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There’s a Big Brother 2014 fight brewing with Toya A Washington threatening to to “deck” Jale Karaturp.


The claim was made by Toya to Helen Wood during yesterday’s flirting task, which involved Helen, Toya, Pauline and Kimberly, together with single lads Ash, Marlon and Steven.

Exactly what went on between Jale and Toya isn’t quite clear, but it seemed to stem from a remark she had made about Toya in the task to some of the other housemates.

Stirring it up, Helen passed on Jale’s comment (or at least her interpretation of it), with Toya reacting: “I’m going to f**king deck her one.”

“She wants you to make a tit out of herself, like she would,” Helen replied. “If she’s not centre of attention, she’s not happy.”

“Who the f**k is she talking to about that?” Toya questioned, adding, “She’s pissed that she’s not center of attention.”

Meanwhile, Jale had sneaked into the bedroom wardrobe with Danielle McMahon to bitch about Toya.

“In her mind she just thinks I’m talking absolute s**t,” Jale told Danielle. “Whatever’s been said to her, she’s believed every f**king part of it.

“I just expected more from her because I liked her.”

We sense it all kicking off very soon!

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chris nom

Day 10: What's Chris's motivation?


He's got the power but has Chris got a strategy?

Let's look at the evidence.

First nominee Pauline's outbursts got Chris's back up and he said he felt sorry for his second selection Christopher but Steven looks like a bit of a wildcard.

The guy's got a lovely line in cliches, but he's been fairly affable in the House. Maybe Chris has chosen him as a safe bet hoping more votes will be diverted to the housemate he really wants to show the door.

steven nom

However, today's flirty task might have been the final nail in Steven's coffin. The entrepreneur got up to some cheeky business with Pauline and won an intimate meal with the previous Power Housemate for his efforts. Could Chris be picking off Pauline's pals? If so that leaves a fiesty few on dangerous ground. 

steven pauline

 If Chris gets another nomination choice we might be able to piece together this puzzle. For now though,  he's still acting the innocent.

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shocked hms

Everything you need to know about Day 10


Day 10 was perhaps the first time when the pressure of the BB house really started to take its toll on the housemates, with confrontations, flirtations and a few tears.

Before the sun had time to put his hat or even his pants on, Toya and Helen confronted Christopher about his social butterfly (or waspish) tendencies 

Even the usually mild-mannered Kimberly had a little vent about Jale, accusing her of being the Power Housemate. 

Kimberly's mood, and everyone elses, brightened when she was set the task of coaching three single housemates in the delicate art of flirting. Ash, Steven and Marlon had to try their new found moves on the lucky ladies of their chioce, with surprisingly positive results. 

Steven pulled his moves on Pauline and proved that he could flirt with the best of them and was duly rewarded with a romantic high tea for two.  The pair, who had earlier engaged in some nightmareish twerking, feasted on scones and strawberries whilst mostly discussing nominations. Sexy. 

Before long the housemates were back to airing their frustations and frictions. Jale told Danielle exactly what she thought of Toya . And then Steven was sensationally revealed as the third nomination. 

It's fair to say that Steven didn't take the news all that well and poured his heart out to Kimberly and Pauline. 

As the night wore on the specualtion about the Power Housemate continued and Helen and Jale both had a bit of a rant about the other. Make sure you tune in to Channel 5 tomorrow to see exactly what went down. 



Day 11: Chris needs YOU!


Our secret power Housemate really has been up to no good this week, but this time he needs your help to him complete his call of duty.  

Chris has revealed to Big Brother that he is considering nominating Ash or Kimberly to also face this week’s public vote. But before he makes his final decision, he will be given the power of your information.

You need to tell Chris which housemate is his biggest threat via a poll on the Big Brother app. But be quick, you only have until 4pm to make your opinion known!

Does Kimberly deserve to face the public vote, or will nominating Ash be ‘absolutely fantastic’? Results of the poll will be revealed to Chris later in the day when he enters the Control Room.   

Download the Big Brother app by searching for 'Big Brother' in the app store.


The fourth and final Power nomination on Big Brother UK will be up to us viewersâ€Ķ sort of.


On Friday we watched as Chris R Wright secretly revealed as the new Power housemate, having been voted in by viewers via a poll on the app on Friday.

But his identity as the Power housemate is being kept secret from the other housemates as he nominates them one by one.

Now today the secret power Housemate will be given information about two Housemates of his choice, as well as getting to know them a little better, before making his final decision as to which will be put up for eviction.

At the start of the day secret power Housemate Chris was called to the Control Room where he told Big Brother which two housemates he is considering nominating: Ash and Kimberley, which will be put to a public poll.

Chris will also give Big Brother three questions that can be asked to the Housemates in the diary room.

On top of this, Chris and his two potentials nominees will also be given a Chinese meal in The Pod so that he has a chance to get to know them a little better.

The rest of the house will think that Chris and his potential nominees have been given a treat by the Powerful Housemate.

Later in the day Chris will come back to the Control Room. He will now receive the following information:

The results of the poll question that he set.

Clips of the housemates answering the questions that he set.

He will then decide who to nominate as his fourth and final nomination.

The newly nominated housemate will join Steven, Christopher, Pauline, and Jale, who has the Killer Nomination and will face the public vote each week until she leaves the house.

Who do you think will be Chris’ will pick? Make your predictions below!

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


Here’s a recap of all of the latest Big Brother UK highlights from Day 10 inside the house.


Ash, Danielle and Jale speculate on the identity of the Power Housemate, Jale observes that, ‘whoever it is has got a face like a damn poker’.

