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Loads and loads of people seem to have dogs with both my kids names... and my name.

But my daughters name especially, which is Molly.   I know its really really common now.. but when I chose it it wasn't,.  I'd actually wanted to call her Holly, but someone beat me to it..... the GP looked surprised when I introduced him to her... and asked if it was a family name !

Then Philip Schofield had his daughter & called her Molly...  

On my morning dog walk... if I am on time I usually meet a lab called Molly... then a lab called Katie (my name)... then Jack Russell called Alfie... my son's name!

I have come to believe that you could call a kid crisp packet and within days get so used to it it seems normal.   

Some of my friends kids have crisp packet type names
I suppose if you think about it , anything goes these days right enough

There are some random names out there just now.

When I was trying to choose my Mum (nursery nurse) kept saying 'Oh no , I know a such and such and she/he is a nightmare' Eventually I we nt for the most random and unusual name I could think of. Muhaha no one will have that!
but if you knew a baby called Bailey you'd soon loose the drink association. One of my friends... who ended up being single when she had her baby called him Bastian. That one took quite a bit of getting my head round...
oh I dunno... A family member called her son West... I still think its flippin stupid now, and he must be at least 12 And I recently found out a girl I knew years ago has a daughter called Tizzie, WTF?!
But Jen...  kids will pull apart every name... Molly used to come home in tears cos the kids used to sing "Molly did a polly on her dolly"... or "Molly put the kettle on".

Alfie nearly hit a kid that kept calling him Elfie.

And yet the girl at my daughters old school... who was quite well known for her extra curricular activities with the boys, was called Billie Joe... AND NO-ONE EVER THOUGHT OF THE OBVIOUS!

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