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I love a good bubble bath with lots of lovely scents.  I can't have a bath if there's nothing to put in it, so I always make sure there are loads of different bottles of stuff for bath time.  


What do you put in your bath?  My OH puts nothing in his and I find that very strange!  He likes a good old soap and water scrub whereas I like to use DKNY bodywash, Imperial Leather (or the likes) bubble bath and at the minute I'm liking the Project D (from Dannii Minogue) lotions for afterwards.  Also....I need to use 3 towels at bath time, one for the hair, one to stand on and a big body one.    Bath time is bliss......

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Originally Posted by nuts:

I use three, I think   a hand towel to take the excess water off then one that's ready for washing on the floor to step out on to and a bath towel to dry myself properly then a towelling DG on to skip across the landing in to the bedroom to get changed  

OK I am going to sound like a right nutter for saying this but......I have to wear a dressing gown to go from the bathroom to bedroom because I think if I have any ghosts I really don't want them seeing my wobbly bits

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by nuts:

I use three, I think   a hand towel to take the excess water off then one that's ready for washing on the floor to step out on to and a bath towel to dry myself properly then a towelling DG on to skip across the landing in to the bedroom to get changed  

OK I am going to sound like a right nutter for saying this but......I have to wear a dressing gown to go from the bathroom to bedroom because I think if I have any ghosts I really don't want them seeing my wobbly bits


I don't care if any ghosts see me 


Most of the time I put bubble bath in my baths, however, if I'm short of time. I have been known to have a 'wash-only' bath with nothing in.


Currently, most of my bubble baths are some sort of exotic flower, though I do have a couple of others - Ivy &Seaweed and Green Tea.


I like to lie and soak in my bubble bath for a while, then I have a wash with flannel and soap substitute. I haven't used standard soap for years.


Towels: Just one big fluffy bath sheet to wrap around me and snuggle into - we have bath-mats for standing on and I usually wash my hair separately.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by nuts:

I use three, I think   a hand towel to take the excess water off then one that's ready for washing on the floor to step out on to and a bath towel to dry myself properly then a towelling DG on to skip across the landing in to the bedroom to get changed  

We're dead posh as we have an en suite bathroom. No DG required as we skip in and out.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Our bath was removed when the bathroom was made smaller to allow access for a stairway to the loft. I am now thinking of getting a corner bath with the shower above fitted as i miss my bath now. I find it difficult to stand up in the shower and wash every part of my body- especially the bottom of my feet. Afraid i will fall over. Me legs are no longer working ad they used to.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Showers for us. One towel, and if there were any ghosts originally they'll have gone now through sheer fright at seeing our wobbly bits.


I mainly shower, but when I do have a bath alone, it's normally me getting in while it fills then I'm done or bored by the time it's full.  However, I do like my baths with the Mr, relaxing, chatting shit, sometimes a glass of wine and candles.  Then the boy comes home 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Showers for us. One towel, and if there were any ghosts originally they'll have gone now through sheer fright at seeing our wobbly bits.


I mainly shower, but when I do have a bath alone, it's normally me getting in while it fills then I'm done or bored by the time it's full.  However, I do like my baths with the Mr, relaxing, chatting shit, sometimes a glass of wine and candles.  Then the boy comes home 


I'd need a bigger bath


I can't remember the last time I had a bath ... I think it was about 5 years ago.


Shower for me - two towels, one for the hair, on for the body.


Currently my littlest daughter and I have trawled all the cupboards and have got a HUGE pile of bath stuff that we have all been given as presents over the last few years - so we have a full complement of smellage

Originally Posted by nuts:

For everyone's info. I don't wash my hair under the shower 


I use a shower hat, get out and get dried and then get the shower head down from it's bracket and bend over the bath  

That's how I was my hair nuts, Not while I'm having the bath/shower.


Our first house only had a bath - and I longed for a shower.

Our second house only had a shower - and I longed for a bath.

We is just fickle!

Our present house has both - but I tend to have baths most of the time because I like to lie and relax for a bit.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I love a shower,feel fresher.We had an electric shower over the bath for years,was so awkward tbh.Beside bathroom there was a  walk in cupboard,we closed the door off on landing, knocked the adjoining wall away in bathroom and extended the bathroom,what used to be the cupboard is now a huge shower ,complete with power shower,it's great.


I'm not getting the washing the hair over the sink thing..... I absolutely hate doing that - always manage to soak myself.    I was at a posh wedding a couple of years ago.. private country house type thing and my room only had a bath with a hand held shower attachment (was gorgeous - one of those big claw foot things) I had to lean over the bath to do my hair.... then I had to spend 20 minutes trying to mop up the floor..... 


I always think long lazy baths sound better than the reality - when I used to occasionally have one I'd just get bored and I don't feel properly clean or refreshed after a bath.



Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I'm not getting the washing the hair over the sink thing..... I absolutely hate doing that - always manage to soak myself.    I was at a posh wedding a couple of years ago.. private country house type thing and my room only had a bath with a hand held shower attachment (was gorgeous - one of those big claw foot things) I had to lean over the bath to do my hair.... then I had to spend 20 minutes trying to mop up the floor..... 


I always think long lazy baths sound better than the reality - when I used to occasionally have one I'd just get bored and I don't feel properly clean or refreshed after a bath.



I'm the same Kaffy,I have to shower either before but usually after a bath,if I don't I don't feel properly clean and the thought of not washing off the dead skin etc we shed in a bath makes me shudder..I could easily live without a bath,could not live without a shower,hell no.

Originally Posted by Tori:

Our bath was removed when the bathroom was made smaller to allow access for a stairway to the loft. I am now thinking of getting a corner bath with the shower above fitted as i miss my bath now. I find it difficult to stand up in the shower and wash every part of my body- especially the bottom of my feet. Afraid i will fall over. Me legs are no longer working ad they used to.

Tori I cant sit in a bath it is too painful for me ..I have a walk in shower with a chair to sit on.. it really does make a big difference,I can relax and reach my legs feet etc which would have been impossible to do  without it, most places sell them now.. I think argos does them too and they are not is worth a try


Does anyone know of any product that can be used for kids with Eczema and makes bubbles in the bath?  My 5 year old would LOVE a bubble bath but he can't have one because it would dry out his skin too much.  I always feel bad for him when I'm running a bath and he stands blowing the bubbles around and not being allowed to touch them

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

For a more enjoyable shower, try this 

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeugh - I've tried that - it's like showering in toothpaste  Very wrong IMO!

I'm with you Soozy....don't like the tingly sensation either, 'though I do like some of their other 'flavours' particularly the lavender one


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