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Dylan was on my shortlist when I was having Alfie!  In fact... it was the mother in law getting a dog and calling it Dylan that knocked it off the list.

I suspect it was a revenge attack.... she'd phoned me earlier on and asked if I would do her a favour (in the tone of voice you'd use if you were asking someone for a lift somewhere)... would I please name the baby after her late husband... if it was a boy.

Would I call him Duncan!

Oh I did laugh!
My old housemate was called Hephzibah
oh... thats Christmas card stress that one is!   There are some really hard to spell (or unknown how to pronounce if we haven't actually seen them since baby born ... e.g. Niamh & Siobhan)

I had a friend called Shifteh (phonetically spelled).... I still dunno how to spell it... I avoided having to write it.  Her sisters were called Shole & Shivah... so Shifteh may have been right... she used to get a bit touchy about peeps calling her shifty though

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