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Thought I'd post a thread for those who may feel similar to I do.

For many it is a time of joy and togetherness, I hope that is the case for you all.

For some though it is a time when heartache, sense of loss, lonliness etc is felt ever more intensely. where the world around you filled with light and laughter (or so it seems) serves only to contrast an inner world full of impenetrable darkness and pain.

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Hi Comrade.

Christmas can be the best time in the world but you are right, it can be the loneliest as well.What to do? There is no quick and easy answer. I think the run up is probably worse than the actual day - the TV and shops are full of the "ideal" happy family and friends stuff.
If it helps ( and I doubt that it will) Christmas, on the whole is fake. It is a time when people forget their problems, eat too much, drink too much, get into debt over buying presents that are out of their reach financially and( thanks to advertising) have expectations that can not often be realised and then rows ensue.

Believe me, it is easy to feel lonely, isolated and despairing in a house full of people ... 

So maybe a lot of us need this one day when we can pretend that everything is going to be alright, when we can stop the world for a little while and when ( for a few of us) we really can be with those we love best in the world.

But it is only a day... then it is gone.
Take care xxxxxxx

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