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Originally Posted by MrsH:


I dont use the word hate very often I choose to loathe or not like instead but ....


I hate Pauline and Mark with avengence 


who ever survives tonight and Christopher will definately be up next  ... being set up for sure by the deadly duo 

I try not to use the word hate too ......but I can see where you are coming from Mrs H ....add HeLen to the mix and I'll join you!

Last edited by Baz

Day 9: Housemates prepare for tonight's eviction


As housemates awoke on the morning of Friday the 13th, thoughts quickly turned to the night's grand eviction and the imminent bad luck looming around the corner for one unfortunate lady.  How are our housemates feeling? And why does Mark look the most nervous about his hair for tonight?!

Despite revealing a fiery side earlier in the week, Danielle remained quiet and subdued as the morning unfolded - not just as a result of her sunburnt thighs. She told fellow nominee Jale that she can’t wait to see her mum, dad and wee dog again. Don’t give up the fight just yet, Danielle!

The recipient of the killer nomination opted for a β€˜what will be, will be’ approach to the morning, potentially as a result of her zen-like status from her morning meditation. 

Tamara appears to be on a 'Winstmeister' high after revealing to Steven that she was still happy after last night’s smooch-fest. Tonight’s nominee hurriedly did her hair in the morning to prevent any early eviction surprises, but worry soon faded as she opted for the sun lounger later in the day.

What is Mark going to do with his hair?! He doesn’t know either, but you can bet your bottom dollar it won’t be curly. He firmly stated that his hair shall contain no element of curl for tonight’s eviction. 

Toya used the upcoming eviction as a chance to play presenter and treated her audience (i.e. anybody lingering in the kitchen) to her take on Emma Willis. 

Ash had a few things to straighten out this morning...

In light of the glorious sun, it dawned on Steven and Mark that the public could actually be voting for people who will cause the most drama rather than who they actually like. We couldn’t possibly comment...




Tonight's HL show .

* Winston discusses with Mark his plans to seduce Tamara with a secret date and that Ash is going to help him. Mark comments, β€˜that will be dead cute, she’ll be made up’.
* During in the pod they are waited on by Ash and Marlon who serve them spaghetti Bolognese and Tamara says it’s the best date she’s ever had which leads to the FIRST BIG BROTHER SNOG! Ash rounds up the rest of the housemate to clap and point and Ash says, β€˜we’ve got the first Big Brother snog going on upstairs, that’s absolutely fantastic.’
* Matthew and Toya are doing their hair and Matthew comments that the house β€˜doesn’t have enough drama, everyone gets on quite well’ and that β€˜most people in the house aren’t that confrontational’.
* Pauline and Jale have a conversation about Jale overhearing Pauline saying she hogs the duvet during the night. Jale feels that Pauline is tactless in her dealings with her and doesn’t listen. Pauline feels she heard her incorrectly. Jale wants to discuss their problems but Pauline ends the conversation saying, β€˜I’m not a discusser, I’m a statementer’ (sic) and β€˜me and you need not to talk’.
* Chris goes into the diary room and is told by Big Brother to exit to the left, he then meets Iris in the control room who tells him he has been voted by the public to be the new power housemate to which he replies β€˜it’s a helluva kindness’ with more than a touch of irony. He is told that this week nominations have been cancelled and he has sole control over them for the next eviction. His first nomination will be during the live show tonight which starts at 10.40pm.
* Chris, Jale, Christopher and Matthew speculate on who is the current Power Housemate. Jale doesn’t think there is one and Chris agrees, after being told it’s him!
* Danielle talks to Pauline the possibility of leaving the house tomorrow and Pauline breaks down, Danielle then tells Pauline she finds her β€˜inspirational’. Pauline thinks that she has been mistakenly drawn into her struggle with Jale and tells Danielle β€˜she ******ed me over and I let her’.
* Christopher asks Pauline if he can have a word to clear the air and she ignores him, Jale comforts him by telling him β€˜don’t get sucked in, it’s a game’.
* Kimberly and Ashleigh discuss nominations and thinks that either Danielle or Jale will leave the house and that Tamara will escape eviction.
* Christopher talks to Pauline about her argument with Jale and sides with Jale and that Pauline’s inability to listen is really frustrating. He says, β€˜at a time when you shut people down you make them feel like they’re not important enough to be listened to’.
* The strained relationship between Pauline and Jale finally takes its toll and Jale cries in the diary room.
* Winston and Tamara discuss their future plans after Big Brother whilst sunbathing in the garden.
* Helen and Mark talk about evictions in the bedroom and Mark comments he doesn’t want Jale or Tamara to go.


