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Tonight on Bit on the Side - Thursday 19th June
Drop all your plans for 11pm. Emma is back and she’s got some real diamonds on her panel tonight. Well, one real Diamond anyway.
Our leading lady is joined by ex-CBB housemate Anne Diamond, who will surely share her pearls of wisdom on just how it feels to be second out of the House. Keeping everything in tune is X-Factor’s Joe McElderry along with Diane Youdale, aka. Jet from Gladiators, who will undoubtedly fight her corner when it comes to who should go tomorrow night.
But that's not all, we'll also be hearing from some of the housemates' friends and family. Ooh, we do treat you!
Hop on board the banter train by tuning into Channel 5 at 11pm.
Day 14 recap and HL show.

It’s the second day on Big Brother’s farm. After being woken up by the sound of a cockerel, Mark announces that “this is tortureâ€Ķthe worst night of my life”
The Housemates discuss Chris potentially being the Power Housemate with Mark saying, “There’s no doubt in my mindâ€Ķhe’s a sh*t actorâ€Ķhe wants to get a newâ€Ķwhat’s the word? Not confessionâ€Ķhe needs to get a new profession”
Toya apologises to Matthew about last night’s disagreement over the task
Farmer Jale brings the Chickens (Ash, Mark, Matthew and Danielle) to Big Brother’s Farm to compete in a task making cheese omelettes with their mouths. After successfully filling five cartons, the Housemates won ÂĢ25 towards their shopping task. Ash comments, “that’s the worst thing I’ve ever done in my life”
Pauline and Kimberly discuss the Housemate’s inability to share. Pauline notes, “For me, sharing is easy but I’m understanding it isn’t”
Mark speaks to Big Brother about the omelette task saying “I’m having the worst day of my lifeâ€Ķ.I can’t even make an omelette with a pan and an oven. To make them with my mouth, a mouldy ostrich egg and fermented cheese was horrificâ€ĶI was covered in vomit!” He then goes on to talk about the divide in the House.
The farmers and their animals are gathered in the garden to compete in this week’s shopping task. Two animals from each group (Chickens: Mark and Ash. Pigs: Steven and Kimberly. Cows: Toya and Winston) must collect manure and transport it across a muddy bog to the bagging station
In total The Farm made ÂĢ583.00 over the two days. Their goal was ÂĢ300.00 meaning that Housemates won their shopping task and a luxury shopping budget
Winston and Kimberly take a shower together following the task
Chris speaks to Big Brother about the other Housemates and the Power Housemate situation
Helen has noticed a change in Kimberly and tells her, “You’ve been completely different this week” Kimberly adds, “I need to work on showing my emotions a little bit moreâ€ĶI’m just scared that when you show emotions it will cascade”
Toya and Ashleigh discuss Kimberly on the sofa with Ashleigh noting that she “jumping from group to group and she’ll talk about someone to me and then I’ll look around and see her laughing away with them” She goes on to suggest that Mark is not being himself in the House with Toya concluding that “he can’t be everyone’s friend”
Toya tells Big Brother that she thinks Kimberly is “a massive game player in this House. I think she’s two faced, I think she’s calculated and I think she’s an opportunist and I’d say it to her face if needs be.”
The Housemates discuss evictions with Helen telling Jale, “I’ll be honest, I wasn’t ars*d if you’d gone last weekâ€ĶI wouldn’t have been bothered. But this week, I really don’t want you to go. I know that’s a bit of a back handed compliment but it’s true. I really don’t want you to goâ€ĶI think you’ve done really well for everyoneâ€Ķ”

