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The Big Brother 2014 housemates have reacted to tonight’s second live eviction.


After just two weeks in the house, Pauline Bennett became the second housemate to leave in tonight’s’ Big Brother 2014 results, losing out in a six way vote to Marlon Wallen, Christopher Hall, Jale Karaturp, Steven Goode and Ash Harrison.

There were tears from some housemates as the exit ripped the house in two again, with Jale once again having to cope with the flack.

She confided in Danielle McMahon after being slated by Pauline on her way out and by some of the other remaining housemates.

“I’m apparently a **** who deserves to be dissed,” Jale revealed. “That’s what people are saying. Apparently I’m a **** again.

“Half the people who live here are convinced of that. I’ve got to live in this houseâ€Ķ”

It prompted tears from Danielle, who sobbed: “Don’t you dare say that. The public love you and so they should.”

She added, rather randomly: “You’ve got the best shouts out of everyone.”

On the outside and with her chat with Emma Willis, Pauline insisted she had no regrets and complained about Jale: “One thing I can’t stand is selfish people.”

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kim and helen

Day 16: Who will be the new House matriarch?


The dust had barely settled on Pauline’s departure before the housemates started to speculate as to the potential new dynamic.

With the lady of the House enjoying her first night of freedom, let’s take a look at the main candidates.

1. Helen


Never backward in coming forward, our straight talking Northern lass isn't afraid of confrontation. She was looking like a dead cert to rule the roost but past experience has told us that the way to housemates' hearts is through their stomachs. If Helen wants earn respect as well as be the boss, she might have to extend her culinary repertoire beyond peanut butter on toast.

2. Kimberly


She's allied herself with Helen and has spent the evening flitting between the housemates telling them she predicts big changes are on the horizon. Is Kimberly plotting to jump on Helen's power trip or is she masterminding her own takeover?

3. Toya


Will the new Power Housemate go down the same route as Pauline and let the position go to her head? If she ditches the dressing gown before midday tomorrow we'll know times are a-changing. 

4. Jale


With her nemesis gone, Jale's strong presence in the house can surely only grow. She's already offered Christoper advice on how to deal with his nomination (echoes of Pauline's maternal methods) and told Marlon, "I don’t need to be bitchy or nasty. If people want to do that, it’s fine. I’m staying out of it." That's the way to do it, right?  

Cheers Pauline

Everything you need to know about Day 16


Could this be the most eventful day we've seen so far in the Big Brother House? It's all happening: we've had another eviction, a new task, and a brand new shiny Power Couple. Let's get into the nitty gritty...

Prisoners peel potatoes

The Contraband Task saw the Big Brother House, formerly the Big Brother Farm, transformed into the Big Brother Prison. Mark and Pauline were appointed Prison Guards, and charged with making sure Big Brother's detainees stuck to the rules: no flirting, no smoking, lots of potato peeling.

The real task, though, was for the prisoners to sneak various items of contraband past the guards in order to win rewards. Deceit and trickery were the order of the day, and the prisoners managed to win a stack of goodies for their efforts.

As the day went on, eviction nerves kicked in. After much nail-biting, Emma announced that Ash and Christopher were safe - and then Pauline was evicted.

There were tears before bedtime as the House struggled to adjust to her absence, but the housemates wouldn't get much time to mourn, because Big Brother had another twist in store for them.

Matthew and Toya are the Power Couple

Yesterday, housemates were asked to pick the next Power Housemate, and they chose Toya. Today, she was officially given the power by Big Brother - but it's not hers to wield alone. Her first decision as Power Housemate was to choose another person to join her in the new Power Couple. She picked Matthew.

Christopher gets nominated by the Power Couple

But that wasn't the end of her responsibilities for the night. Toya and Matthew were put on the spot and made to nominate - in front of everyone - the first nominee for next week's eviction. After much dithering, they nominated Christopher.

So that's given the House a good shake up. Tonight, it's all about raising a glass to fallen comrades. Tomorrow, will we see a new power struggle? Here's hoping.


