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most of the time I can't stand Ben either, but somehow I feel like I should try.

I think he's harmless. He's inept whereas Shabby is malicious. It was a cruel trick to play on him. Maybe the producer thought it would be fun to make Poshboy an object of ridicule. It's kind of ironic, the word 'bully' is often thrown around with gay abandon where BB is concerned but this time it's BB bullying a housemate.
I'm not sure I agree , but it was uncomfortable to watch......Ben looking eager , and finally accepted.....Shabby looking totally bored, and asking what the time was

He's clearly uncomfortable in that house and finding it hard to mix with people. He has to apologise all the time when some drama queen makes something out of nothing. For him it's a constant uphill struggle. For BB to fool him into thinking he has been accepted was just way out of order for me.
I find this very difficult cos I like them both. I don't blame Shabby for doing it, she was getting a reward and don't even blame her for laughing about it later, it's a human trait and she knew the score. Ben doesn't know the score and that is sad, bad on you Big Bro. I hope Ben learns not to be too trusting in the future and to think things through more.
I don't like Ben, but that made me uncomfortable. BB didn't consider his feelings for a second, just used him for laughs.
On the plus side, it has proven that Shabby is actually quite a talented actress. What gullible sap among us would believe a word that comes out of her mouth from now on? It really is all for airtime, and it's working.

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