The Housemates discuss who the Power Housemate could be and speculate that the audience could reveal their identity on eviction night. As Chris walks away from the conversation, Steven notes “there’s something not right with Chris” and Helen responds, “It definitely is”
Helen and Ash get cosy in the garden
Jale talks to Big Brother about the changes in Housemate’s behaviour towards her
Mark finds Matthew amusing, likening his walk to a baby animal that’s just learnt how to use his legs
Ash and Steven discuss Kimberly with Ash saying, “I think there’s potential progressionâ€ĶI can feel it” He goes on talk about Helen saying, “I feel as though she’s my best girl mate at the moment”
Helen discusses Kimberly having a shower with Winston earlier saying, “As a girl, I would never have stepped in thereâ€Ķ the biggest question is, if she was here would you of got in the shower with Winston, the answer is no, so why decide to do it when she has left?”
Helen speaks to Winston about sharing a shower with Kimberly saying, “I wouldn’t get in a shower with you ever”
Helen speaks to Kimberly and advises that when she went into the shower with Winston, “it might be deemed a bad thing with Tamara” Kimberly retorts that she “That’s just weird for meâ€Ķ I would take a shower with anyone in the House” Helen says, “Even if I’m not doing something, I would not want to be seen in bed with a guy on TV”
Kimberly and Matthew discuss Helen in the garden. Kimberly observes, “She’s not saying anything horrible, she’s saying what she thinks and that’s fineâ€Ķbut she needs to be able to pull it off and not in a horrible wayâ€Ķ I feel bad for her because she doesn’t mean harmâ€Ķbut she is a bit drunk” Matthew adds that “she is quite a harsh character”
Marlon and Ash joke with Helen that she is a bad drunk saying, “she’s folded in two!”
Winston talks to Kimberly about the shower conversation joking that, “you tried to wash me” Kimberly is upset and says, “that’s not fairâ€ĶI’m going to be received like that!”
Mark and Matthew discuss Kimberly and her flirtations with Mark saying, “I think she’d like whoever she has to like”
Toya, Pauline and Helen discuss Kimberly. Toya says, “Your honestyâ€Ķit’s just wasted on herâ€ĶYou’re going to watch it back and everything you’ve ever felt about her, even if it’s just a twinge, will be magnifiedâ€Ķ I can’t sit there and hear bullsh*t and she’s full of bullsh*t” Helen adds, “I don’t think she’d fight my cornerâ€ĶI don’t think she’s being completely honest with me”
Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 10PM on Channel 5.
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Crank the power up – there’s going to be a new housemate taking on the Control Room duties! Earlier today Big Brother told our lovely residents that THEY would be nominating the new Power Housemate. That’s right, after you guys decided on the status of the first two, the House became a kind of democracy as the bungalow residents individually slipped into the Diary Room to nominate their leader. They could choose anyone who wasn't currently up for eviction.  The results are in. Drum roll please...

Make sure you tune in to tomorrow's live show to see why Toya was picked, and what her first Power Trip will involve. Friday, 9pm, Channel 5.







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Here’s a rundown of just who nominated who to become the new Big Brother 2014 housemate.


Yesterday evening, Big Brother gathered the housemates to make a new announcement.

BB told them: “Housemates, the Power will soon return to the house.

“However this week it is up to you to decide who the Power housemate will be.

“Today you will all individually nominate one housemate  to become the next Power housemate. The housemate who receives the most nominations will become the next Power housemate.”

One by one each housemate was called to the Diary Room and to nominate in secret. They could not talk about their nomination, could not nominate themselves or nominate any of the six Housemates facing this week’s eviction: Jale Karaturp, Marlon Wallen,  Christopher Hall, Pauline Bennett, Steven Goode and Ash Harrison.

Here’s who nominated whoâ€Ķ

Danielle nominated Ash

Chris nominated Danielle

Toya nominated Chris

Christopher nominated Matthew

Matthew nominated Kimberly

Jale nominated Kimberly

Steven nominated Kimberly

Kimberly nominated Mark

Winston nominated Matthew

Marlon nominated Winston

Ash nominated Helen

Pauline nominated Toya

Ashleigh nominated Toya

Helen nominated Toya

Mark nominated Toya

As a result, with four votes, Toya has become the new Big Brother Power Housemate.

Like those before her she’ll get the chance to influence the house over the next week, although host Emma Willis teased that all may not be as it seems

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christopher helen

Everything you need to know about Day 15


It was all go on Day 15 with predictions, pampering and a new Power Housemate picked by the residents of the Borehamwood bungalow. 

The shower saga rumbled on with the House divided on whether or not Kimberly should have put herself in a steamy situation with Winston. 

The voice of doom Mystic Mark reared his head with another prediction. On this occasion it was a rogue moth landing on Ash's pillow that he claimed spelled the end for the nominee.

mark moth

Now we're not saying this bunch are vain but we've never known housemates to be so obsessed with their eyebrows. There was a great grooming session today. Steven got plucked and it was a real eye-opener for Christopher.

christopher brows

Mark got his butt stuck in a giant head. We never thought we'd find ourselves typing that line. Thankfully Matthew stepped in to release him.   

