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There’s a huge row brewing in the Big Brother 2014 house and Kimberly Kisselovich is the one causing a lot of the mischief.


The Playboy model has been branded β€œboring” but it seems she’s actually just been biding her time.

This morning (in the early hours) saw a weird row between Helen Wood and Jale Karaturp that was played out via Kimberly, who it seems is working both groups.

It started as Helen, Ash, Steven and Kimberly discussed who the secret Power housemate was, with Marlon being the latest prime suspect.

Helen said: β€œI would rather s**t in my own f**king mouth than look at him.”

Don’t give the task team ideas, Helen…

But the group’s conversation was interrupted after Helen claimed that Jale was listening in on the chat, sniping: β€œSlug over there is listening.”

After moving outside, Helen gave Kimberly lines to pass on to Jale in a bid to keep her onside.

β€œWhat do you want me to say when I go in there?” Kimberly asked.

β€œSay β€˜She’s f**king me off’, just say β€˜Helen’s totally over-exaggerating and it’s f**king me off’,” Helen instructed.

In one of the most brazen acts of two-facedness ever seen on Big Brother, Kimberly duly returned to the living room to support Jale, together with Ashleigh and Danielle.

β€œI’m used to this s**t. I’ve been called non woman, all sorts…” Jale reacted to Helen’s β€œslug” slur. β€œLet them f**king think it, I couldn’t give a s**t anymore, I just want to have fun.”

She added: β€œIf I’m that f**king interesting let them talk about me.”

As Kimberly waited for the toilet, Jale declared: β€œI know you three [Kimberly, Danielle and Ashleigh] have got my back, that’s the benefit.”

If only she knew…

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Everything you need to know about the first week


Can it already have been a week since launch night? Well, yes it’s been more than a week but it’s flown by quicker than Usain Bolt on roller skates.

Christopher, Helen, Danielle, Kimberly, Mark, Matthew, Pauline, Steven, Tamara and Winston were the first through those brand new doors of the BB house. 


Pauline was the public's early favourite and was duly awarded the power in the house. She then had to pick one housemate to reward and one to punish


She took to the challenge with focus and quickly decided that Mark should get five grand and Matthew deserved to spend the night in a box β€“ like a slightly less bolshie David Blaine. 


Launch night part two saw six new housemates (Toya, Chris, AshleighMarlon, Ash and Jale) enter and change the dynamic. Pauline's power continued to grow and she chose to give Helen a pass to the final and Jale to be up for eviction every single week


Day 3 saw the beginnings of a love story that will be remembered for at least a couple of weeks, when Tamara and Winston shared a steamy bath


Later the housemates had to arrange themselves from 'Most' to 'Least' in various different awkward categories. 

Day 4 saw the first round of nominations and the sunny atmosphere in the house quickly changed to something more overcast. 

The housemates decided to relieve the tension with a nice game of 'carpet

drag' around the house. Expect to see it in Tokyo in 2020. 

Day 5 saw Tamara, Danielle and Jale announced as the first housemates up for eviction. It's fair to say that Danielle didn't take the news as well as she might have done.  

After Day 5's tumultous conclusion, Big Brother decided to it would be a good idea to insist that housemates be happy no matter what, in the Power of Positivity shopping task.  

Happiness proved elusive for Mark after Big Brother enforced a total ban on makeup and fake tan.  Ironically, his face was an absolute picture. 


Things didn't get much better for the housemates when a lucky few had to take part in Big Brother's special 'Happy Hour.' Ingredients included something called stinky tofu and various animal appendages. 

As Day 7 dawned the positivity law was still in force and the housemates had to start the day in a group ROFLing session. Very dignified.  

The final part of the task came in the form of an obstacle course that the housemates had to navigate while looking like giant clumsy chickens. 

But it was all worth as the housemates secured a luxury shopping buget without any stinky tofu in sight.

Day 8 got off to a blistering start when Pauline and Jale swapped an early morning constitutional for an early morning confrontional.  In happier and sexier developments Winston arranged a surprise date with Tamara, resulting in a sweetly awkward snog.  

The end of Day 8 proved to be a pivotal moment when Chris ascended to the power throne by virtue of a public vote, ushering in a new age of paranoia under the reign of the Secret Power Housemate.  

Day 9 saw Tamara booted out in the first eviction of the series. 