Mystic Mark managed to predict two out of the three
answers given by Big Brother.

Helen: Which Housemate do you
think has the nicest hair?
Helen said β€˜Ashleigh.’
Mark guessed that
Helen’s answer would be Ashleigh and was therefore correct

Winston: What
do you find most attractive about Tamara?
Winston said her
Mark guessed that Winston’s answer would be personality and was therefore correct.

Danielle: What do you think is your most
attractive quality?
Danielle said her β€˜class and morals.’
Mark guessed
that Danielle’s answer would be personality, which was incorrect.

On top
of this Mark also predicted that Danielle was going to be evicted this

Big Brother was impressed with Mystic Mark’s psychic ability and
rewarded him with box of pampering treats for himself and the rest of the house





Last edited by Former Member

Ash drops Cbomb on BBBOTS CLIP



the former Big Brother housemate doesn't exactly waste valuable seconds censoring her opinions in fear of what others think of her.

So, last night, the straight-talking, no-nonsense Londoner may have accidentally dropped the C-bomb when discussing a certain resident of BB15.

Chatting on the Big Brother's Bit On The Side panel, alongside Nicola McLean and the Glenny twins, Ash revealed she thinks Christopher is "a c***".

The action kicked off as the group began debating the Irishman's position in the house and the fact he seems to have found himself in the firing line of the stronger characters.

aisleyne POTTY-MOUTHED: Aisleyne gets a fit of the giggles [CH 5]

Nicola, from CBB9, said she thinks the roomies are being two-faced and should tell Christopher what their beef with him is.

She explained: "What really p***ed me off is the way they talk about him then they do that stupid thing when he walks in and talk about something else.

"If he p***ed me off, I'd tell him. I can't see it yet, but clearly he's doing something [to wind them up].

"It is a bit of bullying, although I hate that word because it gets thrown around too quickly, but they are all ganging up on him… just tell him."

Host Emma Willis agreed, then asked Aisleyne what she thinks of the current situation.

Cue naughty language.

Ash said, "I think he's a c***", before adding, "Oh gosh, am I not allowed to say that? I thought I could day whatever I wanted."

ailsleyne PANELLIST: Ash sat beside Nicola McLean and Jack & Joe Glenny [CH 5]

Feigning shock, Emma chipped in: "We haven't had a word like that since Pete Burns was here many years ago, huge apologies if anyone is offended."

Giggling, with her hands over her mouth, the 35-year-old sank into her seat like a mischievous teen.


Aisleyne continued: "I think he's horrid, I'm so sorry I used that word.

"He said he has a problem with reality stars, that they're scraping the barrel for a career.

"Blah blah blah, heard it all before, but you're on Big Brother, what's your intention?

"He's a hypocrite and I don't like hypocrites."

Viewers seemed unfazed by the cuss word, calling the BBBOTS audience a "bunch of prudes" for gasping and Ash's theatrics "hilarious".

To be fair, there are worse things than having a fruity vocabulary.

We still think Danielle's same-sex marriage judgements, along with Helen and Mark's bitchfest behind Chris' back is actually more offensive...

Last edited by Former Member

Day 9: Primping and preening for the first eviction


Our housemates are a good-looking lot anyway, but they've pulled out all the stops for tonight's eviction. The three potential evictees want to look their best, obviously, but the whole House has been getting in on the glamming-up action. Here's a look behind the scenes...

Ash moisturises his face

Ash demonstrated he knew the value of a good skincare regime, slapping moisturiser all over his mug.

Helen helps with Tamara's hair

Tamara called in reinforcements to help dry her hair...

Jale does her makeup

While Jale carefully applied her eye makeup.

Ashleigh carefully plaited her gorgeous locks into an incredibly elaborate fishtail braid (which she then had to promise to teach to every other housemate in the House with hair long enough to pull it off).

Meanwhile, the boys got suited and booted...

And even the most low-maintenance of our housemates took a moment to check their reflections and make sure they were looking their best.

Ready to see them all looking their snazziest? Tune in to tonight's eviction show and feast your eyes.


Tamara leaves

Tamara's top five moments in the Big Brother House


So that's it - Tamara's out. Winston's lost his snuggle buddy and love's young dream is over because you, the voting public, chose to evict our recruitment consultant. Let's take a quick look back at some of Tamara's most memorable moments in the Big Brother House:

1. Filth

Whenever Tamara was around, the conversation tended to turn towards the, er, blue. We couldn't possibly repeat any of it here, though. We're a family website.

2. Actual filth

Tamara talked a good game, and to be fair to her, she walked it too. In the audience approval task, Tamara went all out to prove that she was one of the most disgusting housemates, even slapping a squid on her head. 

