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It's a difficult one. I think we all at some time have used that particular car wash staffed with people who don't speak English, and not asked questions.
Hmmm, but it is a little different, she was employed at her home, by her....and she makes the Laws that WE have to adhere to...

There was a couple on the News last night who'd been fined ÂĢ10k for the same 'mistake'...she should be EXTRA careful to double check these things IMO.
The Devil In Diamante
The cleaners Visa expired 5 years ago...

Baroness Scotland said "It's like driving into London and not paying the congestion charge. It is not a criminal offence"...tell that to the folks who've had their businesses raided and been led away by the police, and ruined due to the large fines imposed.

Thing is, if she is fined, it'll probably come out of the public purse one way or another....
The Devil In Diamante
I don't normally join the whole "they should resign" brigade, however having discussed this with friends last night I think she should step down.

Unfortunately "she steered this law through the House of Lords and insisted on its stringent application" (quote from Times online)  She is also an extremely powerful woman who should be setting examples.

If this type of error had happened in any other sector of employment, imo, she would have been sacked for gross misconduct immediately.
'the UK Border Agency backed her claim that she had not known her Tongan housekeeper had illegally overstayed a student visa. She was, however, fined ÂĢ5,000 for failing to take copies of the documents that Loloahi Tapui-Zivancevic had provided to prove her right to work in Britain.'

It's hard to say, without knowing the evidence on which the Border Agency based their findings.

If it was literally just for forgetting to photocopy the documents, I don't think she should lose her job.
She was probably very happy having to pay the woman the minimum wage, imo its all down to money. Stupid woman, get ooot
Again, the wages she paid probably comes out of the bottomless pulbic purse in some shape or form anyway....

I just wonder what these MPs and powerful people spend their actual wages on as their expenses seem to cover most things down to the TV lIcence & food....
The Devil In Diamante

Lordy, is there a NuLabour faux peer not involved in some sort of cockup at the moment?  What's happening about all those London-based peers who designated houses outside of London and claimed the overnight allowance? Baroness Thornton is one, Baroness Uddin another, and Baroness Morgan yet another.  Now Baroness Scotland, the Attorney General, employing illegal immigrants and claiming overnight allowances despite having a house in London.  Anyone seeing a pattern here?

It still seems odd to me that these meaningless and minor occurences stay in the public's mind more than the important stuff. I belong to the "It's the economy stupid!" faction.
A quote in today's Grauniad went thusly...
"To make the rich work harder you pay them more, to make the poor work harder you pay them less!"
That's thirty years of Thatcherism we have endured now, and yet I'm meant to worry about some two bit politician and who they have employed?
Garage Joe
Yes, she should step down.

The main reason I say this is that her office - the role she fills - is so important in terms of its exemplariness that she must be beyond reproach. 
By remaining in post she adds another small increment to the decline in trust and confidence that we feel towards authority. This is not at all good for society and morale. 

(I want to add that I think these people seem to be remote from the cut and thrust of everyday realities. Their orbit is immune and protected. It should not be so.)
That's thirty years of Thatcherism we have endured now, and yet I'm meant to worry about some two bit politician and who they have employed?
I think the reason it bothers people more now than it ever did is because this country is broke. people are losing their jobs, homes etc yet paying more for everything than they can afford, utilities etc.

The Government try to tell us that we're ok, we're not and won't be for many years to come, yet Government Ministers and such spend OUR money on things most of us could only think of hoping for. So, yes, these things are magnified, and i do think they matter...
The Devil In Diamante
The Government try to tell us that we're ok, we're not and won't be for many years to come, yet Government Ministers and such spend OUR money on things most of us could only think of hoping for. So, yes, these things are magnified, and i do think they matter...
I agree. Politician's nowadays seem to take no responsibility for their  actions, and seem to think that as long as they say sorry, everything will be OK! Well, in my book at least, it's not. It seems that for the past decade , not a week has gone by without another *mistake* coming to light...... and they called Major's government sleazy.....
I used to quite like Toynbee's scribblings but she's become too champagne socialist now.  Or perhaps she always was and I never twigged.  I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with championing the poor and kissing Gordon's butt but it's hard to take it seriously when you know she's probably jetting off to Tuscany after the article has been posted.

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