And Chris stirred things up by choosing alpha female Pauline to face the public vote of Friday.

Day 10 proved to be a day of two halves when the boys tried out light-hearted and unorthodox flirting techniques in the morning and then Steven was contensiously revealed to be the second housemate up for eviction this week.

It looked like the net was closing in on the Power Housemate on Day 11.

Speculation as to who the culprit is was rife and Mark consulted the tea leaves in an attempt to unmask the culprit (with mixed results).

You the viewing public had your say on the next nominee and the housemates party was spoiled by the announcement Ash was up this week. 

It's been, in the unique words of Helen, "literally a roller coaster." 

We figuratively can't wait to see what next week brings. 



Former friend of Danielle McMahon has branded a Big Brother housemate a big fake.


Although it’s not exactly stuff that web sleuths found out about on the same day she had entered…

22-year-old Emma-Louise has told The Sun newspaper that topless model and sex line worker Danielle unsurprisingly isn’t actually the perfect Catholic girl she wanted us to think.

β€œDanielle is spinning everyone a pack of lies,” Emma-Louise claimed. β€œShe pretends to be Little Miss Innocent but away from the TV cameras she is a totally different person. When it comes to talking dirty she is worse than me.

β€œWe would be sitting watching telly and she’d start talking about sexual positions, saying she preferred the missionary position to sex on all fours.”

She went on: β€œShe told me she had slept with three guys and had always used condoms. She said she wouldn’t have unprotected sex unless she was trying for kids.

β€œAs for being a good Catholic girl, she has never been to church as long as I’ve known her and her so-called morals disappear every time she has a drink.

β€œWhen I saw how she was behaving on Big Brother my first reaction was: β€˜Is this a joke?’ It made me so angry. I couldn’t believe someone could lie like that.”

And it’s not just Danielle’s views on swearing, sex talk and church going that have been called into question.

Emma Louise also said today: β€œDanielle’s claim she is single is a lie. She has been in a relationship with Craig Hemphill for years. They live together in a flat in Barking.”

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Big Brother, Celebrity Big Brother, French Holiday, Sex, Winston Showan, Eviction, Vote, House, Sex In The House, Naughty, Nude, Naked, Helen Wood, Wayne Rooney, Scandal, Affair, KISS AND DON'T TELL: Housemates are being kept in the dark about Helen's fling  [PH ]    

The brunette, 27, made headlines around the globe in 2010 after it emerged she had romped with the England star while his wife Coleen was pregnant.

Even housemates closest to Helen, including Mark Byron, are being kept in the dark.

β€œShe did drop a hint there was something she was nervous about. We were all talking about sexual stuff and afterwards she was saying β€˜one of the things I don’t want to talk about is sexual stuff’. It must be on her mind ”        

<cite>Tamara, friend</cite>

According to pal Tamara, the beauty salon owner is even avoiding chats about sex in case the others realise who she is.

She said: β€œNo one in the house knows. Not at all.

β€œI didn’t know about any of it until I’d left the house.

β€œShe’s probably keeping it quiet so people see her for her.

β€œShe did drop a hint there was something she was nervous about. We were all talking about sexual stuff and afterwards she was saying β€˜one of the things I don’t want to talk about is sexual stuff’. It must be on her mind.”

Before entering the house Helen admitted she was desperate to improve her reputation by going on the Channel 5 show. Tamara said: β€œPeople now have a chance to see the real her. I hope the public see her for her. That’s probably what she’s trying to achieve with her Big Brother experience    

But she added: β€œPeople do Β­stupid s**t. That’s just life. It’s just unfortunate for her that one was with Wayne Rooney. Him, really? He’s a potato head.”

Helen was initially the Β­ bookies’ favourite but her odds drifted after viewers turned on her.

Some football fans think her appearance on the show will distract Wayne and ruin our chances at the World Cup.

But Tamara insisted the Bolton babe would be a worthy winner. She added: β€œHelen’s outspoken and loud. But she’s brilliant, funny and charismatic.”


Day 12: Who are the main Power Housemate suspects?


Nothing divides a house quite like a Secret Power Housemate. Our hesistant 16 have recently found themselves lost in a sea of speculation and conspiracies. But with every name being brought into question, who are the front-runners in housemate speculation? 


