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Is anyone else a really bad loser?

I don't want to be a bad loser, well ideally I don't want to lose at all, but when I lose it sends a huge burst of high energy through me that makes me want to kick the s*** out of anyone within sight of me. It's cost me big style in the past, and cost me again this morning as I was sent off because of it. I thought I'd grow out of it, but obviously I haven't.

And it's not just when im playing in a team that loses, it's also when a team that I support loses. Like during the last hour and a half I've had the same feeling. I can hardly type because my arms just want to smash the computer to pieces, but im controlling it. But the energy is inside, i can feel it.

It's like a really over the top level of frustration.

Anyone else get this? Or am I just a headcase?

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I've always been like it, even in kids football. I thought I'd grow out of it as I got old, but at 24 I'm still the same.

It's like a split personality because in day to day life I don't get wound up easily, I can stay calm about situations, I'm never violent or feel like I'm going to be violent (unless it's something serious like if I see someone torturing a puppy or something), but when it comes to sport, something inside me flips.
Crunchy  Nuts
but when I lose it sends a huge burst of high energy through me that makes me want to kick the s*** out of anyone within sight of me.
Not the best way to do it, you'll end up with an ASBO (or a couple of years inside) . Best to channel that adrenalin in a positive way and use it to your advantage. Learn from where you went wrong and improve.

Nowt wrong with a winning mentality, it's just drive and ambition to excel in what you do.
Reference: Croc
I don't like losing either. Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with having a winning mentality

Quite right Croc. Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser as the saying goes.
I don't mind losing myself (mainly coz I'm a bit of a loser!) but I hate hate hate it when my team or someone I'm supporting loses
Many years ago I use to play darts I was in the semi final of the ladies singles I played really well and was down to my double way ahead of the other lady it was my favourite double, I suppose I got a bit over confident anyway I could not get that double for love nor money and got beat I dont know if I was a bad loser that night or just annoyed with myself but that is the only time that springs to mind

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