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Ref: Lee
My DiL took my grandson to baby massage classes

Mine too Lee and they taught him baby sign language! But then my daughter is a qualified naturopath (bet I've spelt that wrong lol) and so she provides massage, acupuncture, homeopathy etc. I haven't watched the video but from what others have said it doesn't seem right. Even if the woman concerned knows what she is doing - and, by swinging a baby round by the ankles, it doesn't seem like it, that's one thing but some idiot will watch this and might do the same and end up killing or maiming a baby
Mine too Lee and they taught him baby sign language! But then my daughter is a qualified naturopath (bet I've spelt that wrong lol) and so she provides massage, acupuncture, homeopathy etc. I haven't watched the video but from what others have said it doesn't seem right. Even if the woman concerned knows what she is doing - and, by swinging a baby round by the ankles, it doesn't seem like it, that's one thing but some idiot will watch this and might do the same and end up killing or maiming a baby
Veg I watched a TV prog on baby sign language and was amazed tbh,there they were these little bundles communicating with their mothers,it was mind blowing I thought .What I saw in the Yoga videos just doesn't seem right though,as you say swinging babies by the ankles carries too high a risk,poor little darlins I know who I'd like to swing by the ankles, those doing it to the babies!.
You're right Lee (Hi btw xxx) And you just know that some sick piece of work might injure a baby on purpose and then say that they were just doing what they had seen on a baby yoga vid or some such
Re the sign language, the only thing I would say is I think it's made him slower to speak vocally although he is starting now. He was two last November. I guess he didn't need to make the effort as he could communicate what he wanted with signing. His little brother is due in a couple of weeks - and I expect the dil and son will do the same with him.
Lovely to see you anyway Lee, I haven't been to FB for ages since I got a bad virus from an app there
You're right Lee (Hi btw xxx) And you just know that some sick piece of work might injure a baby on purpose and then say that they were just doing what they had seen on a baby yoga vid or some such Re the sign language, the only thing I would say is I think it's made him slower to speak vocally although he is starting now. He was two last November. I guess he didn't need to make the effort as he could communicate what he wanted with signing. His little brother is due in a couple of weeks - and I expect the dil and son will do the same with him. Lovely to see you anyway Lee, I haven't been to FB for ages since I got a bad virus from an app there

Aww Veg congratulations on the new grandson,another bundle of love for you to enjoy....Perhaps it wasn't the signing that slowed your other grandsons vocal capabilities Veg,Eamon and Conor's dad was a lot slower than his brothers to speak tbh ,he was so darn easy going and laid back I think it was too much effort for him.Any road he soon caught up and off the 3 he was/is the most academically inclined ,in other words a born pen pusher 

Lovely to see you too Veg .

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