Housemates are growing wary of Chris and his silent presence. Christopher flummoxed housemates by claiming that his bed-pal could be on an acting job and is pulling the strings in the Diary Room before heading on his way. Steven and Matthew are also suspicious of his quiet character and believe that he might be responsible for Pauline’s nomination after siding with Jale throughout the Pauline and Jale debacle.


All it took was the power of tea leaves to leave Ashleigh, Mark and Toya utterly convinced that Marlon was the Secret Power Housemate. The mystical leaves appeared to reveal to the trio the letter β€˜M’ and what Mark described as Marlon's hairline. Toya stated that he was β€˜a snake ready to pounce’ and even concocted ideas of how Big Brother and Marlon have planned secret visits to the Diary Room in order to keep his true identity a secret.


Some housemates believe that Jale’s killer nomination has come with Power Housemate credentials. Christopher, Mark and Steven have noted her regular disappearances to the Diary Room and suspect ulterior motives. Ashleigh is also wary and believes one of the reasons why she announced her speculations of Kim was to detract any attention away from her.


Ash has a β€˜real bad feeling’ that Matthew is holding the power. Others seem less convinced, but the Mancunian can feel something in his waters...


With the housemates’ mood taking a turn for the serious, Big Brother decided to inject some fun into the House in the form of Winston and his penchant for telling stories that involve, er, vomiting.

The Essex man must tell five made up stories to five different housemates, all ending with the line β€˜...and then I threw up’ to win himself a night of spaghetti bolognese and classical music. But if the housemates smell a lie, Winston will get nothing.

Well, naturally our cheeky chappy's banter tends to border on the side of rude and crude, so you'll have to tune in to Tuesday's show to get the full gory details. But in the meantime, check out the shocked and sympathetic reactions and let us know how far you think the Winstmeister went...


Last edited by Former Member

Tonight on Bit on the Side - 16th June


Week Two in the BB House has officially kicked off and Rylan and Bit on the Side are back make sure your BB fix gets taken to extra time.

Luisa joins our host with the most aboard tonight's banter train, picking up Rylan's BFF Neil β€˜Razor’ Ruddock, Claire Richards of Steps fame and life coach Dr Pam Spurr along the way. Which housemate will our panellists point their sticks of judgement at tonight? 

Only one way to find out. Channel 5. 11pm


The Essex lad has been awfully ever since Tamara was evicted on Friday and so BB
decided to get him to tell some tales to the group.

After revealing to
his fellow housemates that he once threw up on a girl just before having sex
with her, Winston was given a secret mission tom make up five similar stories
that all ended in him being sick.

If he successfully told these to the
group without them clicking that he was on a task, he’d win his favourite meal
of spaghetti bolognaise to eat in the Diary Room.

Winston told Danielle
and Chris that a girl once urinated on him during sex, making him

He told Jale that he masturbated in the bathroom in the BB
house, started to cry and was then sick on his penis.

He told Christopher
that when he was a teenager, he was sick after going on an expedition in the
woods where he ate mud, squirrels and birds.

He told Kimberly that he
once masturbated under the ocean while scuba diving but was scared by a passing
octopus, causing him to be sick in his scuba mask and almost die.

finally, Winston told Chris that he had sniffed Kimberly’s underwear in the
house which had caused him to vomit.

Frankly, if any of the housemates
buy some of those stories then we’ve overestimated them…


Here’s a run down of all the latest Big Brother 2014 highlights.Day 11


The Housemates are woken up by Pauline’s morning exercise regime. Mark comments, β€œHow did people sleep through that, like?” while Jale walks off singing, β€œIt’s all about you…”

Mark tells Ash that Pauline has β€œgone fuc*ing nuts! …she’s lost the fuc*ing plot! Today, she’s going to snap like a twig”

Toya talks to Pauline and Helen about Jale saying, β€œI’ve made the decision that I’m not going to acknowledge her” Helen adds that β€œin certain situations, you’re going to have to be fake!”

