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I was asked at school if my mother was drunk when she gave me my name   kids can be so cruel
yeah... but that was in the days when most people were called Karen, Louise, Helen, Nicola, Joanne, Mark, Stephen, Andy, James, Ben... etc.

Our generation seems to be on the eternal search for the unique name...  unusual names are not unusual anymore.  

Come on... we have covered Merlin, Storm, Neon, Rocco, Gideon, ....

I think its only a matter of time before CrispPacket gets its first outing!
Hey guys sorry i haven't been relying, been having migraines for about 4 days (it went for a few hours one morning but i got another!!) 

Just asked my two kids if they like their names (doc appointment with me at 10:30 so going to school late) They both do, so i haven't made a boo boo yet.

Some of the names people have mentioned (the strange ones) are cruel imo lol I mean Merlin? fgs how could anyone think a kid is going to have no trouble with a name like that? Bet they dress him up as a wizard when there's fancy dress too!!
Haven't read any of this but there are loads of names I like, some are:

Bailey (for a girl)

Oh there's loads and I cant think straight. But it would depend on the surname aswell, it has to have a 'ring' to it.

When I had my son I couldn't decide on a name and after 5 days I had to come up with summat so just chose one that wasn't even on my list. WIsh I had called him something else now!
*My brothers name is Xander - pronounced Zander* (cant remember who posted this)

I used to work with a guy called Zane, his initals were ZXL. (Zane Xavier and I wont tell his last name just in case someone knows him!) Bliddy cool initials though!

I also like Frazer, Cameron (for a boy or a girl), Mitchell, Chloe, Jessica, Alexis, Alexander (boy or girl and would insist they were always addressed by their full name aswell), Khailum (one of the names I wished I'd called my boy), Lewis, Courtney (for a boy), Corey, Freddie, Francesca shortened to Frankie (called my cat this when I didn't have a daughter), Milly, Maisie....

Arrgghhh I want another one just to give it all those names
Ohh I like Trent! And I know a Brett too.I used to like Morgan for a girl but then I got to know a girl called Morgan and we fell out and had a ruck I also know a Sheridon (love that name) and I know a Sherylin. I also know a and like the name Mali (or Marley), my son's friend is called Ethan, like that one too.

I blimmin hate my name, all of it (first, middle and surname) and keep saying I'm gonna change it but it's a bit late now

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