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Over on DS they still need a few votes for this, so thought I'd help out by posting the intro and link here.


Well ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of the year again, the time when the forums put on their shallow heads and cast our votes for the Big Brother Hotness Ranking 2013. This is the third year of the poll taking place, with last year's poll seeing Stuart Pilkington emerge as the victor of the male category whilst new entry Georgia Salpa placed herself atop of the female group, but who will come out on top now that 12 months and changed opinions have taken place?

As ever there are a couple of clarifications before we begin, the first is that as with last year this poll will be a co-operation between Digital Spy, Survivor Sucks and ThisIsBigBrother internet forums, and as with last year I request that participants do their best to try not to take personality to into their perceptions and to judge the contestants in question purely from a looks context.

I also ask that people resist the urge to attempt to rig or distort the poll in any way, such as giving housemates they like 10 ratings and giving everyone else a one, these types of votes will be discounted, as will votes for sporadic contestants, missing a series you didn't watch is fine, but only giving votes to 4 or 5 people won't count.

And as with last year the Dirk Benedict rule remians in force, asking contestants to vote based on how they looked whilst in the house as opposed to their pre or post show appearance.

Here is the link to the poll:

Good luck and may the hottest housemates win.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
That is far too many for me to go through. Besides I can't even remember most of them. Can you just vote on the ones you know and leave the rest?

Not sure about that. I will find out. I just gave a '5' to those I can't remember or in some cases googled them. 


Might just try the ones I like and ignore the rest.

Imogen, Imogen, Imogen

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
That is far too many for me to go through. Besides I can't even remember most of them. Can you just vote on the ones you know and leave the rest?

Not sure about that. I will find out. I just gave a '5' to those I can't remember or in some cases googled them. 

I asked and the reply was that it's fine just to do men or women or just the ones you remember, but it shouldn't look like you are just trying to maximise marks for your faves by not marking any of the others!

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
That is far too many for me to go through. Besides I can't even remember most of them. Can you just vote on the ones you know and leave the rest?

Not sure about that. I will find out. I just gave a '5' to those I can't remember or in some cases googled them. 

I asked and the reply was that it's fine just to do men or women or just the ones you remember, but it shouldn't look like you are just trying to maximise marks for your faves by not marking any of the others!

Cheers Kimota. I will just do the ones I like honestly. Which will be Imogen. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Why should we? They know we exist and they know we are still mainly refugees from Ch4's BB forum, but did they ask us to be one of their co-operative partners?

The person who does this poll only joined DS in 2011, so they might not know the link between C4 and this forum! The other person who runs a very similar poll, excluding the celeb HMs, should know though as he/she's been around since 2006!

Originally Posted by erinp:

I gave Aisleyne/Maysoon/Saskia 8

Aisleyne I gave a 7, but think that when she looks her best she could rate an 8. Saskia, I should like more as she ticks a lot of my boxes- tall, curvy and olive skinned, but she only got a 7 from me I think. Maybe that's her (awful) personality clouding things!


We are down to the top ten now, so who's left?


Imogen Thomas (BB7)
Maysoon Shaladi (BB9)
Sara Folino (BB9)
Noirin Kelly (BB10)
Rachel White (BB11)
Louise Cliffe (BB12)
Deana Uppal (BB13)
Shilpa Shetty (CBB5)
Georgia Salpa (CBB9)
Emilia Arara (BBCH)


Alex Sibley (BB3)
Spencer Smith (BB3)
Stuart Wilson (BB5)
Liam McGough (BB8)
Dale Howard (BB9)
Rex Newmark (BB9)
John-James Parton (BB11)
Aaron Allard-Morgan (BB12)
Bobby Sabel (CBB8)
Lucien Laviscount (CBB8)

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Where's Stuart Pilkington 

He crashed out at 16, a big drop from last years 1st place. Someone on DS suggested that some people are deliberately scoring last years winners lower to give their own faves more chance! There is also the factor that the newer housemates tend to be fresher in people's minds and tend to score higher, pushing older HMs down the poll! As there are more HMs with every successive year, the competition gets fiercer. Stuart's average score of 6.96 this year is identical to his score two years back, but then it was enough to get him 8th place!

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

We are down to the top ten now, so who's left?


Imogen Thomas (BB7)
Maysoon Shaladi (BB9)
Sara Folino (BB9)
Noirin Kelly (BB10)
Rachel White (BB11)
Louise Cliffe (BB12)
Deana Uppal (BB13)
Shilpa Shetty (CBB5)
Georgia Salpa (CBB9)
Emilia Arara (BBCH)


Alex Sibley (BB3)
Spencer Smith (BB3)
Stuart Wilson (BB5)
Liam McGough (BB8)
Dale Howard (BB9)
Rex Newmark (BB9)
John-James Parton (BB11)
Aaron Allard-Morgan (BB12)
Bobby Sabel (CBB8)
Lucien Laviscount (CBB8)

Are you frigging kidding me, wheres Maisy on that female list?  shes surly the most attractive female that house has ever seen.?


Im almost glad i've been banned from DS for good seeing as their judgement is stupid.


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