Big Brother’s Toya A Washington has claimed that Christopher Hall will be “damaged” by the show.


After nominating him for eviction live in last night’s show as part of the latest Power twist, Toya had to explain herself.

And she likened nominating Christopher to putting an injured animal out of its misery.

“I think it will damage him,” she said. “He’s living in a bubble that he doesn’t want to burst but it will. He hasn’t thought past the show. This is a game show.”

She told Ashleigh: “The reason why you can’t wait to go is because you have a life after this but for himâ€Ķ For me that’s quite scary, that means the day he does have to go he could end being really damaged.”

Toya went on: “Plus there are really strong personalities in the house, I don’t think he could survive it.

“He’s not strong enough. You have to be strong an he’s played it all wrong.”

But Toya’s choice has come under fire from some of the other housemates, most notably pals Mark Byron and Helen Wood.

The pair claimed that Toya’s choice was the wrong tactic, explaining: “When they made that decision I went ‘Oh my God!’ It didn’t make sense, if they picked Chris [R Wright], he would’ve gone, we would’ve been fine for another week. They’re our best mates.”

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Tonight on Bit On The Psych - 21st June


Pauline's eviction, Steverly's burgeoning romance and a whole lot more should give our resident experts – Dr. Funke and Rachel Morris – plenty to analyse tonight on Big Brother’s Bit On The Psych.

Luisa’s away this week so instead we have our 2012 Celebrity winner Denise Welch on the panel to give her valuable opinion on everything BB.  

Your second evictee Jazzi P, aka Pauline, will also be in to dish all the goss and hopefully a little dirt on the remaining housemates.  

Iain Lee will of course be there along with Rylan to guide proceedings like a virtuoso conductor. It should be a corker.

Channel 5, 11pm. 


Day 17: Task - Power Couple nominations twist


Another day, another twist and this time our new Power Couple â€“ Toya and Matthew – have to choose three housemates whose nominations this week will not count. The other housemates are unaware of the this and will all nominate as normal. Check back later to see who they choose. Things are getting tactical.  






bbspy ‏@bbspy 7m
NEWSFLASH: Big Brother housemates will nominate tomorrow -
though power couple Toya and Matthew will nullify three HMs' nominations #bbuk

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Here’s a daily recap of all the latest Big Brother 2014 highlights.


Mark talks to Toya about Pauline saying “I don’t want her to goâ€Ķshe’s a massive character, a massive part of the House”

Toya tells Steven and Kimberly that she “chose someone with my head, not my heartâ€Ķpeople could be shocked by who I nominated”

Housemates have become Big Brother’s prisoners for a task.  In order to gain their freedom, they must peel potatoes in the garden.  Mark and Pauline are chosen as Big Brother’s prison guards but what they don’t realise is that the real task is for Housemates to smuggle goods past them in order to win treats

During their breaks, some of the Housemates distract the guards while the others smuggle illegal contraband items and hide them from the guards

Big Brother reveals the real task and informs the prison guards that any contraband items they find, they can keep.  Mark and Pauline successfully find a chocolate bar.  The other Housemates found a total of 11 items and will receive their prizes later in the day

Christopher tells Big Brother he “had a very ominous feeling that it would be me leaving the Houseâ€Ķif I’m not it will be a pleasant surprise”  He goes on to say that no matter what the outcome, he “feels like a winnerâ€Ķand blessed to have an opportunity to try something like this”

Christopher, Marlon and Matthew speculate that there could be a twist after the live eviction

Mark talks to Big Brother about consulting his tea leaves saying, “I saw a picture of Paulineâ€ĶI feel the worst for Pauline and I’ll be guttedâ€Ķshe holds everything together”

Pauline advises Steven to “be careful of Kimberlyâ€Ķonce she’s ready to fu*k you over, she will, as far as the game is concerned” and Steven notes “She’s got so many demonsâ€Ķshe said to me she doesn’t trust anybody, including family”.  Pauline adds that “the girl is a ninja”

Christopher and Ash both received the fewest votes and are safe from eviction.  Pauline then becomes the second Housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother House to audience chants of “Get Pauline out!”