Mark bum

If you think that's crazy talk then you need to check out how Winston got his scar. There is an actual shark involved. And a headlock. Tall tale you say? Cynics. 

winston shark

All that drama paled into comparison when the housemates were forced to select a new Power Housemate. There were plenty of candidates but there could only be one winner. How will Toya take to her new position? Only time will tell.

As day turned into night, the housemates dressed for drinks and Helen and Ash continued to keep us guessing as to their romantic attentions. The gang rounded off the evening with a pillow fight

pillow fight

All's fair in love and war but tomorrow we'll be showing one housemate the door. Join us to see who spent their last night in the House. 


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The current series of Big Brother UK could be the last, some have predicted.


Viewing figures for the current run of the show aren’t strong – not helped by the competition from the World Cup – and it’s led to speculation that the ‘normal’ series could be dumped by Channel 5.

Despite plenty of controversy on the series already the show has struggled to live up the ratings it’s been getting just last year on Channel 5 with 1.2 million watching last night.

The average for this week’s run of episodes is just 1.1 million, down on last year’s equivalent week by around 200,000 viewers.

And with the figures for the show being a far cry from what they were when it originally launched on Channel 4, bookmakers Paddy Power are offering odds of 16/1 that Channel 5 will see no point in continuing and pull the show mid series, and 13/8 they will announce the lowest viewing figures of any series so far.

It follows some 1,500 complaints to TV Watchdog Ofcom over the show concerning perceived bullying by Helen Wood and Pauline Bennett.

A spokesperson for Paddy Power commented: “The bullying scandal may blow over quickly as Big Brother might be watching, but is anyone else?”

As it stands there’s been no word of renewal beyond the end of the year (for either Big Brother or Celebrity Big Brother), when the current contract ends.

While ITV was said to be interested, the price tag for both shows had put them off but perhaps the Celebrity version alone could see them make a bid.

For now, Big Brother remains on Channel 5 airing tonight at 9PM.

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The BBUK housemates are set a secret task today to smuggle contraband around the house

Mark and Pauline will become the prison guards and dressed
in prison uniforms whilst the rest of the Housemates are made prisoners, and
given orange jumpsuits to wear for entire day.

The prisoners’ job is to
smuggle various luxury contraband items from the Large Task Room and hide them
in the House where Mark and Pauline can’t find them. If they can accomplish
this, they will get to keep whatever contraband isn’t discovered by the end of
the day.

The Large Task Room will be transformed into a police evidence
locker style room, with luxury items and labelled packages.

* A boom box
– music to be played for the House
* A pizza box – a takeaway for the 6 of
* A bar of chocolate- a chocolate hamper for the house
* A plastic
cricket bat – garden games for the Housemates
* Giant lipstick – makeup goody
* Football – World Cup football scores revealed
* Fake Dumbbells –
exercise equipment for Housemates to use
* Fake tan bottle– fake tan
Inflatable rubber ring- doughnuts
* Giant ice cream cone – ice creams for all
the Housemates
* Large massage bottle- massage oil for the Housemates
Protein shake bottles- Protein shake for the house

So that the guards,
Mark and Pauline, do not realise what the real task is, the House will be told
that Big Brother does not think that they really appreciate the freedom they
have in the House, and consequently, the majority of the Housemates will become
prisoners. The prisoners will be told that they must take part in extensive
menial labour for Big Brother in the Garden. For this menial labour, Housemates
must continuously peel potatoes.

They will do this for 10 minutes, and
then before their next shift, will be given a 5 minute break. During this 5
minute break, the prison guards Mark and Pauline are to ensure that the prisoner
Housemates abide by the rules provided by Big Brother. However, it is also
during this 5 minute breaks that the prisoners get the chance to escape to the
large task room and try and smuggle in their contraband. The prisoner Housemates
must work together to distract the guards so that they don’t get caught red
handed. The prisoners will be given 6 breaks in total.


· No sleeping or lying down.

· No arguing or

· No swearing or rude language.

· No smoking.

· No
flirting, hugging or kissing.

