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I have always started the peeling process at the stalk end, digging my thumb nail in to make a small incision and then easing the skin off, strip by strip - I'm not trying to be erotic btw..


But last week a friend of mine approached it from the blunt end.It looked so much easier, so this week I have been doing it blunt end first and it really is so much easier!


My friend told me that everyone he knows does it from the blunt end, he has only ever seen Europeans start at the stalk end first.


How do you  peel yours ?

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Could I ask if you are European?


I think I can guess the answer.


I had always assumed the stalk end was the place to start, it just looks so right, it's not though, I feel so foolish now after all these years.


You don't have to 'break into' the blunt end it is just waiting, almost imploringly, to be peeled from that end, the skin just comes away with the slightest pressure applied.


I refuse  to call it the 'other' end, it seems very unkind to me , as if it's not a proper end in it's own right.


I quite enjoyed the mental image you left us with Trigs.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

this is why I still love this place... where else would you get the great banana debate?    Now.... I don't eat many bananas, but I think I'm going to have to get some today.  Question - how do you break into the blunt end?  The stalk end seems to have an obvious 'handle' for tearing.    

But so often Kaffs, it doesn't tear it just mangles up and leaves you with a floppy,squishy mushy mess. and you end up not eating many bananas, a banana a day makes your hair go curly, btw.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Could I ask if you are European?


Were you asking that question specifically of me Jackson?   

My intention was to ask all the stalkers.

Hahaha!  I see. I was gonna remind you that I am Scottish. . . the best type of European!  


This thread has inspired me to approach my bananas from a different angle and for that I am grateful. . .   

Originally Posted by MrsH:


I will try this and thinking about it - it makes perfect sense - you then get to hold the stalk while eating 


I sometimes skin  completely and slice and sprinkle with sugar and have it in a wholemeal brown sarnie - thats lunch now sorted today 

Yes who knew bananas had a built in handle! - we will need updates and a youtube clip, if possible regarding your lunch, Mrs H.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


I will try this and thinking about it - it makes perfect sense - you then get to hold the stalk while eating 


I sometimes skin  completely and slice and sprinkle with sugar and have it in a wholemeal brown sarnie - thats lunch now sorted today 

Yes who knew bananas had a built in handle! - we will need updates and a youtube clip, if possible regarding your lunch, Mrs H.

Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Could I ask if you are European?


Were you asking that question specifically of me Jackson?   

My intention was to ask all the stalkers.

Hahaha!  I see. I was gonna remind you that I am Scottish. . . the best type of European!  


This thread has inspired me to approach my bananas from a different angle and for that I am grateful. . .   

Wondered if banana sales has increased recently I think at least  3 of you have specifically bought  some today just to try out the 'other' end.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


I will try this and thinking about it - it makes perfect sense - you then get to hold the stalk while eating 


I sometimes skin  completely and slice and sprinkle with sugar and have it in a wholemeal brown sarnie - thats lunch now sorted today 

Yes who knew bananas had a built in handle! - we will need updates and a youtube clip, if possible regarding your lunch, Mrs H.

All I can say is .... why?

Originally Posted by Sezit:

Not only is peeling from what I call the "flower end" the correct way to peel a banana,you can also divide a banana into three equal portions  with out a knife. My mum used to do this when we were kids,she just pulled apart longways and she ended up with three equal parts so there was no arguing from us sprogs.

I can't get my head around this.


Do you end up with 3 long strips of banana or 3 circular chunks?What is the 'flower' end.


Cinds - That sounds impossible, I cut mine,skin and and all, into quarters then cut out the segments, it gets very messy.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Sezit:

Not only is peeling from what I call the "flower end" the correct way to peel a banana,you can also divide a banana into three equal portions  with out a knife. My mum used to do this when we were kids,she just pulled apart longways and she ended up with three equal parts so there was no arguing from us sprogs.

I can't get my head around this.


Do you end up with 3 long strips of banana or 3 circular chunks?What is the 'flower' end.


Cinds - That sounds impossible, I cut mine,skin and and all, into quarters then cut out the segments, it gets very messy.

You end up with three long strips, and the flower end is where the flower was before the fruit grew, the opposite end to the stalk. 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I quarter an orange then get me chops round it and pick it off the rind with my teeth

I bite into the orange skin and then peel it all . And I peel bananas from the stalk down

Doesn't that make your mouth recoil  and feel all pithy?

I do shudder a bit JC But it's something I've always done ....but I tend to buy satsuma s , or mandarins these days ..rather than * big* oranges ....cos they peel easier  

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I have always started the peeling process at the stalk end, digging my thumb nail in to make a small incision and then easing the skin off, strip by strip - I'm not trying to be erotic btw..


But last week a friend of mine approached it from the blunt end.It looked so much easier, so this week I have been doing it blunt end first and it really is so much easier!


My friend told me that everyone he knows does it from the blunt end, he has only ever seen Europeans start at the stalk end first.


How do you  peel yours ?

That's how chimps do it!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

this is why I still love this place... where else would you get the great banana debate?    Now.... I don't eat many bananas, but I think I'm going to have to get some today.  Question - how do you break into the blunt end?  The stalk end seems to have an obvious 'handle' for tearing.    

Like you were opening a bag of crisps!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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