinced that this year’s crop is the cleverest yet, so now it’s down to Steven to put it to the test.

Armed with five bogus new words, the smooth-talking businessman has been tasked with using them on his fellow housemates without them questioning him. If he manages it, he’ll win a prize.

The new addictions to his vast lexicon are: Krobotic, Hyperdimensionalistic, Fhrostly (pronounced like “ghostly&rdquo, Churpellent, and Fidiotic.

Best of luck to him, this should be very interestment.


Day 22: Dwindling food makes addled minds


For the first time since they arrived at the House a few weeks ago, the housemates are going to have to learn to go without. They’ve been bickering, factions have been forming, and now – after failing the last shopping task so spectacularly - they’re going to live on basic rations.

An optimist would hope that a bit of poverty and neediness might bring everyone together, form a sense of community spirit as they locate a stoical blitz mentality. But, unfortunately, so far that seems unlikely.

Already, stocks are dwindling, and where once the breakfast plates were piled high with sausages and bacon, there’s talk of surviving only on fruit until lunchtime.

The three keenest scoffers – Winston, Ash and Marlon – seem especially disturbed by the thought.

“Two eggs left, that’s to last us all week,” muttered a downbeat Marlon, noticing the egg shortage.

Jale has spoken with genuine fear blazing in her eyes of running out of bread. Mark is threatening the others with meals like “cabbage soup” and “curry surprise”.

As the stomachs begin to grumble, there may be a storm cloud forming overhead.



The Big Brother 2014 housemates have revealed who they’re tipping to go in tomorrow night’s eviction.


A total of eight housemates are up for the axe and Kimberly Kisselovich and Ashleigh Coyle reckon they can narrow down the evictee to just three people.

The pair, who are not facing the axe, think Toya, Marlon or Ash will be leaving.

“Who would I like to go is way too difficult to answer because I don’t know,” Kimberly said at first. “I don’t like people leaving, I f**king cried when Tamara left.

“Who do I think is goingâ€Ķ I think Chris, Danielle and Christopher aren’t going anywhere.

“Marlon is possibly, Winston not very likely, Toya and Ash possible.”

With Ashleigh nodding in agreement, Kimberly explained: “The reason why think Toya’s confrontation will either work in her favour of against her.

“I think one of those three will possibly go.”

But Ashleigh and Kimberly did disagree slightly on who the most likely was to go out of the three, with Ashleigh suggesting that Toya’s row may have seen support from the public.

Read more: 


Helen Wood has had a heart to heart with Jale Karaturp in Big Brother 2014.


It follows a formal warning from Big Brother over her latest trashy bheaviour.

Apologising to Jale for the way she has treated her, Helen said this afternoon: I had an argument with you when you first came in, I listened to other people rather than make my own observations.


“I had grown quite close to Pauline but I still should’ve got my own observations, I know what a tit I can be.

“The more I spoke about you in the Diary Room, I thought ‘She ain’t f**king done anything to me’.”

Helen, who branded herself a “d**k”, continued: “I’d have understood if you completely f**ked me off, I’d have been like ‘Helen, it’s your own fault’.


“If someone treated me likeâ€Ķ I won’t say like s**t, but I wasn’t very nice.”

She went on: “I think we speak more than we did do and I’m glad. I’ve learnt one f**king thing about this house, I am too judgmental.”

Jale replied: “I appreciate what you said to me. That means a lot to me, more than you’ll probably know.”

Meanwhile, in tonight’s show, Helen discusses her warning from Big Brother with Steven and Winston and says that she, ‘has to shut the f**k up.’

Big Brother airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.

Read more: 


Everything you need to know about Day 22


With food supplies running low and the third eviction almost upon us, how are our housemates bearing up? Well, there's been sulking, whinging, and one spectacular makeover, courtesy of Mark and his eyebrow powder.

But we'll get to that in due course. Here's everything that happened in the Big Brother House on Day 22...

It all started with a super exciting morning. Or something like that. Housemates were woken up bright and early, but it took them a little while to get going.

Helen and Kimberly had a chat while doing their hair, and Helen confided that she's started to find her pass to the final something of a burden. Surely Big Brother wouldn't give out prizes that have downsides? 

Toya, Matthew and Mark speculated about what the public might be thinking of them - who, us? - and decided we probably think they're funny.

