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Baz posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Why is that Baz  Is it really carp this year? Presumably if ratings were good it wouldn't end so early.

Hi Rosie Ratings I reckon ......That's what I'm guessing .. 

 Thanks Baz. Sorry I meant to watch it this year... but missed a couple of nights early on [probably clashed with footy] and let it go.

Baz posted:

According to FB (and if I read it right   .... BB is going to end in three and a half weeks .....with mass evictions .....presumably to get the numbers down in time ....on July 11th . Has to be the shortest  series ever  

If that's correct, it will be the shortest BB by quite some way. Depending on exact dates, you're looking at around 50 days: BB1 was 64 days, with subsequent series increasing both the number of HMs and series length...


The suggestions that this might be the last ever civilian BB may well prove correct, although officially C5's committed to both BB and CBB till 2018. I've watched BB since the launch show for BB1, but I've just had enough. Apart from the launch show and the odd episode, I haven't watched this year (although I admit that the football has made it a lot easier than I expected...    )

Eugene's Lair


I do keep an eye on the ratings and it's not made for good reading, especially when you see that Love Tunnel, Boat, Island or whatever it's called has been gaining viewers.


The show has been on a steep decline for many, many years. I have along with many others bemoaned the issues, we know what is missing from a viewers perspective, but despite social media and online surveys, Channel 5 seem to be ploughing ahead with what they think we want which is the mindless, base, vacuous, pointless mind drivel that is served up by shows like MiC  and TOWIE.


I for one have dipped in and out mainly due to football, but if truth be told I care little for the HM's. I'm bored by the relentless reuse of ideas, the latest being the introduction of 'outsiders'. I don't care what kind of spin the frankly gorgeous Emma tries to put on it, BB have done it before, numerous times. Time to roll down the shutters on Big Brother, it was good in parts, but ultimately you are left with a nasty taste in your mouth.


A word on CBB. I've never been a big viewer, I'm not really interested in giving the careers of fading or faded celebrities my time (there is a reason why they are z-listers). That show can follow the original down the toilet too IMO.


There is still plenty to keep us chatting on here, we are a community which has developed and outgrown what brought us together in the first place.


BB is dead - long live the BB FORUM. 






Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Baz posted:
Kaffs posted:

My Tivo box has just updated planned recordings as far as 15th and it has 'Live Eviction' for BB then.  Could still change though.  

Yes , but what they are calling Annihilation ....presumably mass evictions ....starts on July 11  

Ah right.. didn't read the first post properly -  let's hope they're using the word literally  

Kaffs posted:
Baz posted:
Kaffs posted:

My Tivo box has just updated planned recordings as far as 15th and it has 'Live Eviction' for BB then.  Could still change though.  

Yes , but what they are calling Annihilation ....presumably mass evictions ....starts on July 11  

Ah right.. didn't read the first post properly -  let's hope they're using the word literally  



Funnily enough, I've actually been watching this series as someone is uploading the episode onto youtube straight after it's been aired.


I didn't really get the whole hoo haa of "the game is changing" and "nothing will be the same", but I have to say this has felt the most "Channel 4" series of Big Brother since it moved to C5.

Kaffs posted:
Baz posted:
Kaffs posted:

My Tivo box has just updated planned recordings as far as 15th and it has 'Live Eviction' for BB then.  Could still change though.  

Yes , but what they are calling Annihilation ....presumably mass evictions ....starts on July 11  

Ah right.. didn't read the first post properly -  let's hope they're using the word literally  



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