When the Housemates hiding time is up, and
they have successfully hidden lots of contraband items around the House, the
guards Mark and Pauline will be informed that Housemates have been hiding
contraband. The guards will then have 1 minute to the try to find the
contraband. Anything Mark and Pauline find they can keep, and anything that
remains undiscovered will be kept by the Housemates.


Big Brother 2014 eviction and twist tonight! Who will go?

  • Marlon Wallen,  Christopher Hall, Pauline Bennett, Steven Goode and Ash Harrison all face the axe alongside Jale Karaturp, who as the victim of former Power housemate Pauline’s killer nomination will always be up for eviction.

Looking ahead to the results this evening, Pauline is by far the favouite to with over 80% of TellyMix readers voting for her to leave.

Bookies have made her the 1/25 favourite to go, with a Paddy Power spokesperson saying: “Pauline has had most spectacular fall from grace. Going from being loved by housemates and the public to being a shoe-in in the get the boot, it just goes to show it can all change instantly in Big Brother land and no one is safe”

Meanwhile, tonight’s live show will also see yet another live Power twist.

Yesterday, a new Power housemate was chosen, this time voted for by the housemates themselves, and today they will get their first Power trip mission.

So far the two Power housemates have had all sorts of choices to make from nominations to passes to the final, and we suspect BB has something new planned again for this evening’s latest twist.

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Day 16 Task: Six ways that inmates tricked the prison guards


Today’s task required housemates to channel their inner Jason Statham and work against the clock to smuggle contraband items into the House. But just how did our scoundrels (well, Wiston) distract the prison guards from their devious plan? 

1. Marlon and Winston took to the table to make a whole song and dance about it.

2. Whilst Toya used all her skills to fight for Mark's attention.

3. Handcuffs proved useful and left Mark all tied up...

4. But it wasn't long before housemates had to step in and distract the Liverpudlian with tales of fake tan and beauty...

5. Winston decided to make a run for it...

6. Before deciding that the best thing to do was simply take his top off.


Day 15 recap and HL show (spoiler)

Here’s your latest daily recap of highlights from the Big Brother house.

The Housemates discuss the impending eviction and Steven says it, “absolutely petrifies meâ€ĶI can’t stand it”. Ash tells Big Brother, “Its doomsdayâ€ĶI’m so gutted that I might be going”. Christopher then observes that “If Pauline goes tomorrow, all hell will break out in this House” and Mark tells Winston that he thinks Pauline will leave the House on Friday.
Jale tells Christopher and Chris that she feels some of the Housemates have behaved badly in the House and that the Big Brother experience has taught her that she’s a strong person. Chris retorts, “I haven’t learnt a thing”
Toya, Helen and Ashleigh discuss Kimberly
Christopher tells Big Brother that he’s “built a bridge” with “caring, sensitive” Pauline
Pauline reflects on her relationship with Christopher saying through tears that she changed her opinion when she “sat and watched him and he looked like a little boy lost, looking for friends to play withâ€Ķwe did that to himâ€Ķme and him are good now”
Big Brother gathers the Housemates and informs them that the Power is set to return to the House. Each Housemate must vote for one person they would like to have the Power, with all those up for eviction are exempt from nomination
The Housemates speculate over who will have the Power. Ash says to Helen, “Who else would I? Apart from one person?” and Ashleigh responds, “I know for a fact I probably won’t vote for the same person everyone else will be voting forâ€ĶI can see already who everybody’s going for and I think that’s nuts” with Helen pondering, “I hope I’m thinking what everyone else is thinking?”
The Housemates nominate the new Power Housemate With four nominations, Toya will be the next Power Housemate
Mark discovers a moth in the bedroom and speculates that it means Ash or Marlon will leave the House, saying it’s “an omen”. Ashleigh agrees, saying that “moths are meant to be really bad luck”

Toya talks to Ashleigh and Pauline about Christopher saying “I have never had a man talk to me the way Chris attempted to talk to me the other dayâ€Ķa human being would say, ‘I accept where I went wrong’; he’s unable to do thatâ€Ķ”
Mark tells Helen that he feels “awful” about the Housemates treatment of “annoying and over the top” Christopher. Helen adds that she doesn’t think before she speaks.
Winston tells the Housemates that he “got a shark in a headlock” in Australia, resulting in the scar on his arm
Jale educates Danielle on the world of pornography
Helen opens up to Ash about her past
Steven, Kimberly and Pauline talk about Chris. Steven says “He made a comment today saying ‘all the cool kids are up’â€Ķ I’m a little bit concerned that here’s more to come from Mr Chris”
Chris talks to Big Brother about this nominations
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Originally Posted by erinp:

Big Brother 2014 eviction and twist tonight! Who will go?