Meanwhile, Kimberly auditioned for a slot as a gameshow hostess by turning eviction predictions into a kind of game. (Okay, so Big Brother is already a game, but you know what we mean.)

Hunger drove housemates to invent some new recipes (or "surprises"). Still, it wasn't all bad news, as Helen and Jale made friends... but friendship doesn't seem to be on the cards for Helen and Matthew. Danielle doesn't seem too keen on Winston either.

In happier news, Marlon decided to teach Jale to dance the robot, and Steven had a brilliant secret mission that involved weird words Big Brother had invented.

Housemates competed for the title of Strongest Housemate via an arm-wrestling tournament. Who won? Er, the jury's still out.

Mark decided to give Jale a makeover by doing her eyebrows for her. Or, more accurately, doing his eyebrows for her. It's a strong look, but we're not convinced it's a good look for Jale.

Finally, are Steverly on the outs? It's not looking good for our lovebirds. But maybe there's another romance brewing? Yeah, maybe not. Shame. Still, tomorrow's another day...


Tonight on Bit on the Side - 27th June 2014


It's eviction night, so you simply must tune in (you don't even have to change channel) to Big Brother's Bit On the Side tonight for all the fallout from the third eviction.  

On the show tonight we have Big Brother 9 contestant Luke Marsden, X Factor winner Sam Bailey and dancing mother hen Pauline for chit-chat and maybe some chat-chit.

And watching over it all, like an benign deity, will be King of BOTS, Mr Rylan Clark. 

Channel 5, 10.30pm. 


Day 23: Task - FACE-OFF


They’ve been getting to know one another for a few weeks, now it’s time for a select few to mimic the others in order to win treats.

The three in question are Winston, Ashleigh and the professional actor Chris, their mission is to do convincing impressions of their fellow housemates in the Diary Room, supposedly for the benefit of Big Brother.

What they don’t realise is that the rest of the House will be watching and attempting to decipher who’s trying to be who.

Of the three, Ashleigh has the hottest potato, with a tricky menu demanding top notch impersonations of Ash, Marlon and hypersensitive Helen.

This one could go either way... 



Big Brother housemates Ash Harrison and Marlon Wallen spent last night rather bluntly flouting BB’s rules on discussing nominations.


The rules regarding nominations state: “It is against the rules for housemates to discuss their nominations with each other.

“This includes: Any discussion with another housemate that could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to influence their nominations, discussing or hinting at who you might nominate in the future or have nominated in previous weeks, predicting or guessing who may be nominated.”

Decide for yourself whether Ash and Marlon’s chat breaks the rulesâ€Ķ

“So many people who think they’ll never be up will be up. They’ve got to be,” Marlon claimed.

Ash agreed: “100%. People who don’t think they’ll be up will be up. They’ll be in the firing line.”

Big Brother Summer 2014

He added: “The people you expect to go up, won’t be upâ€Ķ Little Chris, he won’t go up again. Like Ashleighâ€Ķ”

Marlon said: “She [Ashleigh] needs to go up. Toya needs to go up. She needs to face the public, even if she doesn’t go. She needs to face the public.”


The chat then moved on to a Helen praise fest, with Marlon gushing: “Helen is so real it’s a joke.

“She just reminds me of my sisters and one of my good, good friends back at home.

“She says it is what it f*****g is.”

Ash concurred: “She’s mint. I’ll be dead good mates with her when we come out of here.”

Marlon added “I’ve never thought I’d be as close to her as I really am. I really have her in high regard. When she speaks, I listen.”

Later, the pair also discussed tonight’s eviction where they both face the axe alongside six other housemates.

“I’m not as stressed out as I was last week,” Marlon said. “I’ve accepted that if I’m not going anywhere [tonight] then I’ll be up next week.”

Read more: 


Big Brother bully Helen Wood has been tipped to be ejected from the house before the final.


It follows this week’s explosive show where Helen verbally abused Matthew to the point where she had to be called into the diary room to calm down.

BB locked Helen in and refused to let her leave until she relaxed, later issuing her with a formal warning for threatening behaviour.

“Big Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour,” Big Brother told her. “If you repeat this behaviour again, Big Brother may have no choice but to remove you from the house.”

