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I had a phone call from 02108074079 this morning. The caller claimed that they were carrying out a survey and their first question was which bank did I use. I refused to answer and ended the call. I had had a similar phone call a few weeks ago with much the same question.


I did a google search on that number with no results so repeated it without the first zero. This time I got results and found that there had been reports about windows technical support scam calls. That seems to prove that this bank "survey" call is being carried out by the same scammers.


I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't ended the call but I think I might have got a phone call later today or in a few days time claiming to be my bank saying that attempts had been made against my bank account. They would tell me to ring my ordinary bank customer support phone number immediately to speak to an advisor. Then I would ring that number, without realising that the caller hadn't disconnected, so would be answered not by my bank but by the scammers. They would then advise me to transfer my bank funds to another account for safety reasons and I would have landed up by transferring my money to the scammers.

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Roger the Alien posted:

You were wise to end the call! Thanks for the warning El Loro, that's scary. 

These scammers seem to ring me between 9 and 5 Mondays to Fridays. I seem to get a lot of these sort of calls but I work from home and I think the scammers are aiming their scams at retired people as those are more likely to be at home during those hours.

El Loro

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