  • Marlon Wallen,  Christopher Hall, Pauline Bennett, Steven Goode and Ash Harrison all face the axe alongside Jale Karaturp, who as the victim of former Power housemate Pauline’s killer nomination will always be up for eviction.

Looking ahead to the results this evening, Pauline is by far the favouite to with over 80% of TellyMix readers voting for her to leave.

Bookies have made her the 1/25 favourite to go, with a Paddy Power spokesperson saying: “Pauline has had most spectacular fall from grace. Going from being loved by housemates and the public to being a shoe-in in the get the boot, it just goes to show it can all change instantly in Big Brother land and no one is safe”

Meanwhile, tonight’s live show will also see yet another live Power twist.

Yesterday, a new Power housemate was chosen, this time voted for by the housemates themselves, and today they will get their first Power trip mission.

So far the two Power housemates have had all sorts of choices to make from nominations to passes to the final, and we suspect BB has something new planned again for this evening’s latest twist.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

It better not be something that in any way favours the nasties ....especially Pauline, Helen or Stephen But what's the betting it's something like taking the nomination off Jale ....knowing my luck, it will probably land on Chris Thanks for all the updates Erinp, and LUTers  


There could be a shock result in tonight’s Big Brother 2014 results.


Even though we’re all expecting Pauline Bennett to leave this evening, bookmakers Paddy Power report today that her odds have slipped.

Jale Karaturp has seen her odds come down while punters are surprisingly backing Christopher Hall to go, despite his unlikely odds of 33/1 to leave.

Jale’s odds of going have shortened from 40/1 yesterday to 20/1 today, while Pauline’s have drifted from 1/25 to 1/20, although she still remains the favourite to leave at the moment.

Steven remains the second favourite to leave at 12/1 and Marlon is tied with Jale in third place at 20/1.

Discussing the impending eviction earlier this afternoon, the housemates agreed that they didn’t want Pauline to leave.

“She keeps everything together, she takes control and it doesn’t do anybody’s head in because I think people like the fact she takes control,” Mark said. “She’s not offensive, sometimes she might be bossy but we ate amazing food.

“She keeps everything in order. I think if she goes it’s going to be a completely different house”

Meanwhile, after being told her ‘bullying’ of Jale was unacceptable – it’s looking possible that Helen Wood could be ejected from the Big Brother house for her increasingly bad behaviour.

Paddy Power have slashed the odds of a housemate being ejected for bad behaviour from 15/8 to 11/10 following Helen’s warning.

Despite having received a free pass to the final, Helen does not appear to be popular either inside or outside of the house, and is currently 11 out of the 15 housemates to actually win – at odds of 25/1, with Winston still leading the pack as the 3/1 favourite

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Christopher Hall and Ash Harrison have both been saved in tonight’s Big Brother 2014 eviction.


This week saw the pair face eviction alongside Pauline Bennett, Marlon Wallen, Jale Karaturp and Steven Goode.

This week had seen Power housemate Chris A Wright put in sole charge of nominations, putting up a new housemate every day.

Just moments ago in tonight’s second live eviction show, the lines were frozen and host Emma Willis revealed that with the fewest votes both Christopher and Ash.

Lines have since re opened for the remaining four housemates, with the housemate who receives the most votes to leave being kicked out later tonight.

Meanwhile, tonight’s latest live show also will also see the Power return to the house as Toya A Washington became the third Power housemate.

Housemates had nominated the new Big Brother Power housemate themselves for the first time this series with Toya winning four votes.

Host Emma teased that Toya would have two big decisions to make.

Stay tuned to see what Big Brother has up his sleeve for her.

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Pauline has been evicted

Bye Pauline! Check out her top five moments


So evictee number two is Jazzi P! The dancing queen is out because you lot voted to evict Pauline after just two weeks. Surprised? Pleased? No matter how you're feeling right now, take a moment for a quick look back at her best moments in the House...