Matthew talks to Big Brother about the Housemate’s behaviour, commenting that β€œPeople are going crazy in this House… people assume that it’s either Jale or Chris avenging on Jale’s behalf…people need to stop taking things so personally”

Ash and Marlon observe that none of the female Housemates are interested in guys

Mark speaks to Big Brother and notes that the Power Housemate β€œmust be having a tough time…the paranoia’s there because we don’t know who to trust”

Jale discusses being ignored in the House with Danielle and Kimberly saying, β€œObviously it’s blo*dy awkward, but I can handle it” Kimberly adds, β€œnobody wants you to have a bad experience…they just want to make sure that they have a good experience”

Steven and Christopher discuss their nominations. Steven says, β€œI trust the British public…this week there are three big characters up….and that’s you, Pauline and myself. There’s one person, in my opinion, that cannot offer the same contribution…I trust the public will see that and I trust that they will vote her out”

Secret Power Housemate Chris is called to the Control Room where Iris informs him that he must make another nomination. Chris shortlists two Housemates for nomination – Ash and Kimberly. Iris then informs Chris that a public poll will reveal who is his biggest threat in the House.

Big Brother informs the Housemates that Ash, Chris and Kimberly have been chosen to enjoy a Chinese meal. This is to give secret Power Housemate Chris the chance to decide who he wants to nominate. Helen says, β€œI don’t like Chinese, so I’m not ar*ed”

Ash speculates who the Power Housemate could be, telling Chris and Kimberly that β€œit’s either one of you two…or it’s Jale. She’s one of the only ones that could nominate Pauline…”

Mark reads tea leaves for Toya and Ashleigh and believes that Marlon is the Power Housemate

Kimberly speaks to Marlon about his β€œdegrading” comments while she was exercising

Chris is told by Iris that Ash is his biggest threat in the House. After seeing some clips from Ash and Kimberly’s Diary Room to help him make his decision, Chris nominates Ash for eviction saying, β€œIf you put his personality into a short, unattractive man’s body, what would he have done with his life so far other than be a super stand up guy… Doesn’t interest me….All of the big ones are down now…”

Mark and Pauline argue in the kitchen with Mark saying, β€œYou’ve actually just patronised me by doing that…you know I don’t cook, I’m just trying to help. I’m never fuc*ing cooking another thing in here again. I only asked a simple fuc*ing question….tw*t”

Marlon and Danielle comfort Mark who says β€œI hate people speaking to me like I’m thick as pig sh*t…”

During a party for the Housemates, it is revealed that Ash is nominated for eviction with Toya exclaiming, β€œI am in absolute shock! That makes no sense to me…I need to sit down” Ash tells Chris, β€œI don’t get down but I’m gutted”

Chris discusses nominations with Danielle, speculating who the Power Housemate is, noting that β€œChristopher didn’t get half the attention when he was nominated…where was his crowd? Where was his support group?”

Helen refers to Jale as a β€œslug” and accuses her of listening into her conversation. Kimberly tells Helen, β€œYou can’t just say that in front of Jale”

Jale and Toya speak about Helen and Toya suggests Jale speaks to Helen

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Big Brother has revealed that today will see yet another Power nomination.


On Friday night we saw Chris R Wright unveiled as the new Power housemate, having been voted in by viewers via a poll on the app on Thursday evening.

But his identity as the Power housemate is being kept secret from the other housemates as he nominates alone.

Over the weekend, Chris has nominated Pauline, Christopher, Ash and Steven and he’s set to make his fifth and final nomination this evening.

Chris had short listed Danielle, Marlon and Mark for the final nomination and Big Brother revealed this to the group.

Big Brother then got the trio to each stand up one at a time and say why the Power housemate should keep them in.

But to keep housemates off the scent, Big Brother also claimed that Chris had been short listed for nomination by the Power housemate and instructed him to to plea to be saved.

Later in the day, Chris will return to the Control Room where he’ll make his final nomination.

Whoever he chooses will join Chris’ fellow nominees Pauline, Christopher, Steven and Ash, as well as killer nomination victim Jale, in this week’s second public vote

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Originally Posted by erinp:

Big Brother has revealed that today will see yet another Power nomination.



Chris had short listed Danielle, Marlon and Mark for the final nomination and Big Brother revealed this to the group.

Big Brother then got the trio to each stand up one at a time and say why the Power housemate should keep them in.

But to keep housemates off the scent, Big Brother also claimed that Chris had been short listed for nomination by the Power housemate and instructed him to to plea to be saved.

Later in the day, Chris will return to the Control Room where he’ll make his final nomination.


To keep the pressure on Pauline, I think he should nominate Marlon.

Good to see BB protecting Chris by pretending he's been shortlisted too.