3. Pet peeves

Nothing brings people together like a common enemy. Most of the time, housemates bonded over their dislike of one another, but Tamara, Mark, Helen and Christopher managed to find other common irritants. Like people who say they're "loving life". Or use "dot com" in sentences.

4. Romance or showmance

Winston promised Tamara she'd fall for him once she tasted his spag bol - and then enlisted the help of his fellow housemates to arrange a cosy date night  for her. Tamara and Winston, sitting in the pod, S-N-O-G-G-I-N-G. Is it true love, or just a little something something for the cameras? We'll have to wait until he gets out to find out for sure.

5. Hang ten

The weather's been gorgeous for the last week, and Tamara has made the most of it, taking every opportunity to catch some rays. As well as sunbathing, though, Tamara spent some time on herr fitness, learning how to perfect her push-ups and, er, using Ash as a surfboard. Someone show that girl where the swimming pool is.



Tonight on Bit On The Psych - 14th June


How many psychoanalysts does it take to dig into the inner thoughts of housemates? Two, of course. And a few witty presenters.

Big Brother’s Bit On the Psych returns to our screens and following last night’s eviction and nomination bombshell, there’s a whole lot to talk about.

Rylan, Iain and Luisa, i.e. Big Brother’s Three Musketeers, are joined by celebrity life coach Kate Marlow and regular pannelist Rachel Morris as they reveal what is really going down in the Borehamwood Bungalow.

First evictee Tamara is also on hand to provide some insider knowledge. Perhaps she will tell all about Winston’s spaghetti bolognese?

Who needs football when you can have knowledge? And everyone knows what comes with that...


Channel 5. 10.30pm. See you there. 


Day 10 TASK: Housemates get flirty


If we could rearrange the alphabet, we'd put Kimberly and three singletons together.

Love is in the air today as Miss Kimberly is tasked with coaching three single housemates on the ins and outs of becoming a successful seducer. Only this time, her top flirting techniques are ludicrously ridiculous.

Hopeless singletons must try out their newly acquired skills on the housemate of their choice in the hopes of winning a romantic date with their House crush. However, unbeknownst to the students, housemates are fully aware of their coaching and will pretend to be swooned by their every word.

Could love be just one cheesy chat up line away? Check back later.


Day 9 Recap and highkight show(spoiler)

Day 9 in the Big Brother UK house saw the first eviction of the series.

Matthew and Pauline discuss the imminent eviction and Pauline compares it to a death saying: β€˜you’re sorry when someone dies but you don’t start bawling and carrying on like they were your best friend’ and commenting that they should stab each other from the front not the back.
Helen talks to Winston about his date with Tamara and tell him that Tamara said to her, β€˜Oh my god! He’s so sweet’.
Christopher talks to Big Brother about his conflict with Pauline and says; β€˜In recent days I’ve struggled to get on with her’ and observes that he doesn’t think that she can handle anyone who disagrees with her.
Pauline makes breakfast for the housemates. She suspects that someone has got their own plate instead of the ones she has laid out. In finding out it was Christopher, she says: β€˜I ******ing knew it’.
Mark is told by Big Brother that the next task is centred around his supposed psychic ability, he has to read Tarot cards for 3 Housemates and predict the answers to a question for each. The 3 Housemates are Danielle, Winston and Helen. Mark gets 2 out of the 3 answers correct. During his reading with Helen he eerily predicts that Tamara will be the first housemate to leave the Big Brother House.
Jale goes into the diary room to discuss her on-going conflict with Pauline and says: β€˜I’m going to leave it and give her some space, I can’t be bothered about it’.
Kimberly and Chris discuss the different personalities in the house and the concessions that are needed and Chris comments about Christopher; β€˜He’s irritating the hell out of me’ but then concedes; β€˜The guys are aware he does stupid things in the kitchen but that doesn’t make him an utter b**tard’.
Matthew and Mark discuss Pauline and how their first impressions of her have changed as she has become quite argumentative.
The Housemates are sitting in the kitchen talking about evictions and Tamara starts crying about the prospect of leaving.
Chris enters the diary room to be told that his first use of new found power will be a live nomination from the toilet after the eviction through a secret earpiece.
The Housemates start gathering in the living room for the eviction announcement and they hear chants form the public demanding Pauline to be evicted from the house. She also comments to Mark that she knew the public would feel this way and that she should have been β€˜mystic Pauline’.
Emma announces that the first Housemate to leave the Big Brother house is Tamara. The Housemates seem genuinely sad to see her go and Toya tells her; β€˜We all love you’. Danielle says; β€˜well no-one expected that’ and later; β€˜I have never seen someone look so surprised in my life’.