Some of the Housemates reflect on Pauline leaving the House.  Danielle says, “she looked out for everyone”, Steven adds, “she was someone that touched my heart with her storiesâ€Ķshe was nothing but a pleasant human being”, Marlon comments, “she was the mum of the Houseâ€Ķshe’s going to be missed”

Following Pauline’s departure Jale speculates on what life will be like in the House saying, “I’m going to get f***ed in this House because apparently I’m a c**t so I deserved to be dissedâ€Ķ”  Danielle comforts her saying, “the public loves you” but Jale retorts, “I’ve got to live in this House and people want to f***ing kill meâ€Ķ”

Big Brother gathers the Housemates and reveals that Toya is the next Power Housemate.  Toya then chooses Matthew to join her as a Power Couple.  They then nominate Christopher for eviction next week

Toya tells Christopher that her nomination was not personal because, “in the long term, I don’t think it’s good for you to be in here” Christopher then tells the Power Couple, “You don’t owe me an explanationâ€Ķit’s absolutely fine”

Toya talks to Ashleigh about Kimberly saying, “people don’t see what you and me seeâ€Ķthey don’t see her as a threat”

Christopher talks to  Jale about his nomination saying, “I don’t know how I feel about itâ€ĶI will be able to talk about it in an hour or tomorrow morning, but Toya wants to talk about it straight away and I can’t do thatâ€ĶI don’t hold it against her, she had a decision to makeâ€Ķobviously when it’s you, you do take it personally” Jale explains that the same thing happened to her, saying “Toya’s problem is that she’s very easily influenced” Former Power Housemate Chris believes that being part of the Power Couple could change how Toya is influenced noting that “everyone’s going to be her best mate now”.  Jale observes that if some of the Housemates weren’t there, “Toya would be one of these kind of people willing to give you the benefit of the doubt”

Kimberly is glad that Steven wasn’t evicted, telling him “I could have lost itâ€ĶI’d be really upset if you leftâ€ĶIf I do anything, it will feel like it’s a public showâ€Ķ” Steven tells Kimberly that Pauline thought she was playing a game to which Kimberly says, “That’s horribleâ€ĶI also didn’t come in here to meet youâ€Ķthat wasn’t my intentionâ€ĶI’m not going there!”

Toya, Danielle and Ashleigh discuss Steven and Kimberly and Steven

Marlon and Jale discuss who they can trust in the House with Marlon saying, “I keep my friends close and my enemies much closer” before suggesting that Toya is a game player.  Jale wonders how Toya is “so oblivious to people like Helen and Paulineâ€ĶI don’t get how she’s completely sucked in by it”

Steven and Ashleigh discuss Helen

Helen tells Mark, “next week’s nomination is going to be a f**king heartbreakerâ€Ķwe know what’s going on nowâ€Ķif you have a personality in here, you’re f***ed in my eyes”

Christopher talks to Big Brother about his nomination saying, “I can stand up for myselfâ€ĶI don’t need to feel pity.  Toya has this idea of meâ€Ķyou can never argue with people’s perceptionâ€Ķ.”

Helen and Kimberly steal a bottle of white wine.  When Jale asks for some, Helen pretends that she doesn’t have any and says to the other Housemates, “Now Pauline’s gone, she thinks she’s the alpha female”

Toya talks to Big Brother saying, “To be nominated by the Housemates means so much to meâ€Ķyou have to be careful what you wish forâ€Ķit’s not easyâ€Ķ” On Matthew she says, “I value his thinkingâ€ĶI need somebody who can level me outâ€ĶI need someone who has a hint of ruthlessness”.  She goes on to add, “I don’t know who Christopher isâ€Ķand that’s because I don’t think he knows who he isâ€Ķthis is not a House to find yourself in”

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Pauline's First Day of Freedom


What did the mother of the House do after she left her babies to fend for themselves? We caught up with her to find out.

First meal?

Nothing immediatley after the show but this morning I had scrambled eggs, toast and mushrooms. 

First drink?

Again nothing really but this morning I had apple juice and peppermint tea.