Hope Chris doesn't ham-up the pleading too much.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

The Secret Housemate: the wildest theories so far


Even though a mere 72 hours have passed since Chris rose without trace to the power throne, it seems hard to remember what the house was like before; such is the housemates’ limitless appetite for a good (or very bad) conspiracy theory.

The simple and reasonable answers have been left far behind as paranoia has set in and the housemates are now flailing around in the dark like a group of hyper Yvette Fieldings.

Here are their wildest theories, so far:

Theory: Pauline has convinced herself and, inevitably, quite a few others that there is another secret house somewhere sinisterly influencing events.   

Accuracy: Pauline’s so far wide of the mark, she could probably high-five Toya in space.

Theory: Jale is cryptically telling anyone who will listen that the secret power housemate keeps touching their nose.

Accuracy: She’s right on the, er, nose with this one because seems to have sniffed out Chris’ tell.

Theory: At one surreal point Chris suggested to Steven that poor old Tamara had been nominating them from beyond the grave, so to speak.

Accuracy: Brilliant rubbish from Chris, who is fast over taking Sir Daniel Day-Lewis as Britain's most important theatrical talent.

Theory: Matthew, who has been the one voice of reason, had a moment of weakness and posited the idea that you the public were responsible.

Accuracy: Not far off, as you lucky people have had a chance to help Chris out on his clandestine mission.


Marlon is up. Who saw that one coming? #BBBOTS #BBUK



The fifth and final Power nomination on Big Brother UK has been revealed so  who else will be facing eviction this week?


On Friday night we watched as Chris R Wright secretly revealed as the new Power housemate, having been voted in by viewers via a poll on the app the evening before.

But his identity as the Power housemate is being kept secret from the other housemates as he nominates alone.

Over the weekend, Chris has nominated Pauline, Christopher, Steven and Ash he made his final nomination this evening.

Earlier, Chris had short listed three housemates to be his last nomination: Danielle,Marlon and Mark.

Big Brother revealed to the group that the trio had been short listed, as well as Chris in a bid to throw housemates off the scent.

Big Brother then instructed all four to say why they should not be nominated.

Later, Chris went to his special control room (the bog) to reveal which of the trio he had decided on.

Tonight, Big Brother announced that Marlon Wallen was the fifth and final Power nomination.

As a result, Marlon will join Chris’ fellow nominees Pauline, Christopher, Steven and Ash, as well as killer nomination victim Jale, in this week’s second public vote.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


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voting open

Day 12: Which housemates are up for eviction?


After three days of ruthless nominating, Power Housemate Chris has made his fifth and final pick, determining who will be facing the public vote this Friday.

Marlon was the unlucky recipient of Chris' final swing of the nominations axe and joins Ash, Christopher, Steven, and Pauline on the chopping block. Completing the endangered sextet is Jale, courtesy of Pauline's killer nomination last week.

The voting lines are now open. Click here for all the details you need to evict your least favourite housemate.


Everything you need to know about Day 12


Trust no one. That was the over-riding feeling on Day 12 as the Power Housemate picked off one more of his companions and the gang continiued to try and guess who was leading them in this merry dance.

Winston had a sick task to test his banter skills, treating housemates to five vomit-tastic tales. Their reactions were mixed.

winston wind up

Ash whined about his nomination , Kimberly aired her cautious side and Toya had plenty to say to Helen. 

Poirot has nothing on this group whose little grey cells were in overdrive. The mystery of the Power Housemate had three main suspects - Chris, Jale and Marlon. 

Can Chris keep up the act?

chris act

Mark's tea leaves proved surprisingly inaccurate when Marlon was revealed as the Power Housemate's fifth nominee. He dealt with the news with more grace than some - Marlon that is, Mark was uncharacteristically quiet. 

As the day drew to a close, Steven got cosy with Kimberly in the garden. Is love in the air? He was certainly keen. We'll have to wait and see if the lothario charms the American beauty. Bring on Day 13 - will it be unlucky for some?

steven kimberly



The girls have said they fear for their safety after he made a string of sexual suggestions.

Marlon, 22, was caught red-handed perving over the lasses’ breasts as they worked out in the garden.

He also made explicit comments about Playboy babe Kimberly Kisselovich. And he added: β€œI’m thinking: β€˜Why haven’t they put two slut-buckets in here?’ Every girl’s a slut to the right man.

