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@Amythist posted:

She’s so elderly now,sniffing is a big pleasure and takes ages

aaawe yes, elderly doggies slow down a lot.

Mine can't walk far either and has to have the strap to support her arthritic back legs, but loves a sniff.

Elderly doggies are just so lovely though

@*mollie* posted:

aaawe yes, elderly doggies slow down a lot.

Mine can't walk far either and has to have the strap to support her arthritic back legs, but loves a sniff.

Elderly doggies are just so lovely though


@*mollie* posted:

aaawe yes, elderly doggies slow down a lot.

Mine can't walk far either and has to have the strap to support her arthritic back legs, but loves a sniff.

Elderly doggies are just so lovely though

Oh yes,so sweet and gentle and calm ,mostly,still a bit playful and no longer fast enough to run off

@Amythist posted:

Oh yes,so sweet and gentle and calm ,mostly,still a bit playful and no longer fast enough to run off

sounds gorgous and like my elderly lady too.

Some poor doggies don't make old age and although I feel sad in that I know we won't have her much longer, I count us lucky we still have her now.

@Amythist posted:

I’m going to have to watch it back,hasn’t really happened on this before,has it?

its worth watching back after, yes I can't remember it happening before. (but my memory is not that good!)

@*mollie* posted:

sounds gorgous and like my elderly lady too.

Some poor doggies don't make old age and although I feel sad in that I know we won't have her much longer, I count us lucky we still have her now.

That’s exactly it,knowing it won’t be for much longer but enjoying every moment with her and spoiling her rotten, been doing that since she was about 12 and a half and she takes full advantage 3 years later,

@Amythist posted:

That’s exactly it,knowing it won’t be for much longer but enjoying every moment with her and spoiling her rotten, been doing that since she was about 12 and a half and she takes full advantage 3 years later,

same here, ours is 16 now and we started her in her pram years ago when arthritis 1st started, and special Seniors diet.

They deserve it though, all the love they give us.


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