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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Helena Bonham Carter - I love her. 

She`s got style.
A style all of her own.  
Oh yes.  

She copies me you know.   

Hello you    Did you see the rest of your sleep thread?
I saw a bit of it last night about 2 am. I had a delivery of some books and that, unfortunately, put paid to me being on here, I started one and had to read until I dropped off. It was really nice to see the responses. I just thought today was a bit late to revive it, seems like attention seeking, but I really appreciated it.  

PS. Velvet was right, we've had quite a bit of weather down here, window open, splashes of rain on the douvet.
cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Helena Bonham Carter - I love her. 

She`s got style.
A style all of her own.  
Oh yes.  

She copies me you know.   

Hello you    Did you see the rest of your sleep thread?
I saw a bit of it last night about 2 am. I had a delivery of some books and that, unfortunately, put paid to me being on here, I started one and had to read until I dropped off. It was really nice to see the responses. I just thought today was a bit late to revive it, seems like attention seeking, but I really appreciated it.  

PS. Velvet was right, we've had quite a bit of weather down here, window open, splashes of rain on the douvet.

It`s not attention seeking to revive it cologne - dinnae be sae daft  

I`m happy you liked the responses.

It`s lovely to drop off to sleep with a good book. 
Originally Posted by brisket:
I like a bit of melodrama but after hearing the trailed insert about The Black Swan, I am right off it.
They speak in that croaky-ET kind of way which so many American actresses use these days.
Can't stand it myself.
Me neither brisket but it`s not just actresses that do it. 

It`s happening with lots of American teenagers. I watch Judge Judy and most of the girls that are on there speak like that. I commented about it on Youtube and the replies from adult Americans were that it`s a kind of a new learned speak - they`re all copying each other. I don`t understand it.
Blimey! As someone who agreed with the OAP I searched through the electrical DVD recorder hard disc for previously recorded stuff. There were films going back to last year, so we watched "knowing" Oh Dear! That's the best part of a couple of hours we won't get back! Phooey! Just caught the back end of the BAFTAS and noted that "Inception" received a couple. That's the only one we've seen!
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by brisket:
Thank you ever so much for that Scotty. 
I tried to mention it on GaGa previously, but I don't think I explained it well.
But you clearly know what I mean.
Thanks for the research and evidence.
It is comforting to know I am not alone in disliking this strange way of speaking.
Thanks brisket and you`re welcome 
I remember you mentioning it, and you explained it well. 
I`ve often thought, if these kids speak that way when/if they have their own children - will they speak that way too? They could have a future American nation of croakers.

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