Winston cries in the Diary Room after his prospective romantic interest is evicted.
Chris enters the toilet to place his next secret power nomination as instructed by Big Brother and nominates Pauline.
Big Brother tells the Housemates that the next Power Housemate has been in power for the last 24 hours and that the next nominations have been cancelled as the Power Housemate alone has nominations this week and that their first nomination is Pauline and that they should β€˜trust no-one’.
This shocks the Housemates and Toya says: β€˜I actually can’t deal with this’ and Mark comments that whoever is the Power Housemate is a β€˜nasty gob-sh**e’.
Jale has a private conversation in the garden with herself! She tells herself not to cry and then saying; β€˜I’ve got to stop talking to myself’.
Pauline reminisces about being the Power Housemate and hopes that the new Power Housemate is β€˜proud of themselves’.
Kimberly enters the diary room and speculates on the identity of the new Power Housemate and says that she thinks it β€˜could be anyone’ and that everyone is extremely suspicious and that it’s a β€˜very tactical thing to nominate Pauline’.
Mark, Chris and Jale discuss the public’s reaction to Pauline during the eviction and Mark advises Jale to β€˜steer clear’ of Pauline.
The Housemates debate who the new Power Housemate is in the kitchen and Steven says with some certainty, β€˜I think it’s little Chris’. He bases this on the fact that Chris was invited to the diary room just before the eviction. Steven says that he will be really angry if Chris nominated him as he agrees with his grandfather’s mantra of not biting the hand that feeds you as he feels that Chris is always taking his cigarettes.
Christopher and Pauline have a chat in the kitchen after not speaking since breakfast. Pauline decided to calmly share with Christopher what personality traits of his she finds irritating. Christopher cries as Pauline tells him how annoying the Housemates find his inability to share and his intrusiveness into private conversations.
Chris enters the diary room. He talks through his decision to nominate Pauline, explaining that, β€˜she’s a gossip, she’s a stirrer and everyone loves her and they have been cheated’. Chris starts crying with the weight of being the Power Housemate but does find that fact that the public seemingly agreed with his nomination of Pauline comforting,
Chris enters the diary room for his second secret nomination as the Power Housemate and nominates Christopher. The Housemates notice that Christopher’s profile picture has changed to β€˜nominated’ and Mark goes to find Christopher in the bedroom to tell him. Helen comments that Big Brother, β€˜can’t do this’.
After secretly nominating him for the second eviction, Chris and Christopher chat in the garden about how hard they are finding the house. Chris says that he thought on the first night in the house, β€˜how the hell I’m a going to get out of this in the quickest way possible’. Christopher reflects on how hard it is to be without books, music or internet access. Chris reassures Christopher that the only thing Big Brother can’t control is his mind (or his fate it would seem!).
Read more:
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Tamara's First Day of Freedom


Just what did our wooden spoon winner get up to on her first day away from the all-seeing eye of Big Brother? We pinned her down to find out...

First meal?

A packet of peanuts and a packet of crisps.

First drink?


First friend or family member you spoke to?

My mum.

First thing you did when you got your phone back?

Read through all my messages, listened to voicemails and had a look through Facebook and Twitter.

What time did you go to bed, and what time did you wake up?

I haven't been to sleep since I left the House! I'm SO tired.

Any housemates you’re missing already?

Winston, obviously. Helen, Mark, Ash, Toya and Matthew. A fair few really. 

Any housemates you’re glad you no longer have to live with?

Eurgh Danielle. Pauline was also getting a bit much. Ashleigh and Kimberly were a bit boring too.

Has your opinion on any of the housemates changed since leaving the House?

My suspicions of Pauline have been confirmed. I'm completely shocked by Jale! She's SO liked by the public and people in the House have no idea. 

How was your first experience of Bit on the Side?

Really good fun! I enjoyed speaking with Rylan and the public - it's good to see the public's point of view. It's like a bubble when you're in the House so it was a real eye-opener. 

Are you looking forward to your first experience of Bit on the Psych?

YES. I find stuff like this fascinating. The way the public's opinion differs from the housemate's opinion has been really interesting so I can't wait. 

Want more from Tamara? Check out this Facebook Q&A from earlier today!


NOM BOMB! Step this way and have your say: #BBBOTS


NOM BOMB! Week 2


NOM BOMB is back! Bit on the Side want to know who you would nominate if you were in the House this week. You can choose from all the housemates, apart from Chris (as he has The Power), and Helen (as she has a pass to the final). Remember - this is just for fun, and won't affect the real nominations or eviction.

So, pick your TWO nominations below, and watch Bit on the Side on Monday to see the results.


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