Christopher talks to Big Brother about his recent nomination and says ‘It was almost a relief’, as now the Housemates know that he isn’t the Power Housemate. He thinks the Power Housemate is obviously someone who doesn’t like conflict.

Matthew and Winston comfort each other on Tamara leaving the house. Matthew says: ‘Maybe there are reasons why she went’ and that nominations are, ‘bitter sweet’.

Toya compliments Pauline, telling her that she is one of the most observant, intelligent people she has met in a long time. Steven also comments to Pauline that, ‘most people in here think you’re amazing’.

Christopher clears the air with Helen and Toya and how he feels they go silent when he walks in the room. Helen says: ‘I’m fully aware that I can be bitchy’. Helen also admits that little things in such close confinement can become, ‘a big deal’.

Steven enters the diary room and offers his ideas on who is the Power Housemate, his current favourites are Kimberly, Chris and Jale.

Pauline talks to Chris about her nomination saying that she thinks it is tactical and obviously the new Power Housemate finds her a threat in the house because they think she can win.

The Housemates decide that Christopher is not the Power Housemate. Ash explains his thinking as being based on the fact that Christopher looked, ‘gutted’, when he was nominated. Marlon jokes with the Housemates that the Power Housemate has revealed their identity to him.

Jale and Chris discuss Pauline’s recent behaviour and Jale remarks that, ‘for a 50 year old woman, I would expect more resolve’.

Again the Housemates obsess over who is the Power Housemate and Danielle comments that, ‘they did say this would be the meanest Big Brother yet’.

Jale openly admits that she thinks that the Power Housemate is Kimberly. Kimberly is alarmed by this but explains that it is probably because she is, ‘the most stoic’.

Mark comments to Pauline that he is amazed that after her recent nomination that she is still cooking for everyone.

Kimberly is told that she will fill the role of ‘Flirt Coach’ today and teach Ash, Marlon and Steven some ridiculous flirting techniques. The other housemates are secretly told by Big Brother to respond to the boys’ advances. Marlon flirts with Helen, Ash flirts with Toya but is the resulting twerk from the advances of Steven on Pauline that wins the pair of them high tea for two in the garden.

During the flirting, Jale jokingly says to Toya that she should, ‘mount’, Ash. Toya discusses her anger about this to Helen who remarks that Jale just wants Toya, ‘to make a t**t of herself’.

Steven’s profile picture changes to ‘nominated’, eliciting shock from the group. Steven says to Ash, ‘If that little sh*t has put me up for nomination!’. He later says: ‘I can’t sit here and say I’m happy but I will have my time with that person’.

Pauline reflects that whoever the new Power Housemate is they are playing, ‘a very good game’.

Jale enters the diary room in a state of obvious amusement about the nominations and the on-going confusion of the identity of the Power Housemate. She says: ‘I have never seen so much hate in people’s eyes’.

Steven hopes that it isn’t Chris that nominated him and reprises his Grandad’s line about never biting the hand that feeds you. He then starts to cry and tells Pauline he, ‘loves her to pieces’.

Jale gets told off by Helen for using her lipbalm. Jale apologises and said she must’ve picked it up by mistake. She leaves the room.

Helen talks to Pauline about Jale saying that she ‘doesn’t have a real bone in her body’ and that Jale is the only person in the house who has a problem with Pauline’s status of, ‘alpha female’.

Steven seems to change his mind and says the Power Housemate could be Marlon as he has been, ‘edgy today’.

Helen shrewdly suspects that the reason for Steven’s nomination is his friendship with Pauline.

The Housemates talk about the general feeling in the house and Mark comments that emotions are running high and Matthew comments: ‘We knew what we signed up for’.

Steven talks to Big Brother about Power Housemates, hoping that the public will give him a shot soon as he would shake things up in the house and says: ‘there are some people who need to be exposed’.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

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Dancing housemates GIFS

Day 11: The housemates get happy feet


For many, Sunday is a day dedicated to rest and roast dinners. For the housemates, it's simply another 24 hours to prove to us just how ruddy entertaining they can be.

Pauline kicked off the Day of Dance with some curious moves in the bathroom...


Before Marlon reeled in the compliments with 'The Regret' move...


Not to be outdone, Matthew channelled his inner Shakira before realising he was interrupting a serious aerobics class...

Marlon found a novel way to enter the kitchen this afternoon...

While Winston's efforts flopped...

Which housemate had the smoothest moves? We couldn't possibly comment, but we might have an idea of who would like to take the crown...


Six reasons housemates love a party


There's nothing makes a housemate happier than a good knees up and tonight's shin-dig has certainly shaken up Sunday.

Take a look at the ingredients for a top night. 

1. Showcase a hot body. Pretending to be struggling to pick out that perfect ensemble offers the ideal excuse to wander around partially clothed for the cameras. For an added treat, drop something essential just in front of where you think a camera might be. 


2. Makeover a mate. Whether it's a fellow housemate's wonky quiff, excessive eye-liner or a complete disregard for style that's been driving you nuts, appoint yourself an expert in the art of dressing to impress and share your skills with the less gifted. 

Mark hair

3. Embrace the lack of dress code. Double denim might have proved popular tonight but whether you want to get suited and booted, don your LBD or perch a bobble hat artfully on your bonce, you make the rules. There are no misguided doormen to spoil your evening. 

Toya ashleigh

4. Let your inner lad out. High fives, hugs and back slaps are the order of a good evening for the boys as they let their hair down and bond. 

Ash, Marlon, Winston

5. Dance like no one is watching. Even though they are. Everyone is.


6. Get involved in a drama. Tears and tantrums regularly raise their head at a good housemate bash. This evening's shocker may just be the best yet. 

Toya ashleigh


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