1. She's got the power

All the way back on launch night, you, the voting public, picked Jazzi P to be the first Power Housemate. She used her power to reward Mark and punish Matthew, to grant Helen a pass to the Final, and to use her Killer Nomination to put Jale up for eviction every single week.

2. Say what you see

Housemates never had to worry about where they stood with Pauline, because she always made sure to let them know. No-one was ever under any illusions that she liked Jale, for instance, but she also took time to tell her favourites, like Ashleigh, how much she valued them. And even when she'd argued with someone, she was usually available to talk it all out with them afterwards.

3. Cooking up a storm

Despite saying she wasn't going to act like anyone's mother in the House, and didn't intend to look after her fellow housemates, Pauline did end up taking control of the kitchen quite often. Whether it was a chicken soup or a cakey treat, housemates could usually rely on Pauline to whip up whatever they were craving. Woe betide anyone who took more than their fair share, though!

4. Dance like no-one's watching...

Pauline shakes her tail feathers

No matter what Big Brother threw at her, Pauline danced her way through it. It really was Pauline's solution to everything. Woken up early for a day of enforced joy? Dance. Covered in gunge? Dance. Tasked with smushing raw sausagemeat with her feet? Dance! 

5. ...Or like everyone is

steven pauline

For the Flirting Task, Pauline had to pretend Steven's (slightly bizarre) flirting techniques were winning her over. Pauline being Pauline, she naturally chose to express her affections through the medium of dance, which led to this frankly jaw-dropping twerking sesh. Amazing.


Big Brother revealed a huge new Power trip twist tonight that saw Christopher Hall put up for eviction.


Yesterday, a new Power housemate was chosen, this time voted for by the housemates themselves.

Each housemate had one nomination each which was made in the privacy of the Diary Room. They could not vote for themselves nor any of those who were up for eviction.

With four votes, Toya beat Kimberly (three votes) to win the Power.

Following tonight’s’ Big Brother 2014 results, Big Brother gathered the fourteen remaining housemates to reveal the new Power housemate.

Big Brother then revealed the first twist: She would not be in Power alone, and would be able to choose a second housemate to join her in Power, becoming a Power couple.

Toya said: “I’m going to choose someone who I think we think alike, who I respect a lot and someone who I know will work together. It’s going to be Matthew.”

As the new power couple Toya A Washington and Matthew Davies had to jointly make a nomination in front of the rest of the group. This housemate would face eviction automatically. Neither Helen nor Jale could be nominated.

As the pair struggled to come to a choice, Big Brother threatened: “If you do not make your decision. One of you will face the public vote.”

With that warning, the usually mouthy Toya finally found her balls and nominated Christopher, insisting that it “wasn’t personal.”

As a result, Christopher will face eviction this week along with Jale Karaturp.

But host Emma Willis then revealed a SECRET twist: Neither Toya and Matthew were safe either and by the end of next week, one of them will also be facing eviction.

Oooh, sneaky BB

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Evicted Big Brother 2014 housemate Pauline Bennett has said she has ‘no regrets’ over her time in the house.


After just two weeks in the house, Pauline became the second housemate to leave in tonight’s’ Big Brother 2014 results, losing out in a six way vote to Marlon Wallen, Christopher Hall, Jale Karaturp, Steven Goode and Ash Harrison.

Speaking to host Emma Willis after leaving the house to huge boos, Pauline said: “As long as I’ve seen my two main men, I’m ok.”

Emma revealed that 80% of people voted Pauline tonight, to which she said: “I was myself and told the truth. When Jale and I had our argument, she decided to pull myself into something I didn’t want to.”

Pauline then reacted to being told that Chris was the secret Power housemate: “We all knew it was him! If any one was going to be strategic, it was him.

“[But] I put myself here, if I hadn’t have had my argument with Jale, I wouldn’t have given him the rope to hang me with.”

Discussing her rows with “selfish” Jale and Christopher, Pauline said: “I have no regrets.”

She explained: “The girl didn’t like me because of that [the Killer nomination]. At the end of the day we were in a house with 15 other people plus myself and we all need to share and I don’t like selfish people One thing I can’t stand is selfish people.

“What she was doing was dropping negative seeds.”

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