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I didn't watch the hl show tonight as I was out till late so no idea of the Dazel situation and can't say I'm interested, they both know what they're doing. I saw a vid of Emma interviewing Daly's gf and felt so sorry for her. BB obviously couldn't care less about her feelings which is why they partnered Dazel together and the saddo's chose them.

Yellow Rose

why?  Not even convinced it was 'real' interview - just like everything else with Dazel it looked contrived.  I really don't know how any self respecting woman who has been publicly humiliated on national TV would go on a show like BBOTS unless it was to have her 15 minutes of fame. Most women would have kicked him to the curb and be too distraught to appear, not say they're going to talk to him when he comes out 


I personally, and it is just my opinion, think there's more to this than we're being told about and now they're all just boring me 

TBH his * cheating* on his girlfriend paled into insignificance for me if ( and I do say if) the aggressive behaviour he displayed last night on LF was real ! If the way he talked about women , and the *slap* were real then he needs showing the door ! If BB staged it to promote another Connor like incident then the programme makers need sacking !
Originally Posted by Baz:
TBH his * cheating* on his girlfriend paled into insignificance for me if ( and I do say if) the aggressive behaviour he displayed last night on LF was real ! If the way he talked about women , and the *slap* were real then he needs showing the door ! If BB staged it to promote another Connor like incident then the programme makers need sacking !

Yes, I posted this thread after I saw how he behaved lastnight, he needs taken down a peg or 10,  I think seeing his G/F crying on national TV would shock the HM's at how she's feeling because of his behaviour.


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