β€œKim ain’t got the biggest knockers but she looks decent.

β€œI f***ing dare you, Big Brother. Put me in a room with her. Slow it down and spread your legs.”

Marlon, who boasted he would β€œget in the knickers of any fit girl in the house”, was hauled into the diary room and given a roasting by producers. They are monitoring his conduct.


Sexy Kimberly, 23, overheard his comments and said she was disgusted at being treated like β€œa piece of meat”.

She confronted him and said: β€œYou stepped out of line. It offended me.”

Marlon was forced to apologise. But the other girls are worried about being left alone with him.

Model Ash Harrison, 26, is also in bother for using the word slut and saying that Danielle McMahon, 25, was β€œdry as a bone” because she is a virgin.


β€’ Bully Pauline Bennett, 49, was taken to hospital after she burned her hand on a pan.

A show spokesman said: β€œShe returned shortly after her visit.”

Meanwhile, Channel 5 was keeping tight-lipped as to whether Pauline had been warned over her bullying of Jale Karaturp, 33.


Josie Gibson, blog, Big Brother 

Week 2: Pauline lets the power go to her head, Helen should be ashamed of herself and Chris causes paranoia

Hey guys!

I've turned into a Big Brother-mad lunatic this week. Not only am I watching this series but I've also decided to catch up on my own after four years. I've got the show coming out my eyeballs! I'm enjoying it all but I've definitely turned into a Big Brother recluse.

But oh my god, it's turned into a proper stressful house this week. It's like a pressure cooker in there and everyone is feeling it.

I am LOVING Chris being the new Power Housemate [Channel 5]
I am LOVING Chris being the new Power Housemate [Channel 5]

Chris and his nominations

I am loving that Chris is the new Power Housemate, but I can't tell if he's acting or not. I have to remind myself he's an actor at times. I'm paranoid and I'm not even in there! 

Voting for Pauline was an easy decision for him as he's always been wary of her – and I think hearing the boos on Friday night's eviction show just helped him realise he was right. It was a cheap blow but she had it coming. Seriously, if someone wants an extra bit of food, let them have it!

For me personally, I'd like to see Danielle go up. She looked like the cat that got the cream when she was saved from eviction. Plus, she just so contradictory it makes my head hurt. 

Ash shouldn't be up either – I like him –  but other than that, I think Chris has got it spot on.

Steven will probably go just for being such a wet lettuce. I mean, he can never look his mates in the eye again after that crying performance, surely? 

Me and Pauline would not get on in the house, especially if she wouldn't let me have more chicken! [Channel 5]
Me and Pauline would not get on in the house, especially if she wouldn't let me have more chicken! [Channel 5]

Pauline's power trip

I kept saying Pauline was my favourite last week but she's turned into a right cow. The power trip went right to her head and now she thinks she owns the whole house!

In the outside world me and her would probably get along really well but I couldn't live with her. There would be fireworks – 100 per cent. Telling me I can't eat? I don't think so, Pauline.

The other housemates – including my fave, Toya – are disappointing me too, it's like they've turned into Pauline's puppets. If she goes home this week, there will be new dynamics to the house for sure. I think she holds people back from being themselves.

I was sad to see Tamara go, I was just warming up to her and Winston [Channel 5]
I was sad to see Tamara go, I was just warming up to her and Winston [Channel 5]

Missing Tamara

I'm really upset that Danielle didn't go as I think Tamara has more to offer. I did think her romance with Winston was fake at first, but I started to see they really did like each other and I do love a TV romance! 

I think she would have slept with him too if she stayed in the house longer.

I'm hoping the housemates start standing up to Helen this week [Channel 5]
I'm hoping the housemates start standing up to Helen this week [Channel 5]

This week

It's such a game playing house this year and I would like to see them have a bit more of a laugh to be honest. They're all very aware of themselves and they've forgotten to have fun! 

Every time they put that Playboy girl on [Kimberly] I just think of that Snoopy dog that talks really slow. She's a bit miserable. You're in the Big Brother house, come on! 

It's a very negative household and I don't know if that's Pauline putting a big black cloud over everyone.

I'd also like to see the housemates stand up to Helen. Her argument with Danielle (even though I don't like her) was disgusting as well as with Christopher and Jale. They should really be ashamed of themselves. 

But Jale could win because of all this. She's taking it on the chin and the public love to support that kind of character.


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