First friend or family member you spoke to?

My son and nephew.

First thing you did when you got your phone back?

Played Candy Crush, I'm on level 105. 

What time did you go to bed, and what time did you wake up?

I called my friend for an hour so it must have been some time around 2.30-3am. I got up at 7.20am this morning, I didn't like getting up so late in the house.

Any housemates you're missing already?

All of them!

Any housemates you're glad you no longer have to live with?


Has your opinion on any of the housemates changed since leaving the house?

That's a funny one. Chris possibly. After seeing what he said about me for my nomination, I don't know whether he was genuine. If anyone, it's probably him.

How was your first experience of Bit on the Side?

Good. It was nice to see Tam Tam and I gave her a message from Winston. 

Are you looking forward to your first experience of Bit on the Psych?

I think so. I'm hoping they can analyse certain people in the house, particularly Jale.

Fancy some more from Pauline? Check out this Facebook Q&A from earlier today. 


Big Brother stepped in to put a halt to a huge row in the Big Brother 2014 house today.


The argument occurred in the early hours following the nominations reveal, which saw a twist.

Yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, the housemates nominated as usual and Ash Harrison, Danielle McMahon, Chris R Wright, Marlon McKenzie, Steven Goode, Kimberly Kisselovich and Winston Showan were all up for eviction.

HOWEVER, unbeknownst to the group, power couple Toya A Washington and Matthew Davies had chosen to veto the nominations of Ash, Steven and Marlon. Once their nominations were discarded, Kimberly escaped eviction.

Therefore, as it stands, Danielle, Ash, Chris, Marlon, Steven and  Winston all face the public vote, alongside both Jale and Christopher.

Toya and Matthew’s perhaps strange choices of whose nominations to veto had previously caused Toya and Ash go head to head in one explosive row and the arguments continued into the early hours.

big brother 2014 row toya marlon 1

After going at it with Ash, Toya ended up clashing with Marlon in the garden.

It all started as Toya told Matthew to “shut the f**k up” from the garden Power pod, while Marlon told her: “All you do is chat s**t, you’re fake. You’ve shown your true f**king colours you p***k.”

As Marlon went to get into the Pod to confront Toya, Big Brother called him to the Diary Room as Toya snapped: “Marlon, stop embarrassing yourself.”

She then told the other housemates: “What people are failing to understand is that we didn’t even get to nominate, so the people in front of you nominated.”

With Marlon away in the Diary Room, Toya then moved on attack Winston from the security of the Pod.

“You’ve shown your true colours,” she told the Essex lad. “You have no respect for yourself and no respect for me. Who do you think you are?”

He replied: “You’re such a drama queen sitting up there shouting at everyone, who do you think you are?”

After things had calmed down, Matthew – who had escaped almost all of the flack – confided in Toya: “I can’t comprehend how Marlon just spoke to you, it’s disgraceful you.”

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Everything you need to know about Day 17


It's been a day of nasty surprises all round. The shockwaves from last night's seismic power shift - as Pauline got evicted and a new Power Couple emerged - still reverberated, but there were plenty more to come.

The first nasty surprise came when housemates ventured into the bathroom to find something horrible floating in the tub. Are housemates slobbing out now that Pauline isn't around to make them clean up after themselves? Let's hope not, there's still a long way to go until the final.

Next, housemates found out that nomination day had rolled around again, and everyone got a bit moany. No-one's motives were above suspicion, not even Ashleigh, but the sneakiest housemates were Matthew and Toya, who decided they needed to have a bit of fun with their power.

On a lighter note, or maybe a denser one, Mark got confused about the difference between a metal and a gas. Easy mistake to make, no?

To raise their spirits, housemates decided to throw themselves a Brazil-themed party, but the drama wasn't over. This evening, the results of this week's nominations were revealed to the House. and some housemates got the ultimate nasty surprise when they discovered they were up for eviction this week. Funnily enough, it all led to a bit of an argument.

As late night turned into early morning, shock turned into resignation. But no-one should get too comfortable just yet - there's another twist to come...

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