A sheepish Helen replied: “I don’t know what’s wrong with meâ€Ķ for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry.”

Bookmaker Paddy Power have now slashed the odds of a housemate being ejected from the house from 10/11 to 4/6, with odds of 11/10 Helen will be the one shown the door.

Last night even her fellow housemates were worried about what could happen in future, with Steven revealing: “Toya said to the producers that it might get violent.


“She said she felt physically cornered.”

But could Helen walk before she’s kicked out?

Despite having a pass straight through to the final, she told Kimberly yesterday: “I’m sick of it. I’m f**king sick of the whole thing.

“It shouldn’t be a burden but I feel in here people at me differently.”

No doubt BB bosses are keen to keep Helen in for now however, with rumours that tonight will see her formal best pal turned tabloid rival Jenny Thompson join the house.

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Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Apparently on the Wright stuff this morning they confirmed the hooker is going in tonight

The series goes from bad to worse  


I honestly think this will be the end of the show and it will be took off air unless of course this has been set up by the two girls and Helen knew all along that she was coming in, I don't like Helen but this is a low blow by BB, she has an injunction against her so has to careful what she says, also they should think how this could impact on her son

There could be some new blood in the Big Brother 2014 house tonight.


Rumours are that there could be at least two new housemates entering the show during the latest live episode.


The first is ex prostitute Jenny Thompson, former pal of Helen Wood, who sold her story about supposedly bedding a footballer to the tabloids.


While Helen used to be Jenny’s best friend, the two haven’t spoken in years and Jenny warned this week: “I want to jump out of a grandfather clock and see her face when I tell everyone what a bullying bitch she is and how the public all hate her.


“I will drive her out.”


Speaking to the Daily Star newspaper, Jenny added: If I got to see her face to face, I’d tell her she is a bully and be done with her.


“Then I’d go have a drink with Jale. It’s pathetic how Helen has treated her.”


Meanwhile, The Sun newspaper this morning claims that a “controversial American YouTube rapper” is also set to join the current crop of housemates.


This evening’s live show is also expected to see a new Power Trip twist, with currently none of the group in Power following Matthew and Toya’s double Power Trip ending last weekend.


A spokesperson for Channel 5 refused to comment on any of the rumours or speculation.


One thing is for sure is that tonight’s episode will see at least one person leaving the house for good.


A total of eight housemates are up for the chop with Ash HarrisonDanielle McMahon, Chris R Wright, Christopher Hall, Jale Karaturp Marlon Wallen, Toya A Washington and Winston Showan all facing the public vote.


Toya and Ash are the two favourites and it could be very close between the two, with bookies currently making Ash only the slight favourite to go.

Read more: 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Apparently on the Wright stuff this morning they confirmed the hooker is going in tonight

The series goes from bad to worse  


I honestly think this will be the end of the show and it will be took off air unless of course this has been set up by the two girls and Helen knew all along that she was coming in, I don't like Helen but this is a low blow by BB, she has an injunction against her so has to careful what she says, also they should think how this could impact on her son

I think the whole show is a set up Aimee IMO Pauline was told to give the pass to Helen in order to keep her there long enough for this other woman to go in ....there will be a few fireworks and the Helen will either walk , or be thrown out . Plus , I reckon they have been deliberately trying to keep Toyah in , in order to have more fireworks between her and Marlon once HeleN has gone ! 

Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Apparently on the Wright stuff this morning they confirmed the hooker is going in tonight

The series goes from bad to worse  


I honestly think this will be the end of the show and it will be took off air unless of course this has been set up by the two girls and Helen knew all along that she was coming in, I don't like Helen but this is a low blow by BB, she has an injunction against her so has to careful what she says, also they should think how this could impact on her son

I think the whole show is a set up Aimee IMO Pauline was told to give the pass to Helen in order to keep her there long enough for this other woman to go in ....there will be a few fireworks and the Helen will either walk , or be thrown out . Plus , I reckon they have been deliberately trying to keep Toyah in , in order to have more fireworks between her and Marlon once HeleN has gone ! 


If Toya stays and so does Marlon lets see if she walks like she said she would
Someone on DS said something like England would have had a match today and that's why they are sending her in tonight, maybe hoping they would get some of the football fans tuning in, why do they think we want to watch bookers in the house

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