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Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I would have dumped him out for crying over spilt milk.


Eh  @Enthusiastic ContrafibularitiesHow was your Korean meal last night ?

It was unusually not to the levels they usually are. It was extremely busy and the first time we have ever been and had to wait to be seated, around 20 mins. They did not offer any gratuities either. Once seated everything went well until two of my fellow diners said that their meals were less than hot. The waitress took them away and produced two new meals. Once the bill arrived we noticed that a service charge of 10% had been added. My friend called the waitress over and said that they were not getting the full suggested tip as they had seated us late, served two meals which were not hot and then presented a bill which did not reflect the issues we experienced.


Having said all that, we all enjoyed the food and the issues aside, I enjoyed the evening. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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